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Kahin Pyar Na Hojaye

"That Ridhima is pissing me off!!"
"Why don't you ignore her and concentrate on work, Gauri ma'am."
"Just because she is Anika jiji's sister-in-law, I am tolerating her." Gauri was twisting her dupatta.
Bhavya ignored her colleague's constant rant that she was enduring since past an hour.
Bhavya examined the last History answer copy, while putting the aggregate marks on the sheet.
"Finally it's over." She tied all the papers in a bunch. Gauri was still fuming over Ridhima's attitude who seemed to have removed Gauri's name as the in-charge of Cultural Festival next month. It was a very celebrated event of 'Gurukul Institute of Arts & Science'.
"Let's go. Isn't it time of your period?" Gauri didn't answer anything.
"What will all the students think of me Bhavya ma'am? My image is already tarnished due to her."
"Good Morning ladies!" They looked at the handsome epitome-Omkara Oberoi, the Assistant Professor, Department of Economics.
"Morning sir." Bhavya answered while Gauri ignored him. 'Bitch's boyfriend.'
"Hello Gauri ma'am!" He addressed Gauri getting no response from her.
"Hi!" She snapped. While Bhavya covered up, "She is not feeling well actually."
"Oh, you should rest then ma'am." Omkara's worried voice riled her up, while Ridhima who had just come also clenched her jaw.
"Om, I think we should leave her alone for sometime. She needs time to cope up, isn't it Gauri?" Ridhima's voice was full of sarcasm. She couldn't take her boyfriend showing worry for someone else specially that Gauri.
Gauri's sister Anika was getting married to Ridhima's brother Shivaay.
Both Ridhima and her mother Pinky were against this marriage, but Shivaay was hell bent. That led to the constant bickering sessions between Ridhima and Gauri who were teaching in the same college.
Suddenly an idea came to Gauri's mind, "Don't worry Omkara Sir, I'm fine." Seeing Ridhima so worked up, Gauri tried to have some fun. In the same sweet tone she continued, "Just a bit dehydrated. Do you have water?"
"Haan, here it is!" Omkara frowned at the wierd behavior of Gauri. Taking the bottle from Omkara, Gauri touched his fingers deliberately, while Ridhima fumed.
Omkara cleared his throat. He didn't want to be the centre of his possessive girlfriend's wrath. "Excuse me, it's my lecture time. See you."
"Actually Om....Sir. I am also going towards classroom section. I hope you won't mind if I come with you. I am feeling a bit dizzy." Gauri held her head, acting to be sick.
Bhavya looked preplexed at her friend. 'What have gotten into her head?' While a grinning Gauri and nervous Omkara moved out of the staff room leaving behind a mad Ridhima.
That's how Gauri got the perfect plan to tease Ridhima. So she started to be with Omkara when Ridhima is around, as much as possible. Acting to be her virtual girlfriend!
"Om sir", she knew that Ridhima was watching, "Will you taste these jalebis? I have prepared it with my own hands."
The most pitiful creature in this cat-fight was Omkara. Since Gauri had started behaving so lovey-dovey, his love life had become hell. He was also affected by the unprecedented love from Gauri Sharma. But he knew that she was acting just before Ridhima.
Now he couldn't behave harsh with the very beautiful woman, for the sake of his girlfriend. He had no choice.
"No ma'am thank you. I am cutting calories now-a-days."
"Oh common Om are already so fit and healthy. Whole college swoons over you."
Gauri could see Ridhima hurrying towards them. She was chitchatting with those college boys who considered her as the hottest professor in the college.
'Wearing skimpy, clingy sarees and deep neck blouses to pollute young minds!!'
Gauri immediately sat on the vacant chair beside Omkara when she sensed Ridhima behind her. "Take it na Om...", she put hands on his shoulder, "You won't be less handsome if you eat just one jalebi." Her voice was husky.
"Gauri, it's enough!!" Ridhima was pissed off.
"Oh, Ridhima!! I didn't see you." She blinked her eyes slowly.
"Just shut up and stay away from Om! Don't you feel ashamed trying to woo a committed man?"
"Oh no Ridhima! I will never do such thing!" She was faking worry. "I thought Om sir loves you. Did something happen between you two?"
"No, no Gauri ma'am. Nothing like that. What are you saying Ridhima? Wooing and all...You know I love you." Omkara had known that Ridhima was not liking proximity between him and Gauri. But they had not yet talked about it openly.
