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YEH JAADU HAI JINN KA-ROSHAN FF || Beauty & The Beast || YJHJK FF || Roshni || Aman

Image result for YEH JAADU HAI JINN KA
Roshni Farooqi: Ever since she came out of an abusive relationship, Abid (her father) knew that telling her about werewolves will cause her to go further into depression. Being the youngest child in the family and adopted as well as being naive, Roshni knew that someone, or something had saved her from her abusive boyfriend that night in the woods.
Aman Junaid Khan: Ever since Riya Farooqi burned down the Khan house as well as Aman’s family, Aman has felt nothing but anger and hatred towards the Farooqi’s. So imagine Aman saving an Farooqi? It’s true, he did. Going into the woods, Aman saved Roshni from her abusive boyfriend or so he thought. Because later on he learns that Roshni is his mate and she was already scarred emotionally, mentally, and physically by her boyfriend.
Now join Aman as he mends his broken Beauty and Roshni mends her broken Beast
Trigger warnings of abuse and self harm. If you are sensitive to this topic than you can skip it. I myself do not encourage self-harm. I will make words bold if the sensitive parts are going to be written and unbold it when finished.
She was running. Was running, far away from him.
Hey come back NOW! She heard him yell in pure anger.
Roshni had tears falling down her eyes as she cried silently while running. She was trying to find an exit or at least a place to hide. Anywhere to get away from that monster. She then started to look around the woods which was awfully scary to her especially at night. The trees looked ominous like the ones shown in many horror movies. Roshni was frightened from even the slightest snap of a twig or the drift of the wind petrified that her boyfriend, Jai was right behind her.
Jai was a cruel man. Roshni knew this even before she started to date him. Well, she was forced to date him. Jai terrified Roshni and threatened her that he’ll hurt Farah. Roshni begged him not to hurt her older sister and ended up dating him. Jai was horribly abusive towards her. He always gave her bruises from slapping or beating her up which Roshni always had to cover up. She wanted to tell her parents about Jai but he of course threatened her which she was forced to oblige.
But now, she had enough.
At first jai was lately acting weird towards her. Being nice, gentle towards her. Roshni thought Jai was trying to change. But she was wrong. Jai was pretending to be kind for a excuse to touch her and just lately he tried to force himself on her and that’s why Roshni was running. Just then Roshni heard a few twigs snap making her gasp in surprise. She looked around before quickly running towards a tree and was hiding behind it. She peeked to see Jai looking around before running in the opposite direction.
Roshni sighed and turned back only to see Jai smirking at her. Her eyes widened as she tried to run but Jai held her by the waist and shoved her into the tree making her cry in pain.
Tsk…Tsk…Tsk…Roshni, Roshni, Roshni. Do you really think you could get away from me? Jai asked sarcastically.
Roshni started to cry.
P-P-Please let me g-go she pleaded making Jai laugh before glaring at her and held her neck.
Roshni struggled trying to free herself but couldn’t as Jai took off her jacket. Roshni was full on crying at this point.
Shut up you little b**** otherwise I will do far worse. Do you understand? Jai glared.
Roshni furiously nodded in fear of him. Roshni began to quiet down before starting to scream due to the pain Jai was giving her.
HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!!! Roshni yelled
Jai slapped her across the face as she cried.
There’s no point crying for help because no one is going to save you now. Jai smirks as he evilly laughs.
And Jai was right. Roshni laid there silently weeping as Jai took full advantage of her. The next thing you know Jai was pushed off of Roshni as Roshni swore she saw blue eyes. Blue eyes that resemble much like a beast. The beast disappeared along with Jai when Roshni heard voices.
ROSHNI!!! The voice shouted as she soon recognized to be her dad’s.
Dad!!! Roshni cried too weak to shout.
Roshni soon felt a jacket surrounding her petite body as she slowly looked up to see her dad looking at her with tears in his eyes.
Dad!! Roshni cried as she hugged her dad
And that was the last thing she saw before her vision became black


Part 2

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“DAD!” Roshni yells. Abid Farooqi comes rushing out the front door along with his wife Raziya and oldest daughter Farah Farooqi.
