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Roshan OS : The Forsaken Soul || YJHJK OS || Yeh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka OS || Aman || Roshni

In a departure from his usual ways, Aman was being thoroughly non-magical while getting ready. His mind was clamped on one thought alone –speaking to Roshni. He had to apologize and to make her understand although he didn’t see any chance of her forgiving him. He would try his best and then leave the rest to God and Roshni.
His first stop was the kitchen – she liked using the gadgets in there for her baking experiments and for many a morning she could be found covered in flour in here. As his luck would have it, she wasn’t there.Undaunted he proceeded to all other spots Roshni was usually to be found. As he crossed off each from his list, his desperation increased. Where was she?! It was only nine in the morning; she wouldn’t have gone out for any errands. As this thought crossed his mind, he cursed himself.
Few days back
“Let me remind you once again – you are no longer in your mother’s house. You live amongst respectable people, learn to be one”
“What am I supposed to have done now?” Roshni asked meekly, trying hard to control her tears.
“Please do not feign innocence, that trick is getting stale” Aman said while striding away from a frankly crying Roshni.
He had accused her of taking part in a dance party when she had ended up there due to her mother’s antics. He had suspicions about her mother before but hadn’t bothered until recently to investigate about the same. The woman was a two-faced liar and greedy as hell. She would utilize anyone and anything to meet her greed. Even her own daughter
You aren’t any better his conscience sounded.
He had kept on accusing her of things she had no part whatsoever in. His last accusation was the vilest. He had no idea what Adaa was doing in her desperation for him and had ended accusing Roshni of having been with another man.
Why should she forgive me? I deserve nothing from her Aman reprimanded himself.
Adding to his shame was the fact that, the red moon night had passed and as Tabeezi had promised, his marriage with Roshni had saved him. The night was spent in terrified vigil by his family while he himself was locked in a secure room, in case their efforts proved futile. Roshni had sat outside his room as he had refused to have her inside with him. He had cared for her safety even though he disliked her very existence.
When in fact I should be thanking Allah for her existence
He had reached the small nook in his library where she sometimes liked to be curled up with a book. As he looked at the blank futon, his heart plummeted. Had she left home? Had she left him?
He dialed her number and on receiving no response dialed her mother’s. She picked up on the final ring
“Hello” Salma’s voice sounded shaky and his heart bet an uneven beat.
“Is Roshni there?” Aman asked without preamble.
“Nn….no. Isn’t she at your place?” there was frank fear in her voice.
“Why would I……what have you done now? Didn’t I pay you enough?” his anger rose in  proportion with his fear for Roshni.
“I didn’t do anything; please tell her I am sorry and that I will change my ways” Salma’s voice trembled as she cut the call
“Hel…what the heck? Where are you Roshni?” Aman muttered turning to walk towards the foyer.
“Aman have you seen Roshni?” Dadi asked, coming towards him from the prayer room followed by his Ammi “We need to talk to her”
“I need to apologise. The things I said about her” his Ammi closed her eyes in shame.
Aman hugged her side ways “We both will Ammi, as soon as I find her” He knew that his Ammi was genuinely feeling guilty for all that she said.
“She’s not with you?” Dadi asked, a disturbed look crossing her eyes.
Aman shook his head. Roshni had started avoiding his presence for a while now and he couldn’t blame her, seeing as his behaviour was borderline torturous.
“She must’ve gone to the dargah, I will check there” Aman said and turned towards the front door. He came to a sudden halt.
Leaning against the door frame was Roshni. Instantly he knew that something was wrong. She was lounging against the door with a smirk and different look in her eyes. The light that was usually there in her grey eyes were gone. It was replaced by something dark. Yet he was relieved to see that she was in one piece.
“Good morning everyone, searching for me?” she asked.
“Roshni, where were you?”Aman could not help the anger in his voice “I have been looking for you since an hour”
“Now what am I supposed to have done Mr. Khan” Roshni asked rolling her eyes “Who am I supposed to have slept with?”
He saw his Dadi’s head whip towards him but kept gazing at his wife. He knew that his sister’s faces would mirror the look of horror on his Dadi’s.
“Surprised Dadi? That was your grandson’s last accusation” Roshni said walking towards them.
“Roshni I….” Aman began but was struck dumb. He couldn’t word his thoughts no matter how hard he willed. He registered that magic was stopping him but couldn’t think of any source.
“Wonderful thing magic, isn’t it? They way you can make things happen at will, bend people to your will,scare them” the smile on Roshni’s face was troubling.