Ridhima stomped her leg and went away from there. When Om tried to follow her, Gauri again stopped him."Om sir, jalebi!" Omkara sighed. Now he was sure that he is being exploited between these two women.
Gauri was dressed in biege lehanga with backless blouse. Styling her hair open she had pinned the net dupatta to the side. It was her sister's marriage today and she was busy in wedding preparation.
It had been three months since her game of 'Annoying the hell out of Ridhima'. A lot had happened in this period. It had started to trouble Ridhima and Omkara's relationship, while Omkara seemed to be affected the most. His behavior had also changed. He had stopped consoling Ridhima every time she got angry.
"Professor Omkara and Professor Ridhima were having some trust issues. They were fighting in the Chemistry lab." Whole college was buzzing with the latest talks of the popular couple.
"I think Professor Omkara likes Professor Gauri. He looks more happy with her. That Professor Ridhima always tries to dominate the Greek God." Another gossip was in the canteen!!
Gauri was also not oblivious to it.
"Gauri ma'am, in your childish strife, you are putting their relationship at stake. It's too much now. Please stop it." Bhavya had admonished her.
"That should be the problem of Ridhima. Her behavior hasn't changed a bit, Bhavya ma'am! I am protecting Omkara sir from that witch!!"
Gauri couldn't see any problem in harmless flirting with Omkara. He was a decent man, always in limits. Twice he had offered her to drop her home. 'Once it was raining and second time my scooter had broken.'
Only once they had gone for a cofee. 'That because I had got cold and Omkara sir insisted on having something hot...beverage.'
Except that everything was formal between them in the absence of Ridhima.
Gauri inspected the dining arrangements lest Pinky aunty would start her drama. She was going towards mandap when she collided with something hard. She looked up only to see a very handsome Omkara. He had held her from falling down with his one hand on the bare back and one on her thin waist.
She steadied up but Omkara didn't leave her, still in stance.
'She is looking so beautiful.'
"Om...kara sir!!"her voice sobered him up and he removed his hands.
"No need to add sir. Om is fine. We are not in college anyways." He said sheepishly.
"Huh!! Haan. Hmm." She didn't know what to say. She seemed to be too much affected by his cologne or his crisp golden kurta or his perfect jawline. She couldn't think properly.
"I am glad you could attend the marriage." Finally she found her voice to say something sane.
Before they could talk further, Gauri and Omkara's mothers appeared there.
"Gauri, did you check with Panditji?"
"Haan Ma. He is in mandap." She introduced Omkara to her. While Omkara introduced them with his mother.
"Thank you very much Jhanviji for coming."
"Don't be formal Garimaji, after all we will be relatives!"
While everyone looked confused on Jhanvi's comment, she clarified, "Don't you know, Ridhima and Om will be engaged soon."
"Oh, I didn't know. Congratulation samdhanji !" Gauri's mother hugged Jhanvi while faces of both Gauri and Om became pale.
Both of them excused themselves and vanished in opposite directions.
Gauri was arranging her cupboard. It had been a week since her sister's marriage. She heard her parents talking while having tea on a Sunday afternoon.
"One of our responsiblities is over. Now we should concentrate on Gauri." Her mother was determined to marry off Gauri soon.
"Why do you worry so much Garima! Let her enjoy some more days of freedom, to concentrate on her career!"
"Shashi! She is already in such a good job. She can also enjoy life after marriage. If marriageable age will slip away, it will be difficult to find good proposals. She is already 27!"
Gauri sighed. Since her mother heard about Bhavya's engagement, she had started pestering her. She had even planned to marry off both daughters simultaneously.
"My friend Manorama's son is doctor. I have seen him in Anika's wedding. If you say I will talk to her. If both Gauri and him like each other then we'll...." Her mother's voice trailed off behind as Gauri came to balcony.
The marriage talks were making her restless.
She posed for a photo with the newly wed Bhavya and Rudra in their reception party. She was looking breathtakingly beautiful in the blue anarkali.
It had been two months to her sister's marriage. She saw Ridhima coming towards the stage with Omkara. The facade of Gauri-seducing-Omkara was not over yet. In fact it had become a routine now. Both of them didn't feel awkward about it. Ridhima was still the same- Torturing Om, and trying to keep him away from her.
"You are looking drool worthy Om sir!" She chirped in as they stood beside the couple for the pictures. Om ignored her. Gauri had purposefully come to his side from the other corner. While Ridhima was holding him from other side.
