Suvan OS: The Night is Still Young | EDKV 2 | Ek Duje Ke Vaaste
OS: The Night is Still Young

The Tiwari family was going to Lucknow for a wedding. But, Suman couldn’t go along since she had a competition coming up soon. Colonel Tiwari asked Devraj and Kavita if Suman could stay with them for a couple of days as he trusted them the most to take care of his princess. Devraj and Kavita happily told him that she could stay and assured him that they would take good care of her. Devraj sent Shravan to help the Tiwaris load their luggage and to bring Suman to their home. Shravan and Suman exchanged smiles as they were excited to spend time together. They waved the family goodbye and headed towards Shravan’s house. Shravan took her suitcase and held her hand. He pulled her close and placed a soft kiss on her head. They had been dating for three months now but only Kanchan, Avni, and Bunty knew.
Shravan knocked at the door and Anvi appeared with a big smile and giggled, “Welcome home, Bhaiyya and Bhabhi! Should I get the pooja thali and the kalash with rice for the Graha Pravesh?” Avni was having fun teasing them as they both looked down and blushed.
“You’re not funny, Avni. Leave us alone”, Shravan rolled his eyes. But, deep inside both Shravan and Suman were imagining the day they would get married and she would come to their home as his bride.
Shravan saw his mom coming and let go of Suman’s hand as they hadn’t told the parents about their relationship yet. “Suman Puttar, you’re here! Shravan, take her stuff to the guest room”, Kavita hugged Suman as she absolutely adored this kind and caring girl. Ever since she became friends with her mischievous son, she started to see positive changes in him.
Shravan set down Suman’s stuff in the guest room. Earlier, he got invited to a party hosted by his friends from his old school. He wanted to introduce Suman to his friends and bring her into his civilian world. But, he was not sure if she would come. But, he decided to ask, “So...I got invited to a party tonight.”
“Oh…”, Suman was disappointed. She thought that they would spend time together alone as they were always surrounded by family and friends. But, it looked like Shravan had different plans and was going to leave her to go to a party. She always felt insecure that she was too boring for him and his adventurous lifestyle.
Shravan was confused by her reaction so he clarified his intention, “I want you to come with me and meet my friends.” Suman was nervous as she had never been to a civilian party before. Their parties didn’t have a good reputation. She paused and thought that if Shravan could adjust himself to the army lifestyle, she could definitely give a try to civilian life for him.
“Okay, I will come with you. What time is the party at and where is it?”
Shravan broke out into a bright smile as he didn’t think she would agree. “In a nightclub at midnight.”
“Midnight? Wouldn’t we be asleep by then?” Suman was confused. Who starts a party that late?
“That’s how our parties are. When your party ends, our party starts.” Shravan winked.
“Did you get permission from Aunty and Uncle?”
“What? No! I can’t tell them that we’re going to a party!” Shravan’s eyes widened as he imagined his Dad’s tight slap if he dared to tell them.
“That’s wrong, Shravan. You shouldn’t lie like that. Besides, they will find out if we try to leave the house.” Suman didn’t always understand Shravan’s ways and this usually led to arguments. But, Shravan being his charming self always knew how to ease her anger and win her heart.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve snuck out late at night and my parents never found out”, Shravan smirked. Her eyes widened in shock and he chuckled at her innocence that made him fall for her. “Look, if you’re not comfortable, we won’t go.”
Suman thought about it for a while. Shravan always did whatever she wanted but this was the first time he was asking for something from her. She smiled and replied, “’s okay. I want to go with you. I want to meet your friends and experience your world.”
“Perfect! Also, I know you don’t drink but they will have alcohol there. I’ll stay with you the whole time and if you’re not comfortable, we will leave. I promise, you’ll have fun! Bunty will be there too!” Shravan was excited. Suman smiled seeing him happy but she felt apprehensive.
After dinner, Suman was getting ready for the party. She wore the same outfit from the night they played snooker. Shravan always liked pink on her. She heard a knock at her door and found Shravan standing there in his blue hoodie looking handsome as always. He took a deep breath as he was mesmerized by her simplicity. “Ready to go?” She nodded and he took her hand as they quietly walked out the house since everyone was already asleep.