Abid ran towards the car where he saw his youngest daughter crying. Abid hugs her as Roshni was lying her head on her father’s chest and cries.
“Dad, t-the b-bad dream” Roshni stutters out as Abid understood what she was talking out.
After the horrible incident a few months ago Abid decided to move his family back to London. Abid spent months trying to find Jai but it was like he vanished into thin air. Abid was going to continue searching when some sightings of what might possibly be a werewolf might be on loose was heard. More precisely an Alpha. Abid decided to move his family to London, thinking that it will be a change of scenery for Roshni. While driving he noticed his daughter was asleep and didn’t want her to wake up as his oldest daughter, Farah, his wife and him carried all the boxes towards their new house, leading up to the situation now.
Feeling his daughter calming down Abid decides to get her mind off as he asks “do you want to see our new house?” As he wipes his daughter’s tears.
Roshni looks at the huge house before looking back at her dad. She nods before hopping down the car and coming face to face with her older adoptive sister, Farah.
“Come on Roshni, I’ll show you your room” Farah smiles as she gently holds her sister’s arm, being careful not to apply pressure as her arms was still covered with bruises and scars which the Farooqi’s thought that Jai had created. Jai may had created the bruises but Roshni was the one cutting her arms and leaving scars. Making sure her family never get to know of it.
Getting back on track Farah leads Roshni into their new home and brought her upstairs towards the last room on the right.
“And this is your new room!” Farah says. Roshni couldn’t help but gasp in surprise.
To her, the room was very big. The walls were cream and the floor was fluffy and white. Roshni walks further into the room and looks to see she had a bathroom in the corner of her room and had a double bed in the centre of the room.
“Do you like it?” Roshni hears a voice as she gasps in fright but calms down to see her dad.
“Thank you dad” Roshni says.
Abid sighs and smiles.
“No problem.” Roshni slowly looks towards her dad and slightly smiles.
“Now me and your mom are going to make some food. Just try to et some ok?” Abid asks his daughter
Ever since that night, Roshni has been having problems eating. She always ended up throwing up her food. Roshni bit her lower lip.
“ok dad, I will try” Roshni says making Abid smile.
Abid hugs Roshni before he leaves and her and Farah started to unpack.
At the dinner table, Roshni says “dad I’m full” she whispered as her father sighs.
Roshni only ate 2 spoons of beans (which was a few more bites than usually) before she claims she was full.
“Ok. Why don’t you go upstairs and get yourself ready for bed” Abid says.
Roshni nods as she hugs her sister and her mom saying goodnight before walking upstairs. Abid looks at his wife as they both sighs.
“At least she ate 2 spoons of beans” Farah says trying to think of the positive side.
“But it’s still not enough for her” Raziya says.
With that the rest of the family finishes eating before Abid went upstairs to check up on his youngest daughter. Going upstairs Abid sees his daughter unpacking.
“Roshni, I thought I told you to go to bed” Abid slightly scolds as Roshni jumps in surprise before looking at her dad.
“Sorry Dad” Roshni whispers.
Abid looks at his daughter before walking up to her and hugging her. Roshni hugs him back as Abid says “no need to apologize Roshni, I was simply just telling you.” Roshni nods as she breaks the hug, grabs her teddy bear and then jumps into bed and got under the covers.
Abid walks over to her and kisses her forehead.
“Go to sleep sweetheart tomorrow you and Farah will start your new school” Abid says.
Roshni begins to grow nervous. Every time she went to school all she worried that Jai would be there and will hurt her. Ever since that night no one had seen Jai. It was like he vanished into thin air. Roshni never told anyone about the blue eyed beast she saw, just in case no one believed her. Abid seems to sense her panicking.
“You don’t have to worry, Farah will be there with you at all times, I promise” Abid says.
Roshni nods.
“Ok Dad. Goodnight” she says as Abid smiles. Saying goodnight to his daughter he was about to leave when he suddenly remembers.
