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A Chance At A New Beginning - A Nazar OS | Pia | Ansh | Piansh

Adi was sitting on his bed silently. It had been less than two days amidst which he had to say 
goodbye to his mother twice!!! He felt sad and lonely. But more than that, he felt angry. Angry at 
everyone and everything that had surrounded him. Pari as usual was making plans on how to reunite 
their parents but for the first time he felt disinterested. Did it really matter? Piya was very clear when 
she said she had her reasons and didn’t stop for them also. Then what result would Pari’s stupid 
plans bring?

He walked out of their room and knocked at Ansh’s door. “May I come in papa?” “Yes beta! Since when 
do you need permission?” Ansh smiled at him but it didn’t melt Adi’s heart even a little bit. “Can you 
answer a question?” “Sure! What is it?” “You have always told me that mumma had left us. But today 
she said you had thrown her out when she came to you. Is it true?” Ansh was stunned. After everything 
that had happened earlier that day, he was praying that his seven years old wouldn’t question him 
because he had no proper answer to that. “You haven’t answered my question papa. Did you throw 
mumma out or not?” “Yes! But there was a reason for that.I can explain.” “I don’t want to hear that; not 
anymore.” Adi turned around and left Ansh’s room. Ansh felt helpless; he was having a hard time to 
come to terms with the revelations himself. It was no wonder that Adi was behaving so coldly with 

Adi returned to his room and Pari came out running, “Where were you? Stop behaving like a LJ and 
wasting time. We need to make some plan to bring mumma and .....” “Just shut up Pari!!! Do whatever 
you want to do but leave me alone!!!” Adi shouted so loudly that Ansh could hear it from his room. He 
rushed to their room and found Adi was fuming and Pari was visibly upset. “What’s the matter with 
you Adi? Does anyone behave like this with his little sister?” “Stop advising me papa and spare some 
advice for your darling daughter also.” “Adi!!! Mind your language!” Ansh lost his cool. Vedashree was 
passing by. Upon hearing their loud voices, she came to the room and took Adi with her.

“What’s the matter beta? You never behave rudely with anyone. Then what happened today? Why are 
you misbehaving with your papa and Pari?” Adi didn’t replay and kept quiet. Vedashree heaved a sigh. 
As much as she wanted to overlook Ansh’s faults, she knew his one wrong decision had destroyed his 
entire family. Piya moved on and had Pari but it was Adi who had suffered the most – grew up 
without a mother and had a lifeless father who hadn’t been himself. But it was enough!!! For once 
she needed to prioritize Adi over everyone else, no matter the consequences. She asked the driver to 
take out their car and took Adi with her.

Adi didn’t notice where they were going until the car stopped in front of Nishant’s building and he got 
surprised. “Why have we come here dadi?” “You need to talk to your mumma.” “But I don’t want to.” 
Adi protested and looked away to hide his tears. “I am not asking for your permission Adi. I am telling 
you what you need to do.” She got down from the car and signaled Adi to get down.

Piya heard the doorbell and went to open the door. She was surprised seeing Adi with Vesadhree. 
“Piya! I know we have had our differences and we’ll need much time to resolve all the issues. But your 
son needs you.” Before Piya could open her mouth, Vedashree left the place immediately leaving Adi 
with her. Piya looked at Adi. The dried up tears on his cheeks were visible. It broke her heart to watch 
her son in that condition. She held his hand and bought him to her room.

Adi was blankly staring at the walls. On one corner, there was a big photo frame containing Piya and 
Pari's photograph but there was no picture of him! He felt abandoned all over again. Piya sat beside 
him and gently stroked his back. There was a windchime on her balcony that rang suddenly and for a 
second Adi’s face lit up. Piya looked away to wipe off her tears and then started talking. “You have 
always loved that sound, even before you were born.” Adi looked at her with confusion. “Whenever I 
used to ring a bell in the temple, I could hear your laughter and during the most difficult phase of my 
life, you were the only one who was there with me. In a way, it was our little world.” Piya smiled a little 
recalling when she was pregnant with Adi. “When you were a kid, we used to play all day and you were 
really naughty!” Piya was about to say something else when Adi stopped her midway, “Why did you 
leave me then? Didn’t you care about me?” Piya felt exhausted. Deep down, she was prepared for that 
question but it would have been much easier if Adi hadn’t been so little. How could she explain her 
agony to him? She didn’t want to tarnish Ansh’s image in front of Adi. Neither did she want to give 
him any false hope.She just cursed herself that she made her son go through the same pain she had 
endured during her childhood – feeling abandoned by her parents at a small age.

