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|Once is Forever| - MayaMJ OS | Beyhadh 2

Beyhadh 2 25th February 2020 Written Episode Update – Fiction247
Currents crawling down her spine was a sinister sensation.She hadn’t felt it in years. It was a flavor from the past, which had refined over the years like a fine wine.
Just one gaze. And she was being branded. Just like the old days.
Tearing herself out of her thoughts, the woman raised her head as her honey browns tinted with a hint of hazels clashed with his greyish green eyes.
“You seem lost…” Tilting his head slightly, the man twirled her around as her back hit his chest.
Maya hummed to the tranquil music playing in her background.“Nothing really, it’s just this place..the mood--
She halted halfway, her eyes imprisoned by the obsidian ones staring right back, sitting across the bar with his dominant arm sprawled leisurely across the counter whilst the fingers of left one held the glass of martini close to his lips.
The warmth emanating from her partner’s proximity felt like an itch in comparison to the chills that man’s aura was giving off.
His eyes still focused, he downed the martini in one shot and swiping his thumb ever so softly against his upper lips, slid back his stool.
She could’ve believed that it was a jazz song. It was her heartbeats drumming wildly into her ears as he straightened his spine, pulled his shoulders back and smoothed the stray crease off his Prussian blue tux.
And then he moved. Towards them.
“….and what? What’s the suspence about?!” A humorous chuckle interrupted her as she was twirled around yet again, and into the arms of her partner.
“Nothing”, She murmured with a small smile. Those that passed had been the longest 17 seconds of her life. She must’ve spent a lifetime dwelling into those eyes.
Taking a step back and forth, and back and forth, her beats had barely found their pacing when someone called them out.
The duo stopped, as she pulled away from Rishi to find herself right in front of the most powerful aura she had ever come across.
The man smiled as he patted Rishi on his shoulders, his fingers pressing slightly. “You should not keep your mother waiting”
Rishi looked behind Maya to see his mother, Antara indulging herself with drinks and mindless chatter, bored out of her mind.
“Right, Dad”.
Rishi chuckled and nodding at Maya moved past them and towards his mother.
Maya stood their awkwardly for the next 10 seconds. What were the odds of them being related?Father and son at that! She still couldn’t believe it. Even after they had been introduced earlier.
The 11th second as she dared to raise her eyes,she found him moving closer and in the next one, she was already in his arms,his left one firmly clasped behind small of her waist while the right one took their own sweet time threading their fingers with hers.
The shock wore off the instant he tilted his head in a manner mocking her. She chuckled mirthlessly in response. “Never the one to ask for permissions, no Jay?!”
“No, not really when the answer’s obvious”, MJ shot back, his words teasing her ears.
Maya just shook her head in disbelief. “The same old, overbearing man!”
“Old…yes. My mane happens to have greyed considerably”, heshrugged nonchalantly drawing out a smile at the corner of her pursed lips.
She looked into his eyes, willingly this time, her apprehensions disappearing just like her surroundings. The same, old effect. Vintage.
He was not ridiculously tall. It helped. Craning her neck to stare into Rishi’s face had always been bit of an ache. However the hard planes of his shoulders under her fingers meant that age had done nothing to diminish his appeal. His nose was a bit crooked to the left and his lips hardly displayed a decent smile, the beard tracing his cheeks was of a grey hue and yet his charisma, far surpassed Rishi’s.
MJ looked at the woman appraising her. Love had always been a nuisance in his world until the day Rishi had come about. He had always been a conqueror to the core. Get what you want and be done with it. No regrets. No attachments. They had first met 10 years back when she had joined his company as a noob writer. And he had felt consumed by her personality. Her single track focus on her work, her dedication to it and an obsession to best herself every new day pulled him in.
Strangely enough he never made a pass at her. Physically.
He was a married man. Off the bounds. And yet, his eyes were the south pole to her north pole. The intensity of his gaze always had a troubling effect on her. Exciting and scary. She could very well say, had love making not been a physical affair, they would’ve done it countless times, in countless instances, at countless places. His gaze although laced with sensuality, was never a look of lust.
He had desired her. Badly. And yet, the amusement of those unsaid moments passing between them had kept him from ever approaching her. He had almost cherished them. Never needing them enough. But right in the moment, with her eyes boring into his, he felt a pulsating need. The kind that had to be quenched.
“You….are not suited for my son”, he spoke darkly as he pulled her closer.
“Agreed. Rishi is too innocent for my twisted taste buds”, She hummed against his ears this time.
He probably was her first crush seeing how giddy and cloud headed she was getting in this intimate conversation. Only that she hadn’t realized it back then. He had just been a passing breeze. Albeit of a climate than just some weather.
