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Ronakshi SS : Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin || KHKT || Kahaan Hum Kahaan Tum || Kahan Hum Kahan Tum

Rohit quietly walked past the rambunctious laughter that was coming from the dining room. It sounded like happiness, something he was now sure would never be a part of his life. He loved his family and didn’t want to spoil their fun. Rohit stepped out of the elevator and into his bedroom. He didn’t bother turning on the light. As he walked into the bedroom, he let the darkness in the room slowly engulf him as the tears silently fell. 

2 hours ago...

Rohit left the jewelry shop feeling a certain excitement he hadn’t felt in years. He was sure she would love the ring. It was simple and elegant, just like her. Sonakshi Rastogi. He couldn’t wait to let the woman who ruled his dreams and every waking moment, know how much he loved her. A sudden vibration interrupted his thoughts. 
“Did you tell her yet?” Rohit chucked at how impatient the voice sounded. “No, but I will today.” “You got this!” As he hung up, Rohit smiled. He spent years waiting to apologize to Raima and to start a new life with her. But Ajit was right, things have changed. He felt it the second he hugged Raima upon her return and he was sure she felt it too. Before they dated, they were great friends and that’s exactly what they were meant to be. He felt content knowing that Raima was happy and had moved on in life. She decided to go to New York to pursue her dreams. She was one of the few people who knew that he was going to propose to Sonakshi and she couldn’t be happier. 
As soon as the car stopped in front of the restaurant, Rohit jumped out of the car and went inside. He didn’t have to look twice to see her. She simply looked like a goddess in the midnight blue gown that looked like it was made for her. She kept her hair left open- just how he loved it! She smiled and waved as he walked in. 
After a delicious meal and a good conversation (including some sassy debates), Rohit decided to do what he planned the entire evening for. He could feel his heart thudding against his chest.
“Sonakshi... umm I need to tell you... I mean I need to talk to you about something”.
“Sure! Why are you hesitating Rohit? Kahin phir se koi proposal lekar to nahin aaye?” She chucked and usually that sounded like music to his ears but today he felt nervous. “Actually, my family would love for me to get married. Now that Raima has moved on”. He laughed nervously hoping to give her a hint. She raised and eyebrow questioningly. Rohit swallowed hard. Why was this so hard! He could tell Sonakshi anything without ever hesitating. She knew things about him that no one else did. 
“Sonakshi... I know it has taken me a long time to realize this but I do now. You are perhaps the only person who understands me and I feel a connection with you that I have never felt with anyone! I thought it was just friendship but it’s so much more! I can’t imagine a life where you aren’t there right by my side! I want to laugh with you! To share secrets with you! Heck, you are the only woman I can cry in front of! You make me feel special! I really hope you feel the same way about me! Sonakshi, I really love you! Will-“ he stopped as she burst out laughing. Rohit felt his face burn and he was sure he turned red. “Why are you laughing?” Sonakshi raised her hand as if asking for a minute and continue to laugh. Rohit looked around the restaurant. “Sonakshi, you are embarrassing me”, he said softly. Sonakshi took a few deep breaths and calmed down. “That was so funny Rohit! I have to admit the first time you did this I was angry. But you were so on point today! Wow I mean mere saath reh reh ke acting bhi seekh li tumne! I am sure if it was someone else they would have fallen for it! Good one! Now seriously, what did you want to tell me? Don’t tell me your need me to be your pretend girlfriend again. I can’t do that drama anymore.” 
“I meant everything I said Sonakshi! This time it’s no drama! I love—“
“Rohit! Are you serious? This isn’t funny anymore! Now you are upsetting me! I said yes the first time to help a friend but doesn’t mean I can keep doing this! Do you understand that I have feelings! No girl wants a fake proposal! You call yourself my friend and you keep putting me down!” Rohit looked at her incredulously. 
“Don’t act so shocked! You keep demeaning my profession, my family and even my feelings. Yes, I don’t save lives but that doesn’t make me any less of a professional! I act on screen but that does not mean I’ll cling to any man and pretend to be in love offscreen! What kind of cheap woman do you think I am!” Sonakshi looked furious and Rohit swallowed the growing lump in his throat.
“You know what Mr. Rohit Sippy! You think of me as some sort of personal helpline instead of a friend. You need something and you automatically assume that I will do it for you or take care of it for you! You need to deal with your own problems by yourself! Your family wants you to get married, you tell them you don’t want to or just get married to the girl they choose for you! But stop involving me in all of this! It’s my life! No some kind of joke!” 
Rohit felt hurt and angry! He wanted to lash out at her but he knew that somewhere this was all his fault! He caused her to feel this mistrust towards him. “I’m sorry I hurt you Sonakshi. I never wanted to!”
“Look Rohit, I know I sound harsh but I don’t want you to ruin your life nor mine! Don’t repeat what you did in Pune! Don’t ruin yourself! Tell those you love how you feel and they will understand!” 
Rohit chuckled bitterly. “I’m sure they will”. 
Sonakshi sighed. “Look, I didn’t mean to get so angry but I’m tired! I feel like these past few months have caused so much turmoil—“
“You mean ever since you met me?”
“Dr. Surgeon, you definitely made a thunderous entry into my life but no I don’t mean that! You are a wonderful person Rohit! But I guess we are too different in terms of how we view life! And for me, nothing is above respect! I have a lot of self respect and I demand that those I love respect me! I made it clear to my mom as well! If you don’t respect me, you can’t be a part of my life! And I feel disrespected when you ask me to do these things!”
“Well, you are the great Parvati! How can anyone disrespect you!” Rohit joked knowing that he was too close to snapping. The pain was too great to bear. Even in his wildest dreams, he hadn’t imagined that the night would take such a turn. He was so sure she felt the same way! Rohit could tell she loved him! The way she looked at him when she thought he wasn’t looking! The way they felt so perfect together. Rohit looked away awkwardly before turning back to Sonakshi. 
Sonakshi smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Rohit felt a sharp pang inside his heart. God knows how much he hurt her for her to feel so much anger and mistrust towards him. 
“You know what, dinner is on me. I called you here and even made you upset. The least I can do is cover tonight’s dinner.”
“No Rohit, as usual I would appreciate if we split.” Rohit nodded, he never pushed her in this matter and always tried to respect her wishes. They had nothing more to say. Once the bill was settled, the air was thick with unsaid emotion and awkward silence. They both decided to leave the restaurant. 
As they both walked to their cars, Sonakshi looked back at him and gave a small wobbly smile that broke his heart. It took all his courage to not walk to her and take her into his arms for a bone crushing hug. The distance between them felt cold and haunting. He missed her every second they spent away and now her rejection made things even more difficult.


