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BrinDev : Your Loss , My Gain || Naagin 4 || Nagin 4

"Please Rajat... Don't do this.."

"Look Brinda...I don't love you. It was just time pass and fun for me. I never loved you"

"But you know that I love you so much. From the beginning I told you that, I will only love you if you are serious about this relation.And you told me that you are serious about me and the relation"

"And you believed that....You silly girl...I was never serious about the relation. All this love story happend in a challeng I have with my friends. When we first saw you,some of my friends tried to make you fall in love them,but they failed. Then they challenged me to do what they failed to do. And I accept the challenge. First I become your friend and then your lover. I just dont wanted to disclose about the challenge yet,but here you are proposing me to marry you.So I'm telling you this. You are nothing to me." Rajat said it like its just a simple thing.

But what about Brinda?  For her falling in love was something special. Falling in love with your friend is something more special. When you marry the one,whom your heart choose, you won't get stressed or tensed in your marriage. You won't fee the pain too much when you have to leave your home after marriage. Everyone will be there with you.Specially your soulmate. 

But now its looks like fate have some other plans. She never thought that Rajat will do this to her. They were in love from last two years and today, on her 20th birthday, she planned to propose him for marriage and introduce him to her parents and relatives. But everything is changed now.

"What about all those promises Rajat?  Those promises you made to me.."

"Promises... Oh Brinda...That was never promises. It was some quotes I found on internet. Thought it'll be good if I use it in our daily talks.You really thought those things are a life long promises? "  Rajat laughed like he said some joke.

"You are hurting me Rajat" Brinda said painfully 

"Hurt you?  I didn't even touched you"

"Not physically... But mentally "

"Wow..Now you too using quotes" Rajat said moking her

"Please stop it Rajat. It's all my fault that I fell in love with you. I thought that I found the perfect man. But no...I was wrong....It's all my fault "

"C'mon Brinda...Don't get so emotional.. If u want we can still stay in this relation. You will get what you want and I will get what I want. But don't talk about marriage" Rajat said with a evilness in his eyes, tried to hug her.

But Brinda pushed him and shout "Dont you dare to touch me Rajat"

"Oh Brinda...So much anger in one second.."

"Its good to see that you finally you showed your true color Rajat..." saying this she walked from there.When she was far away from him,she turned to look him,saw that he is high fiving with some of his friends.

She run towards her home. All those tears she was holding back in front of him now making it's way to her eyes. She want to cry her heart out. She want slap herself for falling for the wrong person. 

When she reached home,she goes straight towards her room,leaving her parents in confusion, who were decorating the leaving room for her birthday celebration. Once she reached her room,she locked the room and cried her heart out. After sometimes, she heard a soft knock in her door. She wiped her tears and opend the door to see that her parents standing there with concerned and tensed faces. She let them in. They sat in her bed.She goes and sat between them.

"What happend Brinda? You said that you are going to propose to your love and going to introduce him to us today evening " her mother asked all concerned 

"Don't tell dear that he was cheated you" her father said, hoping that was not the reason behind her condition.

She hugged him saying "yes dad....He was....I fell in love with the wrong person " and cried. 

Then they didn't ask anything. Let her cry in their embrace. 

"Cry as much as you want dear...But promise yourself that you won't cry again for the same reason anymore.."

After cried her heartout, she felt some peace and relief. 

"Brinda..if you are not ok,we can cancel the birthday celebration " her mother said

'"No mom, don't do that..I don't want to spoil my special day for one wrong person"

"That's my girl..."they both hugged her

"But dad,I like to leave here for sometimes. Just for a refreshment. But I promise dad,I won't cry for that same reason again"

"Ok dear...If that's what you can. I think Goa will be a good place for you. Your aunty, means my sister Priya lives there with her family.  And she is asking me to send you there from a long time. Now I think its time for that.What you think? "

"That's a good idea dad. I'll leave next week for Goa"

"Ok dear...Now c'mon..We have a party to start.. Guests will be here anytime "

"Ok dad...I'll be ready with in 30 minutes "

They both kissed her forehead and leaves the room.

"I'm one lucky girl to get a parents like them" she thought herself before closing the door to getting ready for her big day


5 years later 

Brinda slowly walk in the kitchen, saw that her aunty making breakfast.  She hugged her from behind "Good morning aunty "

Priya smiled and turned her head to saw Brinda is smiling " Good morning Brinda...You scared me little devil..."

"awwww...aunty....." she made a puppy face

"Don't make that face Brinda...Its not going to work this time..." saying this she grabbed Brinda's ear playfully 

"Aunty....." she giggled

Priya cupped her face and gave her a kiss on forehead. 
"Stay happy like this, always...." she said

"Yes aunty...I'll..... " she said,walking out of the kitchen. 

