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JaBir FF : The Unwanted Wedding || EBSS FF || Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampann || Pooja || Kabir

Karan sharma- A cruel man who has squandered all his money on gambling his only asset being his 18 year old daughter. He forces her unwillingly into a marriage with Kabir.
Pooja Sharma- A shy 18 year old girl, forced by her abusive father to marry kabir.
Summary- A young girl is forced into a marriage with a man who seems as cruel as her father.
Disclaimer- I don't own Kabir Mittal or the undertaker. This is just another story as a result of too many late nights spent listening to my muses (mainly My Taker Muse who really is quite bossy about how these stories go, lol)
Kabir Mittal  sat in the bar listening to karan drone on. They had already reached an agreement he wished Jamison would just shut up. He took a sip of his beer and tried to focus on what Jamison was saying.
"Pooja  is a really good cook, she keeps our house spotless. She's young so she can give you plenty of babies." Karan was saying.
Kabir had a distaste for this man, he was a little to willing to sell his only child to pay off his debts.
"Does she agree to this?" Kabir growled at him. 
"Well of course. I wouldn't force her to marry someone. Pooja likes the finer things. I can't give them to her anymore. She knows with you she will be well taken care of in exchange for being a wife and a mother. She's perfectly happy to marry you." Karan lied through his teeth.
The truth was Pooja had thrown a fit, the only one he had ever seen her throw she  was a quite child always had been. Any childish behavior over the years on her part had been ended quickly by karan's belt. He didn't mind beating her when he had to. He felt it was his right as her father. So naturally Pooja had grown into a quite and scared young girl, who tried her best not to draw her father's attention. She had refused to marry kabir and Karan had beaten all the resistance out of her over the last few days.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree kabir thought. The girl was willing to sell her self for a few luxuries. Well that was to his benefit. After his failed marriage kabir had given up on love. Now he wanted a wife to cook, clean and have babies for him. No emotions attached. A willing bed partner when he wanted one and some one to give him the children he so desperately wanted. He had covered all his bases. He gave contracts to karan to have her sign. If she ever left she took nothing with her and any children they had stayed with him. Karan had returned them signed.+
"After the wedding tomorrow, I will have the check for you." Kabir said.
Karan rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He would be getting enough to start over and then some.
kabir stood up.
"Have her at my house at 2:00pm tomorrow." kabir said and he walked off.
Karan jumped up and started out to his car. That little brat had better cooperate; he had too much to lose if she didn't.


The wedding Part 2

Pooja laid across her bed with her sketch pad open drawing the scene that was in her mind. The thing about Pooja was she could block out the unhappy things that happened to her and she had learned to be happy with the small pleasures in life. She was an Artistic person. She loved to draw and paint and was actually quite good. She also played the piano. She could sit and play for hours lost in her own world. Most people thought Pooja was a simple minded girl, bur she actually just stayed in her own little world most of the time ignoring the harsh reality that went on around her. Pooja had black hair and wide brown eyes. She was short 5"2 and weighed 100 pounds but was nicely proportioned. She had a smattering of freckles on her face which gave her an innocent fresh faced appearancei Pooja ignoredthe pain in her body and worked on her sketch.
"Pooja!" He fathers voice bellowed through the house.
Pooja sighed and put up the sketch pad. Her father is the only one who ever called her by her proper name. She hated it. She got up and slowly walked downstairs to see what he wanted.
"Yes Father." She said when she entered the living room.
Karan was pouring himself a drink. He looked up at pooja. God the girl was pathetic. She was lucky she was going to get a husband. She looked like a child and always would with that hair and freckles, plus karan figured she wasn't to smart she always had her head in the clouds day dreaming.
"Pooja I hope you not going to give me any more trouble." Karan said fingering his belt.
"No sir, I'll do as you say." Pooja answered looking down.
"Good, this man is a good match for you. You will be well taken care of. He's rich. I've done well for you girl finding you a good husband." Karan said sipping his drink.
Pooja didn't answer. She stared down at the floor.
"Father I don't know any thing about, well you know...Being married." Pooja said blushing and looking away.
Karan sighed, he wished the girls mother was alive to explain things to her. Suman  had died in a car accident when Pooja was 5.
"Pooja just do what your husband tells you too, he will educate you in such things." Karan said pouring himself another drink.
Pooja sighed and looked away. She was very ignorant about sex and didn't have a clue about any thing. It wasn't comforting to go into a marriage not knowing a thing. What kind of man was she marrying anyway that had to buy a wife? Pooja 
 assumed he was just as cruel as her father. He father had told her he wanted someone to have children for him and to cook and clean. Sounded like he wanted a slave to, Pooja She wasn't looking forward to this marriage; in fact the dread was burning a hole in her stomach. But Pooja had been brutalized to much over her short life to stand up to her father. He one act of defiance had been ended with two severe beating which she had no wish to repeat.
"Is dinner ready?" Karan asked.
Pooja bit her lip. She always had dinner ready at the same time. But with every thing going on she had slipped so far in her little world today she had forgot about dinner.
"No sir." Pooja whispered.
Karan undid his belt and pointed to the couch.
Pooja scurried over and bent over the arm, she closed her eyes and went to a safe place in her mind.
Kabir sat in his den drinking a beer. Tomorrow was the big day. He looked around the den. It needed a woman's touch. He had just bought the house a few weeks ago. It was isolated miles away from everything and no neighbor. He still had the huge home in Indore n, but this was where he and his wife would be living. It was nice house, 4 bedrooms 2 and a half baths. A nice size kitchen and dining room. The house was surrounded by lot of land and woods. He wanted a house small enough where his wife could take care of the cleaning with no help. There would be no maids to wait on her. He was going to have a proper wife who did the cooking and cleaning for her self. He remembered his ex wfe with a smirk. She couldn't even fry an egg or boil water. He had to hire maid just to clean up after them. She  couldn't do anything for herself, spoiled rich bitch. Well all that was over his new wife was going to have too earn her keep. No shopping all day and having maids to cook and clean. No refusing to have children because it might ruin her figure. As far as Kabir was concerned they should go back to arranged marriages and a time when women knew there place, everyone would be much better off. He got up and headed off to bed. He had a lot to do tomorrow, might as well get to bed.
Poojai lay in the bed under the covers crying. She didn't cry in front of her father, but here it was safe. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Her body ached and she was scared. What kind of life did she have in front of her? She had packed up her art supplies and her books and her clothes. She was al ready to leave this house tomorrow. She should be glad, but this man she was to marry sounded just as bad as her father. He would probably beat her too. Pooja lay there a long time until she had cried herself. 

