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MisHaan OS:When He Finally Understood Her!! || Silsila Badalte Rishton Ka || SBRK

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"Welcome to college, so first lecture in literature, I know you all would be excited but we'll start with our course tomorrow, today let's talk about some topic related to syllabus...Ummm, Love...after all you have Romeo and Juliet in your course." The professor told his students with a pleasant smile, the till now silent students started whispering among themselves.
"Ok, Ok, you don't have to discuss among yourselves, you have to discuss with me." The professor was still carrying his pleasant smile as he said the words, silence again spread among students.
"So, what is Love?" The professor raised his eyebrows questioning as he knew how everybody would come up with their own explanations, each one beautiful in its own way.
Many hands were raised instantly, some students were there who did not raise their hands but never mind, most of them who didn't raise their hands looked like the shy ones.
"So, You, 3rd Bench in 3rd row..." The professor pointed at a boy, his face sported an intense, artistic look, you can expect anyone to be attracted to him, he stood up and spoke
"Sir, according to me, Love is a beautiful feeling, more deep than the oceans, more wide spreading than the sky, just binds us with everyone around us, it is the driving force for everything we do, without Love, the existence of this earth, of humanity, of humans is impossible..."
"Beautiful explanation, so, your name?" The professor questioned, his smile widened with his answer.
"Ruhaan..." The boy replied smiling.
The students clapped as the professor shushed them, "Don't or else you'll have to clap lot many times, I am sure each one of yours definition is going to be beautiful...Ok, Sit down Ruhaan."
Ruhaan sat down.
"So last time I picked someone who raised his hand, this time..." The professor scanned the room as he spotted a girl sitting on the last bench in the 2nd row.
"You, Last bench, second row, answer?" The professor pointed at the girl, she hadn't raised her hand, she stood up narrowing her eyes speaking something under her breath, hardly audible to even the person next to her.

"Sir, for me Love, it is a destroyer...It is the worst feeling, It is feeling which only gives pain, only destroys us, only kills us, well...I haven't read Romeo and Juliet as yet but even they both died for Love right? I hate Love." The girl put forward her viewpoint; all the students including the professor himself were stunned.
"Actually that's why I didn't raise my hand, my viewpoint might differ with many or maybe...all, by the way, Mishti here." Mishti passed the professor a quick smile as she took her seat back, Ruhaan turned to look at her...was this girl for real?

"Well, yes very different... Mishti." The professor could only say as he resumed the discussion.
"I don't know how people can hate Love." Ruhaan said to his friend sitting in the canteen, staring at Mishti who was sitting a few seats away.
Since, he had heard her viewpoint about Love, he had only been thinking about her, her viewpoint, like why would someone hate Love, the most beautiful feeling in the world was something he was wondering ever since.
"She might have a reason to think that way, try to understand her." His friend replied as he sensed him staring at Mishti, she didn't knew about his staring though.
"No, I meant in general...not...not about her." Ruhaan stammered realizing he was caught, his friend laughed.
"I'll just advice you don't fall for her because I guess she won't really like it." His friend continued giggling as he teased Ruhaan.
"Shut Up, I'll never fall for a person who hates Love." Ruhaan smiled as he hit his friend's head.
After about 1 month:
"God, Yeh Barish Ko Bhi Abhi Hi Aana Tha, Koi auto Bhi Nahi Milegi aur Mere Pass Chatri Bhi Nahi Hai..." Mishti said worried as she stood at the entrance of college building, the rain was pouring down heavily, when Mishti had left her home in the morning, the weather was sunny so she didn't felt any need for umbrella , she had arrived in the campus on her Vespa but couldn't go back on it due to the rainfall, she was caught in there from past 2 hours after the college was over.
"Need lift?" Ruhaan asked sitting in his car as he brought it towards Mishti, he had stayed back in college because he wished to read some book in library, as he was going back now, he saw Mishti standing continuously staring at her wrist watch and speaking something to herself, she was alone as all the students had gone back, only a few in library and some teachers were left along with Mishti.
 Mishti looked at him, then at her wrist watch, then again at him as she nodded in a 'no'.