Sonakshi walked into her empty apartment. Her mom and siblings were away for a short vacation and Muniya was at her sister’s place. Sonakshi locked the door and sank to the ground. She didn’t know when she started sobbing but she couldn’t stop. She should have known he was doing all this because his family was asking him to. Rohit would never understand her feelings. She wiped her tears. She was done crying for him or trying to get him to see that she loves him. But somewhere inside her heart, Sonakshi knew it wasn’t easy. Nor could she shake off the look Rohit gave her before getting in the car. Was he telling the truth? No! She couldn’t fall weak again! She had to be strong! As the tears dried, Sonakshi made a decision, one that she was determined to stick to. 

“Television actress Sonakshi Rastogi announces her engagement to a mystery man! Who is he! Any guesses?” As Rohit walked pass the living room he heard those words he covered his entire being in dread and anger. Sonakshi was getting married?


Part 2

Sonakshi didn’t realize when her eyes closed until the title track of her show reached her ears. Her eyes felt puffy and she could feel the trail her tears left on her cheeks. She sat up and grabbed her phone. The name that flashed made her heart leap and then sink. She hit the green button and held the phone to her ears. Silence. That’s all that could be heard but she knew he was there. She could sense his unsteady breathing on the other end. 
Rohit let the silent tears spill down his cheeks as he held the phone to his ear. He could feel her presence but didn’t know what to say. They both sat still for what felt like hours. All Rohit wanted to do was to hold Sonakshi in his arms but he knew that was impossible. 
“I’m so sorry. For everything,” he couldn’t say anything else. He wanted to say so much but his voice cracked and he couldn’t stop the tears that followed. 
“Rohit... Please,” Sonakshi couldn’t hold back her tears. She knew he was sorry and that he truly felt bad. But she didn’t know if she had it in her to be friends with someone she was in love with. Yes! She was in love with Rohit Sippy and now her heart was broken.
“I hate how we left things at the restaurant Sonakshi. That’s not us. There is never any awkwardness between us.” He took a deep breath to steady his voice. “I know you don’t believe me but I meant every word I said. This has nothing to do with my family or anyone else. I love you! I don’t know when or how it happened but I really love and care for you! You make me feel alive! Sonakshi, I thought you felt the same way. Whenever I am around you, everything seems alright. But I don’t just love you! I respect you and care for you! I would never want you to be unhappy. If you don’t feel the same way, just tell me now. I will never bring it up! But don’t stop talking to me! I can’t bear the silence between us.” He closed his eyes as a pained expression crossed his features.
“Rohit, I need some time to process everything. I don’t want to lose you either. But I need to think about myself.“ Sonakshi tried to keep her voice steady.
After a few minutes of silence, Sonakshi sighed. “Rohit, please say something.”
“Take all the time you need Sonakshi. I’m always here for you. I hope you get all the happiness you deserve,” Rohit smiled slightly.
They both hung up with heavy hearts and neither slept peacefully that night. 

Sonakshi arrived on set exhausted the next morning. She was wide awake all night. “Garma garam chai for Shrimati Parvatiji.”
“Stop calling me that! I’ll start calling you Shriman Kunalji.” Sonakshi smiled and took the tea from Arjun. She sipped it and sighed, it really hit the spot. Her eyes met those of her costar whose striking blue eyes were twinkling with mirth.
He wrapped his arms around her neck from the side as they walked to her makeup room. Arjun was a blessing in her life. After years of working with Sumit, she deserved a costar like Arjun.
“So what’s bothering you?” Sonakshi looked up surprised. 
“Nothing. I’m just tired.”
“Okay, but if you need to talk, I’m here.”
“Aww thank you! Now any news here?”
“Nothing much. Netraji called us to her office in 15 mins.”
“Okay let’s start heading there. I’m sure it’s important.”

Rohit woke up and he felt like he had been hit by a truck. His head was pounding and he could barely keep his eyes open. He quickly got dressed and planned to make a dash to the hospital. He was in no mood to socialize or joke around with anyone. As he headed down the stairs, he heard Tanya and Rohan.
“Be dressed by 6. I’m taking you to your favorite restaurant, followed by a movie.”
“Ohhh which one?”
“It’s a surprise but you are going to love it.”
Rohit tried to tune away the conversation as Tanya giggled and Rohan whispered sweet nothings to her. He was happy for his little brother but hearing the romantic conversation between the two did nothing to soothe the raw pain in his heart. He was about to walk away when his mother called him. 
“Rohit, where are you going? You didn’t have dinner yesterday. I won’t let you step out without breakfast.” He couldn’t meet his mother’s eyes so he sat down and picked at his food.
As he was about to head out the door, his mother’s voice stopped him. “Rohit, ek minute. Is everything okay? Don’t make an excuse.”
“Everything is fine, Mom. I just have a few important appointments and a major surgery so I’m a little nervous. Plus, I came home late night so I’m a little tired.” Rohit gave her a smile but when her hands touched his cheeks he almost dropped the act. “I’ll send some lunch for you. Don’t overwork yourself.” His mom gave him a bright smile and Rohit couldn’t help but give her a tight hug. She rubbed his back, almost as if she could sense the storm wreaking havoc inside his entire being. Rohit quickly left and decided to focus on the one thing that gave him peace, his duty as a heart surgeon.