Suman loved going on night bike rides with Shravan. But, today she felt uneasy. “Shravan, you’ll stay with me during the party, right?”
“I'll be with you the whole time and if you feel awkward there, we will come back home.” After he reassured her, she felt relaxed and rested her cheek on his back as the crisp air kissed her skin.
As they walked into the party, Suman realized that the parties she went to were very different. The club was dark except for the neon strobe lights that occasionally flashed. The music was loud and the heavy bass made her heart thud. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes was so strong that it made her nauseous. Suman clutched Shravan’s hand tightly and moved closer to him. Shravan saw that she was anxious and rubbed her arm, “Look, I’m not going to force you to be somewhere you aren’t comfortable. Let’s go back home.”
Suman didn’t want Shravan to think that she was some dull introvert who couldn’t match his lifestyle. She smiled and reassured him, “No, I’m fine. It’s just different. I’ll get used to it.”
Then, a group of people approached them with big smiles. The guys yelled Shravan’s name, “Shravan! Bro! Life of the party is finally here!” They gave him high-fives. The girls gave him hugs and said, “Uff Shravan, you have forgotten us ever since you switched schools.” Suman didn’t realize that Shravan was so popular among his old school friends. She felt invisible as his friends surrounded him.
But, Shravan hadn’t forgotten Suman and in fact, his whole attention was on her. He put his arm around her and said to his friends, “Guys, meet Suman, my girlfriend.” Both Suman and Shravan smiled as it felt nice to openly acknowledge their relationship.
His friends pulled them onto the dance floor. Suman felt uneasy as it was dark and crowded. “Ghungroo” was blaring through the speakers. But, all her fear vanished when she saw Shravan’s smile. He twirled Suman and pulled her towards him. She placed her arms around his neck as he laced his arms around her waist. This was a new experience for them. Suman thought to herself that this wasn’t so bad. She enjoyed dancing with him. They were in their own little world amongst the madness. Soon, she started to feel hot and Shravan pulled her away from the crowd.
They sat down at a table. He looked at her and said, “Let’s take a break from dancing. I’ll get us something to drink. What do you want?”
Suman looked around and saw a girl drinking red juice with fruits and ice. She pointed at it and said, “I’ll take that. It looks good.”
Shravan laughed and said, “That's a spiked punch. It has alcohol in it. I’ll get you juice.” Suman looked confusedly at the punch. Who mixes alcohol and juice? Suman broke out of her thoughts as Shravan spoke again, “Are you hungry? The food here is delicious.” Shravan got up to order and said to Suman, “While I’m gone, if anyone offers you a drink, don’t take it. I’ll be back real quick.”
It took a long time for Shravan to order the food as it was busy. Suman patiently waited but was starting to feel uncomfortable without Shravan. Suddenly, a guy sat down at her table and started talking to her, “Hey there! I saw you sitting here alone. Can I buy you a drink?” Suman remembered what Shravan told her and politely declined. But, the guy kept insisting, “It’s just one drink!” Suman declined again and got up to move to another table but he held her hand.
She felt scared as she had never been in this situation before. She wished that Shravan would come back soon. She shouted angrily at the guy, “What kind of behavior is this? Leave my hand!”
Just then, Shravan came back and saw what was happening. He stepped in between Suman and the guy, who moved back as soon as he saw Shravan. Suman could’ve handled the situation on her own but she was glad to see Shravan. She clasped his arm as he protectively stood in front of her. He aggressively said, “Dude, she clearly doesn’t want to talk to you. Leave her alone.”
“I’m sorry, I left you alone. Creeps like that approach girls in clubs and make them feel uncomfortable”, Shravan said angrily after the guy left.
Suman smiled seeing how protective and caring Shravan was. “Everything is fine. Don’t ruin your mood. By the way, didn’t you say Bunty was coming too?”