“I didn’t leave you Adi! I just wanted to protect you from myself.” “Why? What happened to you?” “Just 
like today we had a fight with Bhasmika, when you were little, a horrible battle took place. We defeated 
the Kalishaktis but I lost my mother in that battle.” “Nani died in that battle!!!” Adi was shocked. “Yes!” 
Piya looked away to control herself. “It was a devastating war and your papa and I decided that we 
would sacrifice our powers so that we could keep you away from all these and give you a normal 
childhood.” Piya paused for a second. “But for some reason, there were some residual powers left in 
me and I had endangered your life. So I felt it would be better if I had left you with your papa until I got 
better.” “Then why didn’t you come back?” “I wanted to but .....” Piya stopped midway because she 
didn’t know how to tell Adi about what had happened between her and Ansh. “Pari was born and you 
got busy with her.” Piya was shocked listening to Adi’s words. “You had a new baby with powers and 
decided you didn’t want me anymore.” “How could you even think that Adi?” Piya’s voice chocked. “I 
told what I had seen in cartoon. The Ugly Duckling – one duck was different and even his family didn’t 
want him. I suppose Pari was better than me; she had powers. So you just left me alone with papa.” 
“That’s not true!!!” Piya broke down completely and hugged him tightly.

“Then why didn’t you come back for me?” Adi finally let his guard down and started confessing what 
was bothering him. “When I told you that Monster Auntie had kidnapped Pari, you barged into our 
house. For Pari, you fought with papa as well. But when everything got over, you just left the place! You 
recognized me in that temple that day, didn’t you? That’s why you were approaching towards me in 
the camp. But why did you stop? Even if papa had forbidden you, why couldn’t you argue with him for 
me like you did for Pari?” Adi continued sobbing. “You promised me in that broken car that you would 
never leave me again. But you left me anyway. Papa just chose not to talk about you. He didn’t answer 
any of my question and moved all of your pictures from our house. He kept telling me that you had left 
us and now you are saying that you wanted to come back but couldn’t!!! Whom should I believe then, 
tell me!!!” After that sentence, what could Piya say to Adi? She just continued comforting her little boy 
and gave him some time.

After a while, when she felt Adi had calmed down a bit, she started talking, “I wish you were a bit 
more matured so that I could explain my reasons to you. But I can try. I know you are feeling angry and 
betrayed that your father and I had never given any explanation to you. But I had my reasons.” Piya 
paused for a moment. “When my powers went out of control, I expected your papa would support me. 
But he didn’t. Like today you are feeling that everything you have known all along has been a lie; that 
moment I felt the same. Because I love your papa way too much.” Adi quickly looked at Piya and that's 
when she realized what she had just said. “I loved your papa too much and he gave me everything I 
could have asked for – love, family, you! Which is why I felt even if the entire world had abandoned me, 
your papa would have always been there for me. But he didn’t. When my powers got out of control and 
almost hurt you, for a moment I felt he was right in his stand; that I should stay away from you so 
that you remain safe. But after Pari had been born, all I could think about was his changed behavior 
and feared that he would never accept Pari. We had already been separated. Besides, no matter how 
angry I was with everyone, I knew that you would be well taken care of. And I didn’t want you to witness 
our ugly fight. I thought, slowly you would forget me and that would be best for you."