That night, Sonakshi and Arjun left the studio exhausted. Netraji had informed them that despite the initial hate from some Sumit fans, they were rocking the charts and slowly everyone was accepting the new pair. How could they not? Arjun was brilliant as Kunal and such a lovable human being. However, the channel wanted to promote the pair more. They just finished a fun interview and had a dance performance scheduled for the upcoming award function. They were tired but very satisfied with the result of all their hard work. 
“I can’t wait to hit the bed!” Arjun groaned.
“Aha, is Shonali coming by tonight? Then I doubt you will get any sleep.” 
Arjun let out a dramatic gasp as they walked to his car. “Parvatiji, aap ke muh se aise naughty baatein!” Sonakshi laughed. Arjun made it a habit to drop her home every once in a whole. She was one of the few people who knew about his secret girlfriend.
“You know I don’t say this often Sona, but I’m so lucky to have you as my costar!”
“Aww Arjun! I know I’m just too awesome! Jokes apart, I’m lucky to have you in my life! You bring me joy!”
“Aww love you loads girl! You better stay this awesome all your life.”
They both laughed and got into their car, not noticing the man walking past them with a device in his hand.

Rohit left the hospital much later than expected. He was exhausted and was about to fall asleep when Ravi turned on the radio softly. Usually, he would tell him to turn it off but as he heard the lyrics of the song, he closed his eyes, letting the tears spill on their own accord. He loved Sonakshi Rastogi and now his heart was broken.

Maana ke hum yaar nahin
Lo tay hain ke pyaar nahin
Phir bhi nazrein na tum milana
Dil ka aetbaar nahin
Maana ke hum yaar nahin