“I wonder where he is. I’ll text him.” Shravan took out his phone. He looked at Suman sipping on her drink cutely. He couldn’t resist and took a picture of her. “How do you manage to look cute all the time?” Shravan asked dreamily.
“Eww no! That’s such a bad picture of me, Shravan! Delete it!” They continued arguing whether the picture was good or not until they heard a voice behind them.
“Miyan!” Bunty slapped Shravan’s back and gave Suman a fist bump as he sat down. He started talking to them and ate their food.
“Hey! This is for Sumo, not you!”, Shravan said as he pulled the food away from Bunty.
Bunty frowned and Suman playfully hit Shravan’s arm and said, “It’s okay, Bunty. We can share.”
Bunty looked at Shravan and said, “I like her better than you.” Bunty was used to third-wheeling between Shravan and Suman. Over the few weeks, he became good friends with Suman.
Shravan’s friends came over and greeted Bunty. Suddenly, one of Shravan’s friends said, “Dude, you’ve changed so much. You used to be the life of the party. Now you’re just one of those boyfriends who sticks by his girlfriend the whole time.” Suman felt awkward and thought what if they perceived her as possessive and controlling.
Shravan frowned at their words and said, “Yeah, I am exactly that type of boyfriend. So what?”
“Come hang with the boys! We miss partying with you”, his friend replied. Shravan looked apprehensively at Suman because he didn’t want to leave her alone.
One of the girls suggested, “Suman can chill with us girls! We’ll take care of her”.
Suman didn’t want Shravan’s friends to think that she was holding him back. She nudged his elbow and smiled, “Go with your friends. I’ll hang out with the girls. They seem nice.”
Shravan felt uncertain about leaving Suman alone since she didn’t know the girls. His friend snidely said, “Your girlfriend has given you permission now.” Shravan looked annoyedly at his friend but Suman touched his knee calming him down and indicating him to go.
Shravan got up to leave and whispered to Bunty, “Stay near Sumo if she needs something.” Shravan looked back at Suman chatting away with the girls and laughing.
“Suman, right? I’m Nia. I’ve known Shravan for years. So, I heard you two are dating.” Suman nodded with a soft smile reminiscing their sweet moments together.
“Hmm...well, enjoy it while you can”, Nia said with a sarcastic smile.
Suman was confused by what Nia meant. Another girl passed Suman a drink. It was the spiked punch that Shravan told her not to drink. “Try this! It’s so good.”
Suman politely smiled and declined, “Shravan told me that it has alcohol in it and I don’t drink.”
Nia said, “It doesn’t even have that much in it. You’ll be fine.” Suman felt unsure as she looked at the drink. She never had alcohol before. Nia looked at Suman and said, “Actually, I’m surprised that Shravan is dating you.” Suman’s face fell as she wasn’t expecting to hear that. Nia batted her eyes and said, “You don’t seem like his type. He drinks and parties. You don’t do any of that. What do you guys even have in common? Soon, he’ll be bored of you”. Suman’s heart sank. Nia was speaking out her biggest insecurity. “Shravan has changed himself for you. But, have you tried to change yourself for him? Ultimately, he will get fed up with you and leave.” Nia pushed the drink towards Suman. Suman was apprehensive but she thought about Nia’s words. She picked up the glass with a shaky hand and took a big sip. She closed her eyes and winced as the alcohol burnt her throat and the bitter taste seared her tongue.
Another girl laughed, “No offense, but have you been to a party before? Who dresses like this at the club?” Suman noticed that her clothes were very different from their sparkly dresses. She had never been to the club before. Why didn’t Shravan tell her what to wear? Although, the dresses didn’t look comfortable. Nia said, “Shravan likes girls like us and you are so simple. Don’t get me wrong, you’re cute but you’re not sexy. Soon enough, he won’t even feel attracted to you.”
Meanwhile, Shravan was talking with his friends and they said, “Dude, why do you keep drinking juice? Have some vodka!”
Shravan shook his head and said, “I’m not drinking tonight. I’m driving my bike back home.” The truth was that Shravan had driven his bike under the influence of alcohol before. But, he wasn’t drinking tonight because Suman was with him. She came here with him because she knew he would bring her back home safely and he couldn’t break her trust.