Piya tried hard to maintain her composure and continued, "I got separated from my patents when I 
was very young. Your nani and nanu papa had a fight and maa walked out of the house holding my 
hand. I was hoping for a miracle that may be, baba would stop us; may be everything would get sorted 
out. But it didn't. And then maa got kidnapped one day. Before leaving me, she said she would come 
back for me and I kept waiting. But she never came back." Piya broke down completely. "She might 
have died in the Pralay-Yudh but I had lost her way before that. We reunited but Mohana killed her. My 
aunt had resurrected her later but then she died in the war while fighting for the good side. Every time I 
had lost her, she took a part of my soul with her." Adi felt devastated seeing Piya's condition. He 
wanted to hold her hand or say something to soothe her but didn't understand what words should 
he choose.

"It's ironic that I have felt abandoned for most of my life but at the end of the day, I left you alone. At 
least I had some hope that one day, my mother would come back for me but I didn't give you any such 
assurance because...." "Because?" " Because if I took one step towards you, then I held myself back 
thinking about your papa and and the pain he had caused me. And it wasn't just about the  
misunderstanding or his lack of trust in me; by the time Pari was born, you grew up a little and you 
would have definitely understood that something was wrong. All I could think about was how I was 
ripped apart from my mother over and over again and how it created a void in my heart. I wasn't sure 
how Ansh would react to everything. I didn't want you to know about me or get attached and then face 
the same heartache as me. I felt you would be better off without me. But I was wrong.”

Piya tried to control herself but failed miserably. The pain she had been carrying for so long had 
finally surfaced and found their way through her tears. "To be completely honest, I think more than 
you, I was trying to protect myself. When I left your papa's house, you tried to stop me in your own 
innocent way and nothing could ever come closer to the pain that I had felt when l left you. But 
the thought that I might have to go through that pain over and over again was even more frightening. 
Losing maa repeatedly left me devastated. But if I had to do the same with you, that would have ended 
me. I tried to mask my fear saying I was doing it for you. But deep down, I always knew that more than 
you, I was trying to protect myself. A mother's fear of losing her child won over her love; love - 
that should have urged me to fight for you."

Piya tried to wipe off her tears. “As parents we are supposed to take the right decision for our kids. But 
parents are human too Adi. Sometimes, even we can commit mistake and it’s my biggest regret in life 
that I had left you behind.” She tried to control her tears. “There hasn’t been a single moment when I 
haven’t remembered you. There has never been any comparison between you and Pari because I love 
you both, equally. It’s just that she was with me and I could shower my love on her. But when it came 
down to you, all I could do was pray to Devi Maa that somehow you would receive that love from your 
papa or someone else in the family.”

Piya cupped Adi’s face and wiped off his tears. “I don’t blame you for not trusting me. You have every 
right to stay mad at me because I have failed you. It doesn’t matter what my situation or intention was. 
I left you alone and as you have pointed out, I have repeated it again. But there’s one thing I need you 
to know.” “What’s that?” “I love you Adi! It wasn’t your fault that I had abandoned you. It was my own 
weakness. You are the greatest gift of my life and I would be damned if I didn’t take enough measures 
to let you know that. We have missed so much Adi. But if you give me another chance, I’ll try my best to 
make it up to you. Will you give me another chance?” “What about papa or Pari?” “It doesn’t matter Adi. 
Your papa and my relation has nothing to do with it. You are my son, my truest love and no one or 
nothing can change that. I know you are confused about whom to believe and I give you full liberty to 
choose for yourself. But the only thing that matters to me is that you realize my love for you isn’t a lie. 
Even if you stop acknowledging me as your mother, you’ll always be my son and I’ll always love you.” 

Piya kissed Adi on his forehead and was about to leave when Adi stopped her by holding her hand 
and hugged her tightly. He could say nothing but his tears said it all for him. He was happy. Because 
no matter how messed up the situation was, he got back his mother and had this assurance that she 
didn’t abandon him purposefully. Piya on the other hand, felt content. Nothing mattered to her 
anymore. She finally got back her Adi and the guilt that had been eating her alive all these years 
subsided. This was a new beginning for them. A chance to right her wrong, a chance to try and start 
over from scratch, a chance to their new beginning. 


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