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Mishbir FF

She who was made of dreams..

She was sweet as honey,much like her name ,although she was never much fond it.her name was one of her serious concerns in life. She didn't like the sound of it and moreover it didn't match the profile of the kind of author she wished to become one day or a journalist even.
An avid book lover she was. In her words
- " birds have wings But humans have books!"
She had long bushy black hair that she was never much fond of,for it reminded her of her mother and boy it was anything but a pleasant reminder.
She had a habit of sitting through the night drinking coffee,penning down her thoughts.she didn't mind the company of her insomnia (although it was quite responsible her dark circles). It allowed her to be in her own company when the whole world was fast asleep..without any hustle.
Her mind always had so much going was always so noisy and all over the place in contrast to her personality (or the one she lets others to see).
And autumn was her favourite. The season comforted her in unspeakable ways. For her - autumn was more the season of the soul than of nature....🍁

He who was all grey

A photographer. A painter. An occasional guitar player.. Bearer of  perhaps the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes..
The one who was difficult to get hold of, for he travelled so vigorously. No strings attached with anyone.
He wasn't much of a speaker but he had his way with words. Poetry especially.
Life had dealt him some heavy blows that he was  barely bearing alright. But then he was a fighter,whatever come may.
His heart craved for a home but he was all too stubborn to admit it. He's made himself an intense and challenging man with a guarded heart..
Autumn was his favourite. It reminded him that broken and sad things still had a beauty about them,they were still capable of spreading some warmth in others heart. Perhaps not for long but they did. It was the season that filled him with hopes of distant dreams . Moreover, it was the season that brought him to her...🍂
Writer : Marsisn'tfar

ch-1 "somewhere far from home.."

" I want to swim in it sometimes This feeling of all engulfing Melancholy; And though it feels like it drowns me at times I know I can float and  drift away..."
It was autumn. Fog was the spirit of the season,making the familiar unfamiliar,muting sounds and softening colours. The leaves are just beginning to turn and the air was staring to bite.
It was drizzling that morning. Filling the weather with cold breezes. Abir didn't mind the cold that much. He liked how the world seems to slow down with the cold settling in. He was in his basement, standing in front of a huge canvas ,debating about the colours that he was going to blend that day. Trying to find the arc that was going to define his theme for the day. Finally after a lot of internal arguments he decided to go with blue. It matched with the weather. Besides he really enjoyed the blueish morning haze. So blue it is.
He took a deep breath,soaking in the afterglow of a stormy night and letting his imagination run wild. He picked up a brush- a thin one- and open a tube of persian blue. He dabbed his brush on the paint and started to paint. With every stroke of the brush,he would feel more at ease. It was a therapeutic experience for him. he barely notices how time slips by when he's painting. painting lets him discover the parts of himself that he never could've otherwise. It was his safe haven.
It was well past noon when he finally came out of his studio. He felt rather hungry so he made himself a cup of coffee. A strong one. With it he toasted two loafs of bread. He wasn't much of a cook but he enjoyed making his meals. he poured some milk for his cats - rose and Casper , whom he found abandoned down the street a few weeks back. He decided it wouldn't be bad to have some company.
with his breakfast he came to sit beside the window,it was still raining outside.  While eating he started to write down the errands that needed his attention that day- he needed to buy some milk and some groceries. That's it. He was glad.
He grabbed his coat and his camera and set out of the house. He took his favourite woodland way. Alone in the eerie calm of the trees,he made his way to the store. He loved every bit of his life in this old town. He loved these drowsy lonely days ,the pouring rain and the city drowning in the foggy grey.  It was a different life.much different from the one that he lead when he was with his family. And for that, he was glad . really glad.  On most days he would sit in coffee shops and watch men and women cross roads.see the sun sink below the horizon and finally disappear. He would write at times and in other times he would mindlessly roam around the city with his camera,capturing random moments.
Abir found a note ,that evening ,on his door when he returned from his grocery shoping which read-
"your help will be much appreciated.cooperate with me. Stop smiling!this is serious matter. Am i even your friend ??coz remember - friend in need is a friend indeed !?! JUST TAKE THE JOB dammit P.s - please .."
Abir could not stop laughing at his friend's foolish attempts to make him accept the job. This was heights now. For the entire past week Abir had received all sorts of things from bouqets of flowers,free concert tickets to serious threatening letters from sameer. His best friend. Well the situation was that ,sameer was the marketing head for his publishing company and the company's Editor in chief resigned without any prior notice and hence they were in dire need of an editor. And sameer was hellbent on making Abir take the position. Atleast for a short period of time. hence the desperate attempts.
But Abir's relation with desk jobs was quite a complicated affair. He despised it. He did feel a little guilty for not wanting to do the job when he knew sameer was in need of help . and he was even thinking of reconsidering his decision about it.Just when he was lost in those thoughts a voice whispered from behind
" hello, Mr Abir stubborn-Rajvansh". Abir jumped in surprise. It was sameer.
"How did you even get in?"
"Door was open my friend or should I say ex-friend?" He knew Abir hated taunts.
" Sameer Trivedi! Relax. I have been thinking about this. I know you need my help. And i know you wouldn't have asked if it weren't for an emergency. I am accepting your job bu.."
Before Abir could continue any further sameer jumped onto abir to give him a tight hug "now that's like my good boy" he said like a proud dad." I've raised you well."
" but I'll be doing this for just three months. Until you find a suitable editor.just three months. Then i quit."
"Done.done.but join from tomorrow. There's already a huge pile of work lined up. I demand no more delays" sameer said with this smug grin on his face.
"Okay then, it's a deal." Abir sighed in defeat. realising how worthless it was to argue with his dramatic tomorrow it is.
I can't believe he talked me into this. Abir hissed under his breath after sameer bid adieu. So , Editor in chief Abir Rajvansh, good luck with the job. What harm could a three month job do anyway. Maybe a little less time to paint ,less wandering in the streets .more stress.dreadful deadlines. He hated deadlines.
It wont be too bad .He thought to himself completely oblivious to what awaited ahead of him. His life was going to take a complete about turn.