Suman felt dizzy but continued drinking. She tried to push out the negative thoughts from her head. Nia put her hand on Suman’s hand and sweetly said, “I can tell you’re a good girl. But, you and Shravan aren’t right for each other. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He will break your heart”.
Suman closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew her Shravan. He would never hurt her. These girls didn’t know what they were saying. Nia said, “I know, you don’t like what we are saying. Maybe you don’t even believe us. But, we’ve known him for years whereas you've only known him for a couple of months.” Suman's lip quivered as tears welled up in her eyes. Nia pointed at the dance floor where a girl was dancing with Shravan. “See! That’s how Shravan is. He’s not serious about you.” Suman couldn’t hold back her tears. She got up and excused herself.
Shravan weaved through the crowd but a girl kept trying to dance with him. He gently pushed her away and looked for Suman. He was confused when he didn't find Suman at the table. He asked Nia, “Have you seen Suman? She was with you, right?”
Nia put her hand on Shravan’s hand and he instinctively moved his hand back. “Yeah, she was chilling with us for a while and then went somewhere.”
Shravan started to panic and frantically looked for her through the crowd. Where could she have gone? He called her phone but she didn’t pick up. He was scared and tried to suppress his negative thoughts. Then, he saw Bunty and pushed him, “Bunty! Where is Sumo? I told you to stay near her!”
“I was with her but then I saw my friend. She looked comfortable with the girls so I left. What do you mean where is she? Did she leave?”
“I don’t know! She’s not picking up her phone! I’m really scared, Bunty. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have left her alone!”
Bunty rubbed Shravan’s back as he trembled. “It’s okay, don’t worry. We’ll find her.” He had never seen Shravan this scared before. They looked around for Suman then suddenly Bunty stopped. His eyes widened and he pointed over Shravan’s shoulder, “I think I found her.” Shravan turned around and couldn’t believe what he saw. Suman was on a stage dancing to, “Garmi”. He quickly ran towards the stage and tried to call her name but the music was loud and she was absorbed in her dance. She had her arms in the air and moved her hips swiftly. Shravan didn’t like the way the guys around him that were whistling and leering at her.
Finally, Suman looked down and saw Shravan. “Sumo! Come down! You’ll fall and hurt yourself.” She couldn’t hear him so she waved and continued dancing.
Shravan’s friend slapped his back and said, “Dude, your girlfriend is such a babe.” Shravan angrily pushed him away. He continued calling Suman asking her to come down. Suddenly, a guy behind him threw iced water at Suman and whistled. Shravan turned around in rage and shoved the guy. “What the hell is wrong with you?.”
Shravan brought his attention back to Suman, his priority. He noticed that she was dancing too close to the edge. Her foot slipped and she let out a scream as she fell. Luckily, Shravan caught her in his arms. Suman had her eyes shut tightly. She opened one eye and asked in a slurred voice, “Am I dead?” Shravan put his arm around her waist and helped her walk over to a table. Suman rested her forehead on his chest and said, “Shravan, I feel so dizzy.”
Shravan worriedly looked at Bunty and said, “She’s so drunk.”
“You stay with her! I’m going to get some water.” Bunty said.
“Bunty! Can you get a clean towel too? Her hair is dripping wet.” He turned his attention to Suman and made her sit down. He kneeled in front of her and she rested her forehead on his shoulder. Shravan noticed that she was shivering.
She stuttered, “Sh-Shravan, I’m cold.” Her clothes were drenched and the air-conditioning was on full blast. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her arms briskly. Bunty was back with the water and towel. Shravan made Suman drink water as he dried her hair.
Shravan noticed that her shivering worsened so he took off his hoodie and said to her, “Go to the bathroom and change into my hoodie. Otherwise, you’re going to catch a cold.” She nodded like an innocent child and went to change as Shravan waited for her. Seeing her in his oversized hoodie, Shravan couldn’t help but smile. He put his arms around her and asked, “Better?” Suman nodded and Shravan said to Bunty, “We’re going home.”