“Then why are you deceiving him?” He asked, his prickly beard grazing past against her cheekbones, the dim light in the hall providing a perfect cover.
Maya hissed, her hairs standing on their edges. His voice was the kind of poison she would gladly devour for dessert.
“Judgemental as ever,Jay. Rishi wanted me to give him a chance. I’m well aware of my compatibility with love and affections”.
“You gave in easily,for someone with lot of arguments at the tip of her tongue” He smirked as his eyes focused on her lips and hers focused on his.
“I call it destiny”,She drawled, her fingers playing coyly with his collar.
On the inside, she was debating her every move and questioning her every word. This man was unpredictable.It was difficult to pinpoint if he was the cocky Jay from her past or the dotting helicopter parent. Both being dangerous to boot. Temptation reboot.
MJ smiled, as he pulled away from her and started pulling her through the crowd, gracefully and conspicuously.
“You are married”
“And you aren’t. Will never be…to my boy”
At the farther end of corridor, in the most quite corner of the house as the door closed behind them, Maya found herself pressed between the wall and the hard planes of his body, molding against her, curve to curve,itch to itch.
Her insides throbbed against his hardness, her extremities alerted and upright.
“This smart mouth of yours- MJ tilted her neck by the nape,“-I wonder how good it is”. With that his lips crashed down against her soft ones, unyielding and demanding. Loud noises accompanied the exchange as their lips moved against each other and soon their tongues got entangled. Following a 15 second battle, MJ pulled away slightly, gasping for breath as a slight trail of saliva remained connected.
“And I’ve always wondered how good you are”, She let out shakily.
“I don’t disappoint, Maya”, He whispered huskily bringing her right hand to his lips and placing a kiss against the index finger before closing his mouth around the entire finger and sucking in an erotic manner, all the while his eyes locked onto hers. Maya visibly gasped, the throbbing getting intense.
Once MJ was done with her right hand, her eyes were already glazed with need.
“Patience, kitten” And with that he allowed his tongue to trace her pinna as she shuddered in pleasure and tightly clawed onto his shoulders. Trailing from her ears, he started sucking, nibbling, kissing and biting all the way across her neck and on her shoulder bones.
Her knees wobbled under the waves of intense pleasure rocking her system, but he didn’t let go and in one fell swoop, he had her lifted into his arms as he walked towards the bed while Maya placed wet kissed under his chin and jaw.
MJ groaned as Maya bit him on his neck and then smiled like a cheshire cat against his skin, content on having branded him. Putting her down, he chuckled in amusement as his fingers traced the stinging sensation on his neck and the other hand pushed her closer by the back of her neck. Their lips stopped inches apart as Maya traced his jawbone with her index finger, trailing its way down his taut neck and onto the centre of his chest, stopping only at the overcoat.
“You are overdressed for the occasion”, She whispered in a low purr as her fingers unbuttoned her overcoat and he let it slid off his arms and onto the floor. And soon the white shirt was on the floor too as she caressed the contour of his clean shaved abs with the tip of her nail, her eyes changing to a darker shade of chocolate.
And lightly, she pushed against his stomach as he fell on the bed supporting his weight against his elbow.
“I like this ferociousness. Turns me on”MJ smirked, as she crawled into his lap, their lips pausing an inch away, yet again, when she pried his lips open with her thumb and slowly went in for his lips, her movements patient and oddly tempting. While MJ pulled her down on the bed and turned off the light as the entire room was swallowed in darkness.
“Goodbye, baby. I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me. You were mylight. But darkness can just never treasure it enough”
Placing a lingering kiss of affection against the sleeping man’s forehead, Maya turned around to leave only to get startled by a frame leaning against the door frame.
“Going somewhere?” MJ asked as Maya walked to him.
Looking back at Rishi’s sleeping visage, Maya only smiled. “Wherever my destiny takes me”
And for the first time in life, MJ was feeling at loss. His heart felt at unease.
Maya blinked back her tears. She didn’t want MJ to know that last night had amounted to so much more in her heart. She had to get away from him. She had to.
“You can always come back” MJ spoke as Maya halted in her steps and turning, stepped closer, her palm caressing his cheek, with yearning. Care.Love.
“You can always find me”
Her lips found his in a slight caress as she pulled away and smiled. “Goodbye, Jay. Rishi ka khayal rakhna”
MJ gulped, his fingers fisting and his heart sinking. “I will”
Maya nodded and turning around on her heels walked away while MJ just kept on looking. “Wait for me, Maya. Once is for forever”.


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