ch-2 " coffee stains don't go that easy"

"you get lost out of a desire to get lost but in the place called lost  strange and beautiful things are found..."
It was vaguely two in the afternoon, mishty was standing on top of the caverly hills looking over the obscured perspective of the city. it looked so tiny with its houses and tall clocks that reminded people of the time that was passing by.
mishty was feeling the rush of exploring a foreign city on her own for the first time in her twenty three years of existence. It wasn't easy convincing her family to let her venture on her own but after a whole lot of arguments, fights and crying they agreed upon her proposal- a year long internship at a publishing firm. On her own!
she wanted to breathe it all in.  Her new found freedom. she wanted to discover about herself and find a place for herself in the world. An identity of her own. she was up for all the good as well as the bad that this journey was gonna bring.she was ready to embrace it all in and experience life on her own. at least for a little while.
on her way back to her apartment she bought a vase full of flowers,some blue hydrangeas,purple brassicas,some asiatic lilies,some peach roses and some carnations. She loved having flowers around her,she liked the connotations of grace and elegance they brought with them along with calmness and poetic romance with a symbolism of gratitude.
gardens were her safe haven,they have always been. she'd spend hours sitting in the garden back home, sometimes writing,stirring up various plots struggling to organize them into a systematic tale, the other times she'd just lay in the grass to stare at the clear blue of the sky that always comforted her,made her feel a sense of belonging . as much as she loved the garden she never was much good with plants. It was her bade papa who'd handle that department of the garden. she'd watch him treat the plants with so much care and delicacy. the site always moved her. his ability to love unconditionally always moved her.
It has just been a week since she moved into her new apartment. she's trying her best to make it as homely as she could and after a whole week of hustle bustle she was quite happy with the outcome. she loved setting up her new home except for the bits that involved moving furnitures.that part  was a nightmare.
Next day was going to be the first day of her internship. she was feeling a mixture of emotions. she was happy. she was nervous.she was excited and she was petrified of what lied ahead. she was going to intern under the editor in chief himself. she knew it was going to be challenging and there will be a lot to learn. she fought hard to get this position for a year and hence intended to give it the best of her abilities.
Mishty made herself some tomato and zuccini soup for dinner and decided to go to sleep early though she knew she was barely gonna sleep that night.
after dinner and doing her dishes she lay in bed saying some prayers. it was a ritual of hers. 
" tomorrow is a big day for your life Mish and you'll make sure to give it your best." she thought to herself and imagining all sorts of scenerios she dozed off for a peaceful slumber.
the smell of the new fallen rain caressed the window pane and from time to time Mishty could hear the pitter-patter of the raindrops,the next morning. she rustled around to the other side and noticed the candles still burning. the room was a waltz of scents, from the natural autumn smell to the heirloom pumpkin smells from he candles. It was so cozy that morning. her eyes scrolling across the room fell on the alarm clock that lay beside her bed- 8.13 am it read.
mishty jumped up with a jolt. no, no, no, no, no. this can't be. she cannot be late on her first day.oh god this was a terrible start.
she marathoned her way to the bathroom to take a quick shower and put on the outfit she chose the previous day. she put some light makeup and quickly ran out of the house. 8.35 am it was.she ran to the metro station and managed to catch the train that would drop her just in front of her office.
she could skip her breakfast but she knew she NEEDED her coffee in the morning. she'd otherwise be yawning through the day,which she figured wouldn't leave  a good impression and thus she decided she'd quickly grab a cup of coffee from the office canteen.
the train dropped her in the block of her office . it was 8.55 am. 'not too bad' she thought.'i should be able to grab my coffee and not be more than 5 minutes late.'
she ordered a cup of black coffee and owing to the long line it was already 9.05. which was a bad news for her.the office was on the 38th floor which meant even if she goes by lift she'd be atleast 10 minutes late. 
just as she arrived at the lobby an almost empty lift was about to leave and for some reason mishty felt it'll be  wise of her to run across the lobby to catch that lift. well, that wise decision of hers resulted in a disastrous collision. spilling, if not all,most of her coffee into her dress and the stranger's clothes. mishty felt like crying out loud.this day was an absolute disaster. 
tears started to roll down her eyes.she wasn't much of a crier but for some reason she couldn't stop her tears. through her tears she finally noticed the light hazel brown eyes staring down at her. the owner of those was the stranger whose white shirt was ruined perfectly by her coffee.she wanted to apologise for the nuisance but her words were stuck somewhere down  her throat.
she noticed his eyes scanning her.his face held an expression that she couldn't quite make out.thanks to her teary filled eyes. he didn't seem angry ,that she was certain. before she could formulate any sentence, he said with his deep voice-
"coffee stains don't go that easy ,you know..they are real definition of stubborn. " and made his way through the stairs. 
Mishty released the breath she didn't notice she was holding. whether she liked it or not -those eyes made her heart skip a beat.
"damn those eyes" she scoffed to herself. " I have way too many things to worry about right now like- how to enter the office without being the joke of the day? those eyes should be the last thing i should be thinking about".+
'this is going to be one hell of a ride considering the start.'she thought to herself....

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