Suman whined, “Home? I don’t want to go! I’m having fun! Did you see me dance? See, I can be fun, exciting, and sexy like the other girls! You won’t leave me now, right?”
Shravan became perplexed at her words. Those were not her words. He asked in a serious voice, “Suman, who gave you alcohol?”
“Nia! She said I have to learn to be more fun”, she giggled.
Shravan took Suman’s hand and furiously walked over to Nia. He slammed the table and said, “Why did you give her alcohol when you know she doesn’t drink?”
Nia panicked and said. “It was just a little bit. We were just teaching her how to have fun.”
Shravan angrily replied, “She knows how to have fun and alcohol isn’t necessary for that.” He walked out with Suman and put her drenched shirt in his bag. He turned around and saw Suman smiling dreamily at him. He asked, “Ready to go home?”
Suman touched his hair and mumbled, “You are so handsome, Shravan. Your hair is so soft like a bird’s nest.” She moved her hand down to his face and said, “Your a hard-boiled egg without a shell.” Bunty couldn’t hold back his laughter. Then, she pulled his ears and widened her eyes, “And your ears! Big like an elephant.” She poked his nose, “Your nose is so cute. Boop!” Then, she touched his lips and curiously said, “Your lips are so soft. Why are they so soft?” She grabbed Bunty’s hand, took it near Shravan’s face and said, “Feel it Bunty! His lips are so soft.”
Shravan pushed away Bunty’s hand and angrily said, “What are you doing? She’s drunk not you!” Shravan was puzzled as he wasn’t sure if she was complimenting or insulting him. He turned to Suman and said, “Okay, that’s enough. We’re going home now.” Bunty waved them goodbye and laughed to himself as his best friend was madly in love with this crazy girl.
Suman rested her chin on Shravan’s shoulder and tightened her arms around his chest. She closed her eyes to feel the cool breeze. “Shravan, I don’t want to go home yet! The night is still young and so are we!”
“Suman, the night is not young. It’s almost 3 AM.”
Suman's eyes lit up as she had an idea, “Can we please get ice cream?” Shravan looked confused. Where would he get her ice cream at this hour? Suman pouted and said, “If you don’t get me ice cream, I’ll jump off the bike!”
Shravan stopped the bike and groaned. Drunk Suman was unpredictable and he was afraid that she would actually jump. Then, he remembered that there was a cafe nearby that might be open. He got Suman her favorite strawberry ice cream and said, “Here’s your ice cream and no more blackmailing.” Shravan smiled as he watched Suman happily eat her ice and giggle.
He was startled when she suddenly started crying. He consoled her and asked, “Why are you crying?”
She sniffled and said, “When I was five, I had a goldfish named Goldie and...Goldie died!” She started bawling and Shravan was confused as to what to do.
He comforted her and awkwardly said, “Oh...I’m sorry to hear about Goldie.”
Suman continued talking, “Then, when I was ten, I had fish for dinner at a friend’s house. Daadu was really angry because we are vegetarians and he yelled at me.”
“It’s okay. We all make mistakes.” Shravan wasn’t sure where Suman was going with her story.
Suman’s eyes widened and she gasped in realization. She grabbed Shravan’s collar and said, “Shravan! What if the fish I ate was Goldie’s cousin? Oh no! I’m such a horrible person!” She looked up at the sky and sobbed, “I’m so sorry Goldie! Please forgive me.” Suman wouldn’t stop weeping and Shravan felt clueless. He had not prepared for a situation where Suman would be eating ice cream and crying over her dead fish in the middle of the road at 3 AM.
He tucked her hair behind her ear and quietly said, “Hey, you’re not a bad person! Actually, you’re the nicest person I’ve met. The fish you ate was probably a big fish, right?” She nodded and wiped her tears. “If Goldie was a small fish so how can they be cousins? In fact, big fish eat tiny fish”.
Suman listened to him carefully and then said, “You mean, he ate small fish like Goldie?” Shravan was amused by drunk Sumo. Her eyes got big as she whispered, “That means I avenged Goldie. Goldie got justice.”