"Brinda..Wait...Your uncle wanted to meet you. He was asking for you from morning"

"Ok aunty..." she said, goes to search where is her Akash uncle.

Now Brinda was staying with her aunty and her family at Goa. Her parents gave her a visit every month. But her parents didn't ask her come back with them,because they know she will when she felt its time. Brinda is now helping her uncle in her business. He and his son owns a company at Goa and have its franchises all around India including her hometown. 

She saw that her uncle sitting in the garden.

"Uncle, good morning.... Aunty said that you are asking for me.... "

"Good morning Brinda...And yes...I was asking for you...."

He handover her a file. 

"Brinda..this is the list of those candidates who clear the interview for our job applications. I'm little busy. So I want you two have a final look and only then we can send them the joining letters "

"Ok uncle... We will...." she took the file and goes from there. 

She stands in front of a room. Its door closed. So she knocked and waited for sometime. 

"Come in" she heard a voice from inside.She opened the door and get in the the room. She looked around, but no one was there. Suddenly she heard that the door closing behind her. Before she get the time to turn,she felt a strong pull from behind, which make her back crash into a strong chest. Both hands hugged her by her waist.

"Dev..." she called,  smilingly 

"Good morning Brinda..."he said placing his face on her neck, giving a soft kiss there. She felt shivers running through her body.

"Good morning.." she whispers 

"I can't hear you...." he said in his husky voice

"Stop it Dev...." she said, trying to get out from his grip,but not succeed.

"You can't run away from me Brinda....."

"I know..."

"Then why you even trying...??"

"Just to check that you will let me go or not"

"I will never let you go away from me Brinda"  he said in a serious voice

"I know that too.."

"So,what's in this file? "

"Uncle gave me this...This is the list of those candidates who clear the job interview for our company for here.Uncle is busy. So he want us to check the list for him.."

"Ok..." he released her from his grip and took the file from her hand. He sit on his bed, checking the list. Brinda sat beside him staring his face.

When she leaves her place and came here,she promised herself that she won't fall in love again. She build a wall around her already broken heart. But this man, he did the magic and she can't help, but fall in love all over again, but this time it was for the best. God is not that cruel.  When he take something  from you,its doesn't mean that he didn't love or care for you,but because he plans to replace it with something more special.  And she is happy that God gave her a second chance to fall in love and she accepted it.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't heard Dev calling her. She woke up from her thoughts when she felt his lips on her cheek. She looked at him.

"What happened Brinda?lost in thoughts?"

"I was thinking something..... "

"I know what it is?"


"About me....About us....right?"

"Yes...." she said smilingly 

"Brinda....We need to go to your home town. Dad want us to go there and check how the work and other things going on there in our company. We didn't visited there after its open. Now its 5 months and only dad visited there once. So he want us to go there and meet up with the workers. What do you think about it? Are you ok with it?"

"Yes Dev....As long as you and our family with me...I'm ready...."

"That's my girl.." he said with a proud smile "and I think this list is ok and we can send them the joining letters "

"When we need to leave?"

"Day after tomorrow "

"Ok then...I need to do my packings..." she get up from the bed and he too. She walked towards the door, but came back and hugged Dev.

"I love you Dev"

"I love you too Brinda"


Brinda's grip on Dev's hand tightened once they make their exit from the Airport. After 5 years... she is coming here. Her parents was there to to welcome them. They goes to the home to place their luggages there. After a little break,both Brinda and Dev headed towards the company. 

The car stopped in front of the company.  Dev took Brinda's hand in his when they walk towards the entrance of the company. They welcomed by the manager.  After all the works done the manager lead them to the meeting hall where all the workers waiting to meet them. They entered there. Brinda looked all around the meeting hall and her eyes stopped in that person. He was already staring her.

"Rajat..." she whispered. For a moment she feels weak but soon its replaced by a confident look on her face. She goes and sat beside Dev.

After the meeting Dev was talking to the manager. Thats when she get a call from her mother. 

"Dev...I'll be in car parking...Mom calling...So need to pick the call...."

"Ok Brinda"

She was walking towards the car parking while talking to her mom on phone. After sometime she hang up the phone. When she is about to walk forward, she felt a grip on her hand and she was sure that it was not Dev. She turned back to see it was Rajat. She took her hand from his grip in a second.

"Whats wrong with you Rajat?  What are you doing here?  You should be inside, working"

"What are you doing here Brinda? We were informed that the Company's owner's son gaving us a visit. Then what are you doing with him?"