Gauri felt immense bliss seeing that frown on Ridhima's head. But when she tried to hold Om's hand, he didn't let her. 'It's not first time that I am holding his hand.' Gauri felt a pang.
In these 5 months, Gauri had clinged to him, hugged him and there was even a peck on cheek by her. But both of them knew that it was not serious.
When she sit for the dinner beside him, Omkara had changed his seat with one of their colleagues. Now it was disturbing for Gauri. 'He is ignoring me. Let him. He is not my boyfriend anyway.'
She pretended to be not affected but she was feeling like crying.
As usual Ridhima started showing off.
"You know, Om has gifted me these diamond earrings. He is so romantic na. I feel so lucky with him. But some people are so unlucky that nobody even looks at them." She took jibe on Gauri, while talking to one of her friends.
Gauri wanted to answer her back but her head had started aching badly. She decided to call it a night.
"Gauri ma'am it's late. How will you go alone? You didn't bring your scooty, did you?" Bhavya asked her.
"I'll tell someone to drop you. There must be some driver around." Rudra told her.
"No jeejaji, it's ok. Everybody is busy. It's just 11, I'll get a rickshaw." She denied them, and come out of the reception venue.
It was very dark ouside, with dark clouds ready to pour down heavily. Her parents were not in the city. While her scooter was showing tantrums so she had left it at home.
Even after an hour she couldn't find any rickshaw. She saw Omkara and Ridhima coming out and sitting in the Omkara's car.
'Why is she standing alone?' Omkara looked at her
"Ridhima, I think Gauri ma'am is looking for a ride. We should help her."
"Om!! Did you forget what I have said to you. Girls like her lure rich men, as her sister had done. Don't come into their trap. Just ignore her from now-on or forget our relationship."
Omkara contemplated whether to do what Ridhima said. But her last sentence made him ignore his heart.
Omkara and Ridhima's fathers were childhood friends. Both had decided to change their friendship into kinship. His marriage with Ridhima was decided since their childhood. When they came to age, he didn't object his parents' decision. Ridhima was a beautiful girl, educated and from a well-to-do family. Although a bit obnoxious, he had accepted her as his to be life-partner. Or he had thought so....
Gauri saw the vehicles going past her.
'I don't need anyone's help.' She held her head high and started walking on the now empty road. The stormy winds had started and she couldn't find any rickshaw or taxi. She should have accepted Rudra's offer.
Suddenly it started raining. She took shelter under a tree while her wet outfit was not any helpful. Taking her phone out she tried to call someone or Ajay but it had no network.
She felt the lights of a vehicle on her. An all-men jeep had slowed down. A sense of phobia engulfed her while she could imagine all the things that could happen to an alone young girl in a rainy midnight.
Before she could think of something else, a car stopped just ahead of jeep. She ran to the other side of car when she saw the person on driver-seat. As soon as she closed the door, the car moved away.
"What were you thinking, standing there alone in this state?" He blasted on her, as soon as he came out of the numbing shock. He had panicked seeing her in that situation. After dropping Ridhima he had come back.
'Just to check if she has gone home safely.'
But not finding her near the reception venue, he decided to go back home only to find her on that road.
"I think....There was no rickshaw...My phone...", she was shivering badly.
Her answer didn't help him to cool down. "Do you know what could have happened if I have not come there?"
"Says the person who didn't even ask a needy person for lift!" She couldn't take his ironic comments any more.
"Why do you think I come all the way back in the middle of a stormy night? To count the trees on highway?"
Gauri had no proper words to retort back. The panic, tension and the cold temperature and his behavior in the reception had affected her.
All through the way they didn't talk anything. After their outburst both of them were engrossed in their own thoughts.
Their communication was never such streamy. Either it was just hi-hello or one or two light hearted things that had started since last 5 months. Anger, attitude, ego, sorrow were never part of it, until today.
He stopped the car before her house. Without uttering any word, she tried to run away not wasting any second.
She ignored him.
She reached the door, only to find that she had forgotten her handbag in the car.
Sensing his presence behind her, she turned back only to slip in his arms. The warm proximity in the cold weather started affecting them. But before they could lose senses her phone rang. She snatched her phone from Om's hands.
"Hello...yes I have reached Bhavya ma'am...had lost the network...I'll see you later." She cut the call while he was waiting there under the portico with her.