Part 3

Arjun had the goofiest grin on his face as he left the shop. He was finally going to make their relationship official. No more hiding! In his excitement, he missed noticing the man across the street taking some candid pictures of him.
On the set of KPK
Sonakshi smiled at the camera. A news team had arrived to cover their scenes for the day. “So Parvatiji, please tell us a little about the scenes for today.” 
“Sure, we have a small family dinner scene and then a romantic scene between Parvati and Kunal. As you know Kunal and Parvati have decided to get married again. So the different rasams will be starting. But for that of course, our Kunal needs to be here. But don’t worry, he is on his way.” She smiled and started to walk away. The news reporter followed her and Sonakshi tried to keep the smiling facade. 
“So fans are slowly loving this new Kunal. How would you explain your equation with him? Do you miss Sumit Khanna?”
Sonakshi clenched her fists under the dupatta. She hated remembering Sumit and his dirty ways. 
“I don’t think anyone else could have played Kunal better than Arjun. He picked up the pieces when we really needed that support. I would say Arjun is an amazing costar who really cares for his craft and has a positive aura about him. You can’t miss anyone with him around.” Sonakshi tried to keep her calm as she said this with a smile to the camera. It was true that Arjun was a fantastic costar but she really wished Sumit’s name wasn’t mentioned. Saara mood karaab ho gaya. 
“Humara zikr toh har pal hua fasane mein, toh kya hua jo thodi der huyi aane mein.” 
Sonakshi jumped a little and spun around only to see Arjun displaying his most charming smile to the reporter. “Looks like you need some saving.” He discreetly winked and then faced the camera like a pro. The girl was practically drooling over him and Sonakshi smiled for real this time seeing her costar’s silly antics. As they spent some more time chatting with the reporters, a man standing nearby had a dirty smile on his face. 
“Sumit Khanna gave me the tip of a lifetime. This news will change my career.” He took a few shots of Arjun’s hand which was currently resting near Sonakshi waist. It was a platonic touch but with the correct angle and headline, it could become breaking news. All he needed was a byte from the lady herself. He made a quick call and had his boss arrange a quick interview with her and went to get some lunch. He still had an hour before he would meet Sonakshi Rastogi and by tonight, he would be a star reporter. 
Sippy Mansion
That night, the entire Sippy family sat down for dinner. “Sonakshi, zara salad pass karna.” Rohit looked up when he heard no reply and saw his entire family stare at him. His entire face went beet red and his throat closed up as he noted her absence. During the act, Sonakshi would often have dinner with the Sippy’s. Rohit knew his mom was looking at him so he averted his gaze and excused himself after some time, citing exhaustion from work. 
Veena Sippy was walking to Rohit’s room when she heard a familiar voice. What was Sonakshi doing here, she thought. As she got closer, Veena was pretty sure it wasn’t Sonakshi who was in Rohit’s room. But never did she expect to see the sight that greeted her when she gently knocked and entered her eldest son’s room.
Rohit was sitting on the floor and even though he was looking straight at the laptop screen, he had no idea what was going on. He was just listening to her voice. The voice that scolded him, soothed him and made him smile no matter how upset he was. When he hit play in the beginning, all he saw were her eyes but even that became a blur as the minutes went by. He couldn’t see anything anymore. His own tears were preventing him from seeing her. Rohit blinked and even though tears fell down his cheeks, fresh ones replaced them just as quickly. He could not ignore nor could he express the void in his life. He felt hollow and empty ever since she silently decided to withdraw herself from his life.  