“Roshni, you forgot to take your pills” making Roshni sigh in disappointment.
She was hoping her dad would forget. She sits up as her dad comes back with her pills and a glass of water. Abid hands her the pill as Roshni stares at it. She sighs before quickly swallowing the pills and drinking the glass of water.
“That’s great sweetheart” Abid says and tucks his daughter in one last time before leaving.
Roshni watches her father leave before closing her eyes unaware that someone with brown eyes and black hair is watching her.

Part 3

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“Roshni get up! We’re going to be late for school” she hears a voice say as she woke up terrified of who it might be. She slowly opens her eyes to reveal her older sister Farah, making her sigh in relief. Farah looks at her worried.
“Did I scare you?” Farah whispers
Roshni was about to say no when Farah added “and be honest” making Roshni nod yes
Farah hugs her sister making Roshni tense
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to” Farah says as she breaks the hug
“it’s okay” Roshni whispers as she bit her lip
Farah nods
“Well then get your lazy ass up and let’s get ready for school” Farah says before leaving
Roshni sighs as she grabs her teddy bear and hugs it seeking comfort and calmness
“i hope he doesn’t show up” Roshni says as she then gets up and walks straight into the bathroom, making sure she locks the door
***Remember in the first part I said when the sensitive parts come, I will bold the words, well here it goes. If you guys feel uncomfortable than you may skip the bolded words***
She comes face to face with her bathroom mirror. She cringes at the sight of herself.
“i’m so ugly and unattractive. Nobody will like me” she thought as she gets her razor and rolls up her sleeve.
She then places the razor onto her arm before dragging it along her arms as blood comes out. Roshni sighs in relief. It’s been two days since she hadn’t cut herself as she needed to feel some relief. Cutting a few more times she then went to get showered and dressed.
She decides to wear something loose but comfortable as she wears jeans, blue t-shirt, and a black hoodie before walking downstairs to see her parents in the kitchen. Hearing footsteps Raziya and Abid look up to see their daughter walking downstairs. Farah comes over as she went to say goodbye to her parents.
“see you mom. Bye dad” Farah says
“bye Farah, take care of yourself and Roshni” Raziya says
“and make sure she eats” Abid adds
Farah nods as Roshni comes over and hugs her parents
“bye mom bye dad” Roshni whispers
“bye sweetheart, have a good day” Abid says
Roshni nods as Farah gives her bag and with that Farah drives to school
Farah and Roshni arrive to school as they wait outside for the principal. Roshni is constantly taking deep breaths. She was scared. Scared to see new people, afraid of what they might say about her. Scared that Jai would be in this school and waiting for the perfect moment to grab her and take her away. Roshni was so deep in thoughts that she jumps up in surprise when Farah places her hand on her shoulder
“it’s okay. I’m here. Everything will be okay” Farah says.
Roshni nods as then Farah’s phone starts to ring. Farah rolls her eyes
“bet it’s mom again” Farah says while taking an exaggerated sigh
Roshni giggles making Farah smile before answering her phone
“Mom, three calls for my first day is a little over-doing” Farah says
“Everything is fine….Roshni’s fine. Everything, except a pen, oh my god I actually forgot a pen! Okay, okay I gotta go, love you…” Farah says as she disconnects her phone and looks at Roshni
“do you have a spare pen I could borrow?” Farah asks
Roshni checks her bag and sighs
“no, I don’t have any pens” Roshni says
Farah was about to say something till the principal came over. Roshni quickly sees him and slightly hides behind Farah
“The Farooqi’s correct?” The principal asks
Farah nods as Roshni looks at the ground as she fumbles with the end of her hoodie. The principal looks at Farah
“My sister’s just really shy” Farah says to the principal as he nods in understanding
He then leads the girls into the school and into the English room. Roshni’s heart begins to quicken as the principal looks towards the class.
“Class, these are our new students, Farah and Roshni Farooqi. Please do the best to make them feel welcome” the principal says before leaving
“why don’t you girls take a seat” the teacher says
Roshni and Farah nod as they walk down the class to see two empty seats beside each other. Roshni sits down and is biting her lip while looking at Farah to see a boy with black hair and tan skin turn around and give her a pen. Farah looks at him surprised before whispering “thanks….”