Though they were classmates but they never talked, firstly because of their first impression of each other, they had realized that their thoughts were poles apart and secondly because they never felt the need.
"See, the rain isn't really going to stop soon, I'll drop you, I know we don't know each other that well but we are classmates, you can trust me..." Ruhaan said politely as Mishti looked at him confused, she was for sure late and she didn't wish to be more late.
 "Ok, I live nearby, I'll guide you." Mishti said as she opened the car's door, Ruhaan passed her a pleasant smile.
"You don't like me, right?" Mishti asked as now she was sitting in Ruhaan's car, he was driving to her home, she had already told him the way.
 ", Wh...who told that?" Ruhaan spoke stammering getting caught off guard.
"Well, for now, blame your stammering ." Mishti replied smiling mischievously.
 "It's nothing like that; it's just that I don't agree with your Point of View about Love." Ruhaan said realizing there was no way out.
"Ok, I don't really care if you like me or not so let's leave the topic." Mishti said as she saw the lane in which her house is in front of her, Ruhaan stopped the car.
Mishti opened her seat belt and was about to come out as Ruhaan held her hand, "Umbrella, You'll need it to walk till gate, I keep it in the car, return me in college." He said as he handed her the umbrella.
"Thank you, by the way, Tea-coffee? I'll give your umbrella back now only; you'll also need it, right?" Mishti said politely.
"You know how to make tea, you know I always mess it up while trying, I don't know why but my brother is an amazing cook." Ruhaan said excited.
 "I am not really planning to make it for now, Mumma will make it for you but I do know how to make basic food items including tea-coffee." Mishti said in a slightly teasing tone.
"Ok, I'll come." Ruhaan readily agreed, he himself didn't know why.
Mishti smiled, came out of the car, opened the umbrella and stood near Ruhaan's side of door, as soon as Ruhaan got down, she covered him too with the Umbrella, then both walked to Mishti's home which was a 2 minutes' walk, together.
Mishti rang the bell and her mother opened the door, "Mumma, I left my Vespa in college; he dropped me home since it was raining." Mishti spoke in a single breath as she entered inside, realizing Ruhaan was still standing on the door, confused since he wasn't really told to come inside, she pulled him.
 "Ruhaan, my classmate." Mishti introduced Ruhaan to her mother, Mauli as she left his hand, Ruhaan looked at her...she knew his name, he thought she wouldn't.
"Thank You Beta, what will you have? Tea or Coffee and I am sure you'll love hot Pakodas in this weather." Mauli smiled at him.
"No, no Aunty, I just came in like that, tea would suffix." Ruhaan said as he thought how different Mishti was from her mother, though she was sweet but not someone who would like mingling with people, her mother seemed exact opposite.
"Oh, so shy types? I'll myself see what I have to bring, you sit down and Mishti sit with him..." Mauli said as Mishti nodded and sat down next to him.
"Your mother is sweet." Ruhaan started a conversation as it has been some time and Mishti hadn't spoken a word, she didn't really care, it was he who felt a bit weird.
"I know, moms are always sweet, God, I think you left your Umbrella when I dragged you in, I'll just bring it." Mishti said cutting the conversation, as she got up, Ruhaan just wondered , did she really realized about the Umbrella just now or she saw waited to act as if realizing when he starts a conversation to cut it?
As Mishti left, Mauli entered back with tea and hot Pakodas, some other delicious food items too accompanying them.
" Aunty, so many things..." Ruhaan said as Mauli placed the tray in front of him.
"So, you are our guest, in fact you are Mishti's first college friend she brought home, I don't know, does she even has friends in college?" Mauli asked smiling.
"I don't know, actually we both are not friends, I just happened to see her alone in college so thought to drop her home."
"That's really sweet of you, Acha eat something." Mauli said as she handed him a plate with some food items, Ruhaan trying to look towards entrance as Mishti wasn't back yet by mistakenly tilts it dropping sauce, some on his shirt, some on the couch.