Veena held back her tears as she saw Rohit sitting on the floor. He was still and she would have been alarmed had she not noticed the tears that were constantly falling from his eyes. She called him softly a few times but he didn’t respond. A part of her wanted to give him his privacy while a part of her was scared and wanted to hold her son. But he was an adult and she had to give him his space. When he was ready to talk about it, he would and she would give him all the support he needs. Veena closed the door softly and left the room.
As Parvati held back her tears at a taunt given by her in laws, Rohit felt a sob escape his throat. He felt pathetic but he couldn’t stop the soft screams and sobs that wracked his body. He placed the laptop next to him and pulled his knees closer. After some time, Rohit took a few deep breaths to calm down. Every inch of his body hurt and he felt nauseous. He decided to wash up and go downstairs for a bit. Surgeon Rohit Sippy wasn’t one to escape reality. Sonakshi wanted some time and she rightly deserved it. But he would speak to her again. Love or no love, she was his closest friend and he wasn’t going to lose her. 
As Veena walked downstairs towards the living room, she heard Ajit. “Whaaat! Vimmi turn on the tv now!” 
“Kya hua?”
On the other side of Mumbai....
“Kya hua?” Sonakshi had turned as the door to her makeup room burst open and she was surprised to see a distraught Netraji and an Arjun who looked like he was minutes from breaking down. Sonakshi quickly wiped her eyes. She didn’t want anyone to know about her and Rohit. But when she was alone, she couldn’t help but remember each and every moment they spent together. It was engraved somewhere within her soul. No matter what, she couldn’t deny what he meant to her. Sonakshi shook away her thoughts and focused on the two people in her room.
“Arjun, what happened?” He didn’t say anything and silently handed her his phone. She pressed play on the clip and the headline nearly made her loose her footing. Sonakshi sat down in shock. 
Breaking News: Popular TV Actress Sonakshi Rastogi announces her engagement to a mystery man! Who is he! Any guesses? Well we have the spicy news for you! It’s none other than... her currently on screen flame Arjun Vashisht! 
Sonakshi felt her stomach do a flip. There were different pictures of her and Arjun, except the way they were presented, it was the farthest thing from reality. There was a picture of Arjun’s hand on her waist and a big red circle was drawing attention to it. Sonakshi recognizes most of the pictures from either the set or outside his car. Another clip showed Arjun holding a little box exiting a jewelry shop. The camera zoomed to his smiling face. 
She looked up at Arjun but didn’t know what to say. “I wanted to finally make it official in front of my family, her family and the world. I was going to tell her how I feel Sonakshi but now she isn’t picking up my calls”. Arjun teared up and covered his face with his hands as Netraji comforted him.
“How did this...” Sonakshi paused as she saw the next part of the clip.
“We heard that you are getting married Parvati?”
“Aap logon se kabhi koi baat chup sakhta hai? Haan yeh sach hai...but we are taking it slow and easy. Although, Kunal badi jaldi mein hain. Anyway har ek rasam alag se hoga. Aap log bhi invited ho iss lambe safar mein. Thank god atleast roka toh ho gaya. Ab officially sagai bhi ho jayegi, phir baaki sab.” There was wedding music playing in the background followed by a romantic song and some more happy pictures of the two.
Sonakshi was furious! “They edited my interview! I was talking about the show! What on earth were they thinking! We are not Parvati and Kunal! We are Sonakshi and Arjun!” She stood up and started to pace.
Netraji tried to calm her as she raged. 
Sonakshi suddenly looked at her costar and sat next to him. “I’m so sorry Arjun.”
He sighed, “it’s not your fault. They used clips of me too. I was talking about the roka track and they edited that as well. Why would someone do this! We work so hard to entertain people and this is what we get! It’s so unfair and wrong!” Arjun rubbed his temple. “Sonakshi, she isn’t picking up my calls! I’m really scared!” 