"I'm working with them now...And he is..." Rajat didnt let her finish

" Wow are working for them...Thats awesome... I never saw you in last 5 years. Where were you? "

"Not your concern Rajat..."

"Don't say like that Brinda...Give me a one more chance..."

"One more chance...For what?"

"For making everything right. I was so stupid that time. I didn't understand your love...Broke your heart... I'm sorry for that.. Please forgive me...I promise I wont hurt you this time"

Brinda stood there with a shocked face hearing all those nonsense's the man saying. He is impossible.  When he find out that she is working with the company's owners,that too in a higher position, he thinks,so he want to gave another chance to the so called relation. She felt ashamed to think that she once was in love with this stupid idiot selfish person. Was that really love? No...Of course not..."thak God I'm saved" she thought herself. 
"Get out of my way Rajat......" she tried to walk again.

"Listen to me Brinda.." he again catch her hand.

"Let go of her Rajat... Don't you dare to touch my girl...." they heard a voice from behind.

Brinda's face lighten up when she saw Dev is standing there. Rajat automatically lose his grip on Brinda's hand.

"Your girl....?"

"Yes... She is mine..." 

Dev came and stand beside Brinda. She moved so close to him that he placed hia hand around her waist.

"I love her..." Rajat said, looking at Dev's hand which is on Brinda's waist. 

"But you broke her with your so called challenge you have with your stupid friends. So don't you dare to say the word Love again Rajat. You never loved her..." he said in a angry tone.

Brinda didn't spoke anything. For her Rajat was a closed chapter...She closed the topic long ago. She don't want to talk about it anymore.  So she let Dev talk.

"I'm her first love"

"So what?  You were never her true love.So Rajat.. stay away from Her..."

Dev turn towards Brinda " I want to you go to our car and wait for me there. I will be with you soon"

"Ok Dev" she gave a quick kiss on his cheek and run away from there. He just smiled at her antics.
When again he turn towards Rajat, he saw that Rajat walking towards ths company.

"Wait Rajat...I didn't finish with you"

Rajat stopped and turned to look Dev.

"Listen to me carefully Rajat..You once broke her heart beyond repair. It took me 4 years to gather all those small broken pieces to one again. So dont try to come in her away again. If you tried for it, then no one can tell what will gonna happen in to your life.Not even God...Hope you understand."

"Yes..I lost her..."

"Your Loss Was My Gain Rajat..I picked her up from where you left her all broken. Now I won't let anyone come between me and Brinda. Now you can go and concentrate on your work. But don't forget that all your doings will be observed. 

Rajat walked towards the company, knowing that if he once again tried to meet Brinda,  the very next thing will be his hell that waiting for him.

Brinda was sitting in the car, waiting for Dev,lost in her thoughts.

When she reached Goa after the breakup with her so called boyfriend, she decided that she won't believe or fall in love with anyone again.  She even ignored Dev so many times whenever he tried to spoke with her. Because she didn't know him well. She only met him in those family functions which conducted by the families once in a year.  But with patience, he gained het trust, fortunately.  She told him about her past. It took him 4 years to make everything perfect for het again. In those 4 years, with love and care, he broke the wall which she built around her broken heart and gathered all those broken pieces into one again. Slowly she too fell in love with him. But this time carefully and steadily.  He gave her all the time she needed to know him. And when he proposed her last year,on her 24th birthday, she happily said yes. And last week, on her 25th birthday ,they celebrated their one year of togetherness.  Their marriage will take place next year in Goa. 

"Day dreaming?" Brinda jumped in fear when she heard the voice so close in her ear.

"Dev...You scared me..."

"I'm sorry.... "he said gaving her a kiss on cheek.

"I love you Dev...I'm so happy that I have you in my life..."

"I know that dear....I love you too...." saying that he starts the car.They came back to Brinda's home and stayed one week with them. After that they both flied back to Goa promising her parents that they will comeback whenever they get the time.

Evening at Goa

Brinda and Dev was standing in the balcony of Dev's room, watching the beautiful sunset.

"You know Dev..It feels so good to visit home after a longtime " she placed her head on his  chest. He wrapped her in his arms. 

"And Brinda...You faced your past with courage.. I'm so proud of that...."

"All thanks to you Dev.. Its not even possible without you...I love you..."

"I know that you love me...How many times you gonna say that?" He smiles 

"For a thousand time....And for a thousands of years I will say that....... I love you, I love you,I love you and don't even get tired of it" 

"You know Brinda...I'm so lucky to have you. I was so happy when you gave a second chance to Love to enter in your life...  and was super happy when you gave us a chance... I love you too Brinda...."

Saying that he hugged her so closely and tightly,  never wanting to let her go


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