"Oops..." Ruhaan said as Mauli keeps down the plate on table in hurry, "Sorry, I am sorry...We need to clean this or there will be stain... the nearest washroom is there, in that room." She points towards a room in left as Ruhaan nods and walks towards it, meanwhile Mauli starts cleaning the couch.
Ruhaan walks in the room into the washroom and cleans his shirt, as he comes out, he realizes he is in a room, in fact Mishti's room, he realizes this through her pictures all around in the room.
He walks towards the desk unknowingly as he sees a diary kept there," Personal Diary, in the computer era? Interesting." Ruhaan wonders as he opens it.
The first page dates 04/09/2011, 'Dear Diary, Today the divorce proceedings of Mumma-Pa...Mr. Malhotra's case are over, they are officially divorced, Mumma loved him so much, just so much, even after she realized that he was having an extra marital affair, she tried to give him a chance but he left her for someone else, Mumma used to tell me how beautiful the feeling of love is, how it is everything in a relationship...the binding force of it, is this Love? Even Mr. Malhotra used to say he loves Mumma a lot, then why he left her? I see my mother silently cry in her room every night...she still loves him and this Love only broke her, broke her forever, she still loves him but I hate him and I'll hate him forever, I'll hate this feeling of Love forever, the feeling which broke my Mumma, the feeling which broke me...I hate it, I hate my father, both my father and this feeling are destroyers...destroyers...' The pen seemed to have stopped abruptly there as Ruhaan thinks about the definition of love he heard from Mishti the first day, things seem to clear up as he remembers what his friend told him, 'try to understand her' a lone drop of tear silently escapes his eyes.
"Mumma, you told him to go to my room, why? There are other rooms here." Mishti, who just returned after bringing in the Umbrella questioned her mother angrily.
"So what happened? Beta, he is our guest and he even dropped you home..." Mishti ran towards her room irritated as she didn't let Mauli complete.
As Mishti reached the door of her room, she saw Ruhaan standing at the desk facing the other side.
"Ruhaan..." Mishti said shocked seeing him at her desk, Ruhaan who was stunned dropped the diary.
Mishti entered as she picked up her diary, "My diary with you..." She said suspiciously.
 "I just saw it so thought to read it, can I?" Ruhaan acted as if he didn't read it.
"No, I don't like anybody intruding my privacy, if you have cleaned the sauce then please go to the sitting room." Mishti said sternly as Ruhaan nodded and walked out.
Mishti placed the diary back safely as she followed.
Ruhaan had seated himself in the sitting room again by now, Mishti sat next to him, off course angry at seeing him intrude her privacy, Ruhaan started eating the delicious food items her mother had made.
As Ruhaan talked to Mishti's mother about various topics , he stole glances at Mishti who was still sitting with her mouth shaped like a big bubble, he smiled at how cute she looked, today he understood the mystery behind her hatred for Love, well he understood another thing...he has fallen for her.
He understood a quote he read long back, 'Don't try to understand a girl , if you do either you'll get mad or you will start loving her' , it was the second one for him, how to make her fall for him was a different story altogether, getting over heartbreaks specially one in which you saw your own parents involved is off course difficult and he knew it so he'll wait, for now they need to be...
"Aunty, you are an amazing cook, in fact I am sure, even Mishti would be. Right Mishti?" Ruhaan said as he was standing on the entrance of Mishti's house now with the Umbrella open in his hands and raindrops still falling down.
"Yes." Mishti answered in one word, looking uninterested or rather irritated.
Ruhaan smiled, "So friends?" He extended his hand for a handshake while Mishti stared at it confused, she wouldn't have minded if he hadn't tried to read her diary but at the end of the day, he gave her a lift, was sweet to her mother and even in college, he is sweet , how could she refuse.
"Ok, friends." Mishti shook hand with him while he passed her a warm smile, Mishti couldn't resist the smile that itself crept her lips as she looked in his eyes, she was getting over with her hatred.
 "Unho, Unho..."Mauli said as she realized the known handshake and the unknown eyelock were prolonged.
"Ok, bye, will meet tomorrow." Ruhaan almost ran away to hide the blush that stained his cheeks, Mishti saw him smiling, not all people are same, the feeling of love isn't that bad does look beautiful.


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