Sonakshi grabbed her phone and dialed a number. “Sho, it’s me. Listen, I know you are angry and upset. Trust me, I am furious too! But you know better than anyone that Arjun is like brother to me! No matter what goes on in the show! Come to our set. We need to talk! Just once, please! Thank you!”
Arjun looked at her surprised and she sighed. “We are in this mess together and we will fix it together! She is a sensible girl Arjun, I think her being upset in the moment makes sense. We will make her understand!” Arjun reached over and gave Sonakshi a quick hug.
“I’ll speak to my contacts to see who did this. We can release an official press statement tomorrow. I’ll handle everything! We will first file a case against them! I’m sure other media outlets will support us!” Netraji left and the duo waited for Shonali to arrive. 
Sippy Mansion
Rohit rubbed his face as he walked out of the elevator. As he walked into the living room, he heard a voice yelling from the television. Popular TV Actress Sonakshi Rastogi announces her engagement to a mystery man! Who is he! Any guesses? Well we have the spicy news for you! It’s none other than... her currently on screen flame Arjun Vashisht! Rohit felt his entire world come to a standstill as he stood rooted to the spot. He didn’t even notice his entire family gathered around the television set. Dread, anger and raw pain filled his entire being. Sonakshi told him that she needed time to think. But she never told him that she intended to get married to someone else. She wanted to marry Arjun! No wonder she rejected him! But why did she lie, why couldn’t she just tell him that she didn’t want to marry him? Rohit closed his eyes and opened them, hoping to clear his disturbing thoughts. 
Veena Sippy looked up and saw her son. Quickly recovering from the shock, she reached for the remote to turn off the tv but Ajit spoke up before she could do anything. 
“Bhai, do you know anything about this? Sonakshi never mentioned anything! I heard rumors about her and Arjun but I thought it was all fake. I just saw the news on twitter. They even have an interview from her confirming it. What a shocker!”
“I’m pretty shocked too! But I don’t blame her. I met Arjun at a party and the dude is a winner! He’s a good looking man with charm and persona! Any girl would fall for him. But I must say he wooed her pretty fast!” Rohan said laughing. “I need to take some tips from him,” he said jokingly. Tanya gave her husband a small smack on his arm. No one noticed how pale Rohit became hearing all this. 
After a few seconds of silence, Rohit spoke up. “She didn’t mention anything to me. I guess she wanted to surprise everyone. We should all wish her the next time we see her.” Rohit said calmly and with a small smile. But Veena Sippy saw right though it. She could see her son crumbling before her eyes and it’s broke her heart. 
Rohit walked away as the laugher and shock slowly died down and everyone started to go back to their rooms. Everyone was so happy and excited for Sonakshi. Maybe she did deserve someone like Arjun,someone who made her happy. Not someone who constantly gave her tears and added to her pain. He even caused her mom to have a heart attack. When Raima came back into his life, he didn’t stop Sonakshi from leaving. She always supported him but he was never able to do anything for her. Why would she even want someone like him? He didn’t deserve Sonakshi, who was truly an amazing and beautiful soul. But despite it all, he thought he saw love for him in her eyes and he never failed to read those deep enchanting eyes. 
Rohit walked into his room and decided it was time to face her and simply ask her for the truth. The one thing that never changed between them was their ability to communicate to one another. There was no one he felt more comfortable speaking to than Sonakshi and nothing was going to change that. But he could not ignore the pang in his heart as he thought about Arjun and Sonakshi. Did she really not feel the same way about him as he did for her? Was she really in love with Arjun? 

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