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PreRish Drabble : Family || Kasautii Zindagii Kay || KZK || Prerna || Mr Bajaj

Rishabh looked at his wife who was feeding their little girl. Prerna looked up and caught him watching her. She smiled her dazzling smile and he grinned back watching the two people who meant the world to him. 
He was sure that he would never love anyone the way he loved his wife. But when his wife became pregnant with his daughter, his love increased to encompass both of them in its absence. Throughout the pregnancy, he would croon songs to his wife's swollen belly while feeding her fruits, nuts, goodies that she craved for in the middle of the night. They were the two women of his life - who kept his feet firmly planted on this earth. 
He looked at her longingly, his heart welling, a mix of awe, pride and love expanding in his chest. He tilted his head down and pressed his lips to her bare shoulder in a tender kiss. "I love you both so so much." 
"We love you too." Prerna crooned. 
"Hey lil munchkin!" Rishabh gently picked his sleeping munchkin up from Prerna's lap, planting soft little kisses on her face. 
Kasak smiled in her sleep.
He, very carefully, placed her in her cot and joined his wife in the bed. 
Prerna yawned slowly. "Let's go to sleep." She said in a soft whisper. 
"Alright. You get comfy and I will turn off the lights." He flicked the light switch, plunging the room into darkness. 
He then carefully lifted the duvet and climbed in. Draping his arm around her, he pulled her closer. 
They lay there in the darkness, both waiting for sleep to overtake them. Rishabh felt Prerna begin to nod off in his arms, he pulled her closer to his body. 
He couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man alive, who was blessed with two amazing women in his life. And he knew he'd do everything in his power to protect them both, promising to himself that no matter what happens, he will always be there for the both of them. 
Prerna sighed happily. "Goodnight Mr. Bajaj." She whispered as she shifted into his embrace. 
Rishabh smiled. "Goodnight Mrs. Bajaj." He whispered back. 

Gypsy Soul

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