Shravan chuckled at her random logic and said, “Well, I hope wherever Goldie is, he’s happy.”
Suman looked confused and said, “He? No Shravan, Goldie was a girl. You know, Machli jal ki RANI hai. My Goldie was a queen.” They continued to ride back home. Suman rested her cheek on Shravan’s back and softly sang, “Machli Jal ki Rani hai” until she dozed off. Shravan laughed to himself. Drunk Sumo was a lot to handle but she was really cute.
When they reached home, Shravan held Suman by her waist but she kept giggling and saying that he was tickling her. Shravan thought to himself that today they would get caught for sure. He covered her mouth to prevent her giggles from waking up the whole house. As they reached the guest room, Suman covered her mouth and said, “Shravan, I don’t feel good.” He helped her into the bathroom. He held her hair back and rubbed her back as she got sick from drinking too much. He cleaned her up and carried her in his arms to the bed. Shravan stroked her hair as he smiled to himself. He never felt this happy with someone. As he tried to leave, he felt a tug on his arm. Suman fell asleep on his arm and tightened her grip. Shravan was also really tired so he slipped under the covers next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled close to him in her sleep. He looked lovingly at her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead then dozed off to sleep.
The next morning, Shravan and Suman woke up startled to Devraj’s loud voice outside their door. “Kavita! He’s not in his room! I think he went to a party last night. I’m going to break your son’s bones today!”
“Shh! Don’t yell. Suman is still sleeping”, Kavita whispered.
“Still sleeping? It’s almost 11 AM. I thought she got up early. Go check on her to make sure she's okay,” Devraj replied quietly.
Shravan and Suman looked at each other with panicked eyes afraid that they would get caught. Suman pushed Shravan out of the bed and whispered, “Oh no, Shravan! What now? Go hide!”
Shravan hid in her closet as Kavita knocked at her door and walked in. “Puttar, are you okay? Still sleeping?”
“Uhh...yes, Aunty. You know at my house we get up early so I wanted to sleep late today.” Shravan knew that Suman was bad at lying and was afraid that they would get caught.
“Puttar, are you sick? You look pale”, Kavita touched Suman’s forehead. Suddenly, Kavita noticed that Suman was wearing Shravan’s hoodie. She had been suspicious that something had been going on between the two. She noticed that Suman kept nervously looking towards her closet. Shravan underestimated his mother’s intelligence but Kavita was sure that Shravan was hiding in the closet. A lot of questions came to her mind as they were young but she trusted her son and the values she gave him.
They heard Devraj yell again, “His bike is here! I found a girl’s shirt in it! Where is this Kameena?” Suman’s eyes widened and Shravan was sweating nervously as he realized that it was Suman’s shirt.
“Uff ho! At least don’t give him gaali in the morning” Kavita yelled back. She turned to Suman and said, “We are going to the temple so if you need anything just ask Avni...or Shravan.” Kavita smiled and pointed towards the closet.
After Kavita left, Suman pulled Shravan out of the closet and frantically said, “I think Aunty knows about us! Also, why does my head hurt so much?”
“You have a hangover. Go take a warm shower and it’ll help with the headache. Meanwhile, I’ll go talk to dad as he tells me how he’s disappointed in me. Mom is easier to handle.” Shravan calmed Suman down although he was terrified himself.
Shravan climbed out the window and walked into his house from the front door. Devraj was sitting in the living room angrily mumbling to himself. “Shravan! Where were you last night? Where are you coming from?”
“Nowhere. I was home asleep. I went...on a morning run!”
“Do I look like a fool to you? I know you very well. What is this? Who’s shirt is this?”
Shravan panickedly looked around and said, “’s mine!”
Devraj looked confused and said, “This is a girl’s shirt…”
“ fashion? If you like it, I’ll buy you one too.”
Devraj rolled his eyes and shook his head. He thought that sending Shravan to Army school would bring some discipline into him. “No, you have disappointed me enough this morning. Your mother and I are going to the temple-”
Shravan wrinkled his forehead and asked, “Temple? Didn’t you go last week?”