Roshni turns towards the teacher when a boy with fluffy hair hands her a pen. Roshni looks at him before slowly getting the pen.
“T-T-Thank you” she nervously stutters out
“No problem” the boy whispers before turning back around. She then carries on listening to the teacher
After class, Farah and Roshni were walking down the corridor trying to find their lockers as Roshni hides behind Farah so she wouldn’t grab attention from being the new girl.
“Ah, here’s my locker. And your locker is over there” Farah says as she points towards the opposite direction where the boy who gave Farah a pen looks at them. Farah blushes before looking back at Roshni. Roshni looks at the boy before looking at Farah
“do you like him?” Roshni asks
Farah blushes, confirming Roshni’s assumption
“kind of, but I don’t even know him” Farah says
Roshni was about to speak when she notices a girl with light brown hair coming their way making her quickly hide behind Farah. Farah looks at Roshni confused before turning around.
“This jacket is totally killer. Where did you get it?” The girl asks
“my mom was a buyer from a boutique back home” Farah answers back
The girl smirks
“and you are my new best friend” making Farah smile
“my name is Farah” Farah says
“Aisha” the light brown replies. Aisha then notices someone cowering behind Farah
“and whose this?” Aisha asks. Roshni peeks over Farah’s shoulders
“this is my younger sister Roshni” Farah says. Roshni loops her arms around Farah’s as she looks at her
“H-H-Hi” Roshni stutters as she nervously looks at Aisha. For some abnormal reason, Aisha felt a calm and peaceful aura radiating off from Roshni as Aisha’s eyes soften.
“Hi Roshni” Aisha says
Just then Aisha’s boyfriend Imran comes over and kisses Aisha
“hey beautiful” Imran says. Aisha giggles, before looking back at Farah and Roshni
“so this weekend, there’s a party…” Aisha starts out
“a party?”
“yeah, Friday night, you should come” Imran says
Farah felt Roshni tense as she replies “oh, we can’t, it’s family night on Friday…but thanks for asking”
“we?” Imran asks before he notices Roshni hiding behind Farah. He shrugs it off as he looks at Farah
“you’re sure? Everyone’s going after the game”
“you mean football” Farah asks
“we won national championship last year” Imran gloats
“because of the team captain!” Aisha says and kisses Imran
Roshni stood behind Farah, feeling uncomfortable by the scene
“we practice in a few minutes. If you don’t have anything else to do…” Imran trails off
“well, I was going to…” but Aisha cuts Farah off
“perfect! You’re coming!” So after a few minutes Imran leaves to get ready for football and while Farah and Aisha were talking Roshni sneaks off to her locker
She then sees the fluffy hair guy who gave her his pen earlier and decides to give it back. She walks up to him and taps on his shoulder making him turn around.
“Hey” the guy says. Roshni bit her lip as she hands him his pen
“T-Thank y-you” she whispers
The guy shrugs
“no problem, happy that I helped” he said
Roshni nervously smiles as she notices the guy Farah has a crush on
“Y-You’re the g-guy my s-sister likes” Roshni stutters out
The guy looks at Roshni surprised
“She likes me?” He asks
Roshni nods
Farah’s crush shakes his head
“I’m Asad” he says as he shoves his friend who is intensely staring at Aisha
“And, um, I’m Azhar” Azhar introduces
Roshni looks at the ground
“Roshni” she whispers. Asad, for some apparent reason is able to hear someone’s heart rapidly beating. More precisely Roshni’s heart as he looks at her confused. Roshni notices Asad’s intense staring
“I-I have t-to go. Bye” Roshni says before she runs back to Farah, who was unaware about Roshni’s temporarily disappearance. Farah turns back to Roshni as she smiles
“come on Roshni, we’re going onto the fields” Farah says. Roshni nods and latches onto Farah’s arm as her, Aisha, and Farah went to the field

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