"Thank you!!" She couldn't decide, why she was thanking him.
"Gauri, I want to tell you should..." He didn't acknowledge her gratitude.
"Don't worry Omkara Oberoi. I got the message. I won't bother you ever." She sensed where he was hinting.
"Listen Gauri, I never told you anything. But now I think things are serious. I am getting engaged to Ridhima next week. I don't know what it is between you two, but please don't bring me in."
'Your fake love is affecting me in real.' He wanted to say but couldn't.
"I will not even see your face now onwards." She said annoyingly.
"It's not like that. I just want you to behave maturely."
Her anger rised hearing him.
'So I am childish. And that Ridhima??'
"Good Bye." Was it her last goodbye.
She turned her back towards him not wanting to talk about anything.
Closing the door behind her she went directly to her bedroom. Changing in fresh clothes she plopped on the bed. Amid continuous trail of tears she went into deep slumber.
Omkara was driving aimlessly in the stormy weather all night. As dawn neared he realized that he was angry at something which even he didn't know.
'Did I fall in her love?'
"I am getting engaged to Ridhima next week." The sentence was still annoying her mind next morning. She even dreamed of their marriage last night. Frying another batch of jalebis she put them in the syrup.
'Did I fall in his love?'
"What is the matter, Gauri?" Her mother asked sensing something wrong with her daughter since they were back in the morning.
"I am ready to get married to Ajay, Ma. Ask Manorama aunty if engagement can be held next week or before that." She had perplexed her mother who had accepted failure after nudging her for marriage a million times.
She was looking like a princess in Green lehanga. As per her wish the engagement was decided to be held next week but a day earlier than his.
'Because...Ajay of all the people in the world has to be the cousin of Omkara.'
The treacherous week was very hard on both of them. They had ignored each other in the college but still missed each other. Gauri had got so much into the fake wooing game, that it was seeming realistic.
The whole college had come to know that "Professor Omkara and Professor Gauri broke up." Ridhima seemed to be happy while Bhavya had asked, "Are you sure you didn't fall in love with him?" She had avoided the talk while Omkara had observed her the whole week. Not able to ward his eyes off her.
Now when he saw her with that ring ready to slip in that Ajay's finger, he was feeling nauseous. Why did he have to come here? Why was he feeling so enraged? And the most strange thing was that he didn't know the answer.
"Let's start the ceremony." Her mother's voice seemed to have stabbed her. Why was she feeling that this was wrong. She should not have to get engaged just because he was starting a new life.
Ajay took her hand to slide the ring.
"Stop it. This engagement can't happen." She looked up listening Omkara's voice.
"Gauri, I know that you are doing this for our families, but don't punish us with this." She couldn't understand what he was saying.
"What happened Om! What punishment?" Jhanvi asked.
"Ask your daughter-in-law." He held Gauri's hand.
"What?" Garima, Jhanvi, Manorama and Pinky screamed simultaneously.
Gauri's mind was not working.
'Why is he lying? Did he go mad?'
"Gauri, what is he saying. Are you married?" Garima was clueless.
"Ma..." Before she could elaborate further, Omkara interrupted again. "Aunty, I mean Ma", Jhanvi widened her eyes when he addressed Garima as Ma, "let me talk to her. Come Gauri, let's sort this out. Our families need to know." Before anyone could tell anything he pulled her to one of the rooms.
"Have you gone nuts or did you hit your head somewhere?" She was super-angry while he locked the door and pulled her to the wall.
"What do you think? Only you can act?" He said coming close.
"Don't be a Nandi Bail! What rubbish were you talking? Marriage, punishment...?"
Before she could tell anything further, she was involved in a mind-numbing-heart-opening kiss. When they broke apart breathless she was frowning.
"I love you!" Just three magical words from him and silence.
"Is it also a lie? A revenge? An act?'' She asked with tears. In reply another aggressive kiss followed. Her blouse dori got opened while his shirt buttons were not in place.
After 5 minutes, she was totally disheveled, so was he. Their actions speaking louder than words.
"What do you think now?" He asked with their foreheads touching.
"I will act with you in this. Just promise me that you will kiss me the same way, even if we get old." She said panting.
"Even if you loss all your teeth and your flawless face hide in wrinkles, I will kiss you like this only." He was turned on. They heard knock on the door.
She grinned while pulling him to herself, "Let's seal it with a kiss, SIR!"
"As you wish MADAM!" The knocks had increased.


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