“With a son like you, we have to pray to god and ask forgiveness”, Devraj replied sarcastically.
Shravan frowned but his Mom gave him a hug and said, “No Puttar! We are going to pray for our family’s well being. Take care of Avni...and Suman.” Kavita elbowed his stomach and winked. Shravan was now sure that his mom knew about his relationship.
Suman looked in the mirror as she dried her hair. She smiled as she remembered how Shravan took care of her last night. But, she couldn’t stop thinking about Nia’s words. Her brain conflicted with her heart. What if they really weren’t right for each other? She sighed and went downstairs.
Shravan took her hand and brought her to the dining table. “Feeling any better?” Suman nodded but didn’t make eye contact with him. He gave her medicine and said, “This will help with the hangover. I’m making something special for you!” Suman sat there dazed, lost in her thoughts. Shravan came back and set a plate of waffles in front of her. He drew a heart on it with whipped cream and decorated it with fruits. “Voila! Special breakfast by Chef Shravan for his lovely Madame Sumo!”
Suman looked up and saw his bright smile. She smiled seeing his efforts but a little voice in the back of her head said, “Not right for each other” and her smile disappeared. Shravan called Avni for breakfast as Suman quietly ate her breakfast. Shravan sensed that she was upset. Suman got up and whispered, “I’m going to my room. Thank you for the breakfast”. Shravan hated seeing her so sad. Maybe she was mad about the party last night? He shouldn’t have made her go with him if she was uncomfortable.
Shravan broke out of his thoughts as Anvi kicked him under the table, “What did you do now? I swear Bhaiyya, if you break Suman’s heart, I will break your head!” Shravan knew that when Suman was upset, she needed her space so he didn’t bother her. But, the whole day went by and she hadn’t talked to him once.
After dinner, Shravan knocked at her door, “Hey, can I come in?”
“It’s your house. You can do whatever you want”, Suman replied without looking up.
Shravan sighed, “You haven’t talked to me all day. What’s going on? Did I do something to make you upset? Is it about the party?”
Suman’s eyes started tearing up again and she covered her face with her hands. Shravan kneeled in front of her. She finally spoke, “Shravan, I’m scared....” He became confused and she continued talking, “I’m scared that one day you’ll get bored of me and leave. I’m scared that you’ll break my heart.”
She started sobbing and Shravan took her hands in his hands. He looked her in the eye and softly said, “I won’t break your heart, I promise.”
“How can I know for sure?” she sniffled.
Shravan took a deep sigh and kissed her hand. “You’re just going to have to trust me, Sumo”.
“Why?” Suman asked adamantly. Shravan was confused by her change in behavior. Where did all these questions come into her head?
“Because, I really like you and care about you. I feel happy with you!” Shravan gave her a gentle smile hoping that he could reassure her.
“Why do you like me? We have nothing in common. Why don’t you like someone more exciting and fun? What if I’m not the right person for you, Shravan?” Suman couldn’t hold back her tears and broke down crying.
Shravan’s face got serious and he replied, “I don’t like any other girl because she isn’t you. I like you for who you are...and just the way you are. You showed me that I was capable of being a better person. You taught me to care about others and their feelings. I like myself better with you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Shravan wiped Suman’s tears but she looked away and said, “But, do you think that we are right for each other?”
Shravan sighed and said, “I think so...I guess, time will tell.”
“I know you’ve had a lot of girlfriends in the past. But for me Shravan, you’re the only person I’ve opened up to. I grew up watching my parents and I yearned for that type of relationship. When I’m with you, I feel like we have that potential. I see a future with you. I need to know what you think before I fall in lov- I mean before my feelings get deeper for you.”
Shravan sat there in silence, looking down and taking in Suman’s words. He knew that Suman liked him a lot but he didn’t realize that her feelings for him were so deep. He finally spoke, “Honestly, I live in the moment and don’t think about the future.” Suman’s face fell and she felt as if he had stabbed her heart but he continued talking, “I don’t know what I’ll be doing or where I will be. But, what I do know is that I want you to be a part of that future. I never knew that I needed you until you came into my life and now I can’t imagine my life without you”.