“Roshni hu…how” Parveen looked frightened.
“Saasuma dearest saasuma….horrified that your tawaif daughter -in -law can now do magic hmm? Frightening thought is it?” Roshni walked closer to Parveen.
Aman felt the hold on him release. He looked askance at Roshni. This wasn’t her usual magic; this was something darker. He should know as he himself could do similar magic. Somehow Roshni’s seemed darker.
“You must all be thanking your stars that the red moon night passed without any glitches. Your precious Aman still intact. Hain na?” Roshni asked walking around the collected group.
“Must be thinking that Ayanah’s magic worked. Aman is saved from the jinn” she said “Guess what, Ayanah did work her magic though a little different”
“Roshni what happened to you?” Aman asked gently taking hold of her arm.
“Simple – I found power. True power and it’s so much better than having farishtey ka dil” with a flick of her hand she brought the chandelier crashing down.
His sisters screamed and ran for cover. Ammi, Dadi and Phupi cowered behind him.
“Roshni stop it! Someone will get hurt” Aman shouted. He wanted to summon Baazigar but did not. He was sure this was just a joke. Some jinn must be playing with them.
“Roshni please listen to me.I know now that I was wrong. I know the truth now” Aman inched towards her cautiously.
“Really and what truth is that?” Roshni produced a fire ball from thin air.
“Your Ammi, she has been using you Roshni. She has been lying about you to me and Adaa did as well. I believed the wrong people”
Roshni let out a bark of laughter
“Oh, this is fantastic – the shereef, izzathdaar, Aman Junaid Khan is admitting that he is wrong. How touching” she threw the fire ball at a curtain.
“Roshni! Please stop this madness. You and I were both duped by your mother”
“That woman is not my mother and she has already got her due. Since I owe my life to Salma, I spared hers”Roshni’s eyes glinted dangerously. “As for Adaa, well let’s just say she made a deal with a Jinn”
Aman now understood why Salma was so frightened on the phone. He will have to find Adaa later, hoping he wasn’t too late.
“What did you….” He was again struck dumb.
“Shush and listen to me, my dear Nawab” Roshni said
“You see the reason sifrithi Jinn spared you was because he got a better deal. Something he would’ve been quite hard put to get” she looked at her targets and gave a glacial smile.
“The soul of an Ayaanah – a human woman with heart of an angel”
There was a gasp of horror from behind Aman. Cold dread took hold of Aman’s heart.
“You see he has been coming to see me for a while. At first, I ran from his presence, naïve as I was, but then he listened to me. No one else in this house would so I spoke to him, told him everything, about all the hurt you caused me” she flicked her hands and ropes wound themselves around Aman and he was pushed to his knees.
“Aman!” Parveen ran to herson “Roshni please! Please don’t hurt him” she begged her daughter-in-law.
“Don’t worry, I am yet to start hurting him” Roshni cocked her head to a side and looked straight into her husband’s eyes.
“You see when you accused me of sleeping with another man, that was the straw. I wanted to stop feeling, to stop hurting. So, I took sifrithi Jinn’s offer, in exchange for unlimited power and also some answers”
“I was raised by Salma but she did not birth me, she found me floating in a basket in a river” Roshni said
“The only item I had from my birth parents was this bangle” she produced an infant sized bangle.
Dadi’s gasp of horror turned Roshni’s attention towards her. She smiled coldly
“You recognise this don’t you? Pity me, the answers I have wanted all my life was living with me for a month and I never even knew it”
“Forgive us beti, we were helpless against Junaid. He would’ve hurt us” Dadi was crying.
“Your son murdered my parents and you think I will feel sympathy for you” Roshni’s eyes blazed in anger. In her anger, she lost her hold on Aman’s tongue.
“Roshni please” Aman begged“Please don’t hurt my family”
Roshni crouched down in front of him
“I am not going to harm you guys, not at once anyway” she took hold of his jaw and began putting pressure on it “I am going to be the Khan family’s very own dark cloud. I am going to make your lives a living hell” her eyes flicked towards Parveen “you are all going to wish that you never set your eyes on me” she pushed Aman away from her.
Giving them all one last look of pure hatred, she vanished into the air.
Aman’s bind fell away but he did not want to move. Tears were flowing from his eyes. He had done this,pushed an innocent girl to her limits and forsaken her pure soul. There was no joy in the fact that now he was free of the Jinn. Not when his heart was shattering to pieces for his innocent wife.


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