Suman felt overwhelmed by his words and gave him a tight hug. She rested her head on his shoulder and said with a sad voice, “I’m sorry for being so insecure.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s a natural feeling. I’m actually glad we had this conversation.” Shravan said as he placed a kiss on her temple.
“I feel bad. I questioned your feelings for me and our relationship”, Suman said sadly.
Shravan laid down on the bed and said, “You think too much. I’ve also felt insecure before.”
Suman was surprised to hear that. With the type of confidence Shravan carries, she never imagined that he would feel insecure. She laid down next to him and he continued speaking, “Sometimes, I feel like I don’t deserve you. You deserve better”.
Suman held his face and said, “What are you saying? You know that’s not true.”
“You’re so perfect. You are kind, good at studies, and have a goal in life. Me? I don’t know what I want to do in life. Sometimes, I feel like you would be better off with someone like Anish who is also ambitious and talented.” Shravan turned his head away. It hurt him to say this or even imagine Suman with someone else but it was his deepest insecurity.
Suman turned his face to look into his eyes and said, “Anish doesn’t know me like you do. I have always worried about others feelings and ignored how I felt. You taught me how to deal with my emotions. The way you comfort me when I’m one can take your place in my life. I wake up everyday and choose to be with you because there isn’t anyone else I’d rather be with.” She placed her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him.
“You don’t understand Sumo. One day, you’ll be a respected army officer, would you want to be with someone who only has a job because his dad owns the company? You’re going to want someone...who is your equal”.
Suman sat up and looked down at him astonished by how he actually felt about himself. “Shravan, you underestimate yourself and your potential.”
“Potential? What is my potential?”, he scoffed.
“You are a born-leader, full of bravery! You never give up no matter how difficult things get. You are dedicated and loyal to those you love. Shravan, you have all the qualities of an army officer.” She wanted to make him smile so she got up onto her knees. She saluted him and said, “Jai Hind, Major Shravan Malhotra! I like the sound of that.”
Shravan smiled at her as he pulled her arm and she landed on his chest. He laughed, “But, whatever the case, I am never joining the army. I’d rather wait at home for you to come back from your mission”.
“ never know! Did you ever think that we would happen? But, I want you to know that I will support you in whatever you choose to do. You don’t have to join the army. If you join your Dad’s business or decide to do something completely different, I will be just as proud of you.” Suman placed a soft kiss on Shravan’s forehead hoping that she could erase all his insecurities and show him what he is capable of.
Shravan sighed and pulled her close, “You know, how you asked if we were right for each other? We are not right for each other but we are perfect with each other.” Suman smiled and snuggled closer to him. Shravan wanted to lighten the mood so he said, “Oh, by the way, sorry to hear about Goldie.” They both broke out into laughter. “Also, I wanted to apologize to you for last night. It didn’t go as I planned,” Shravan frowned.
“Actually, I had a lot of fun! When are we going back to the nightclub?”
“Never! You are too much to handle when you’re drunk!”
“I won’t drink! I actually enjoyed dancing with you! I felt like it was just us in this crazy world.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and said, “Really? You like dancing with me? But, I don’t’s not safe. Too many creepy guys are there.”
Suman got up and put her hands on her hip. “Oh please! Did you forget why you call me Sumo? Or did you forget when we first met? You know I can give a good fight. Besides, I won’t be alone! You’ll be with me.”
“Okay...I guess we could go back sometime.”
Suman pulled Shravan and put her arms around his neck as she said, “Well...everyone’s asleep and the night is young so...What do you say?”
Shravan chuckled, “I’m such a bad influence on you.” They both quietly sneaked out of the house and rode through the crisp night air of Bhopal. Together, they danced the night away. They were young and in love, without a worry in the world. Unfortunately, both were unaware of what destiny had in store for them and their love would be tested at every step of way. But, the foundation of their love was so strong that even time and distance would not be able to break it.
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