First night Part 3

Pooja stood on the porch of the house looking around. It was a beautiful place. The house was nice a lot nicer than theirs. It was two story brick house. It was surrounded by a huge stone wall and had a security gate up. The man obviously liked his privacy. The whole place was wonderful. She would have many things to paint and sketch here.
"Wake up girl and stop you're damn daydreaming." Karan said.
Pooja jumped at her father's voice.
Karan  rang the door bell. The door opened and Pooja about passed out on the spot. This man was huge. He towered over her. He was close to 6 foot tall. He had auburn short hair. He had the deepest brown eyes Pooja had ever seen, and a neatly trimmed goatee and mustache. He was wearing khaki dress pants and a dark blue polo shirt. Pooja didn't like the way he was eyeing her like she was a piece of property he was checking out. She blushed and looked away from him.
"The minister is waiting." Kabir growled.
He stood back to let them in. Pooja just stood there unable to move. He father had to shove her in the door.
"Move girl." Karan snapped.
Pooja  stumbled in the house. Kabir  closed the door behind them. He stared at pooja. She was a pretty girl, but she looked young. They would certainly make pretty babies together.
"Ya sure she's 18?" Kabir growled.
"Of course, she just has a baby face." Karan said.
Kabir  grabbed her arm and pulled her in the den where a minister stood waiting. She didn't resist. This man was huge ten times bigger than her father. She shivered as she imagined the damage he could do if he hit her. She stood there beside the big man and repeated the vows back as if in a trance. Her father would kill her if she messed up so she did what she had been told. Kabir watched her. She seemed to be in a daze of some sort. She also seemed very docile. Kabir grinned. "Good. He wanted an obedient wife. It would make things easier for him" he thought. The minister pronounced them man and wife. Kabir leaned down and kissed her quickly on the cheek and that was that.
"Pooja  go upstairs and wait in our room. I will bring your things up in a minute. It's the second door on the right side of the hall." Kabir said.
 got up and went out to the foyer and started up the stairs.
Kabir watched her. He was very pleased with her. She did exactly what he said.
"She's a good girl. She will make you a good wife." Karan said.
Kabir paid the minister and he left. Then he pulled out a check and handed it to karan
"Our business is concluded." Kabir said dismissing him.
"If you have any trouble with her call me." Karan  said.
"If I have any trouble, I will deal with it my self." Kabir said coldly
He didn't like this man and wanted him out of his house.
"Well of course." Karan said.
He was eager to go and start spending the money anyway.
Kabir showed him to the door.
"Nice doing business with you Kabir." Karan said.
"Yea." Kabir said looking at him derisively.
Kabir closed the door and picked up pooja's bags and headed upstairs.
Pooja had found the bedroom. It was huge and done in Brown and hunter green. The bed was the biggest she had ever seen. There was a balcony that had a table and chairs set up on it. The bathroom was huge with a sunken tub it was also done in brown and green. Pooja went back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed to wait. She didn't have long. Kabir came barreling through the door and set her luggage down.
"You can unpack later." Kabir said.
Pooja couldn't bring her self to look at him. He was scary. Kabir went over to her and lifted her chin.
"Get your clothes off and get in the bed. I'll be out in a minute." Kabir said.
Pooja shivered as he walked in the bathroom. She did as he said and climbed under the covers. Pooja was trembling she was so scared. She had no idea what to expect. Pooja felt the mattress dip as Kabir climbed in the bed. He pulled Pooja to him and kissed her hard on her mouth parting her lips with his tongue. Pooja stiffened. Kabir slid his tongue in her mouth. If Pooja had known what to expect she might have enjoyed it, but she was overwhelmed and frightened. Kabir ran his hands down her body grabbing her breast and pinching her nipple. Pooja was trembling in fear which Kabir misunderstood, he though she was as excited as him. He moved on top of her and pressed his huge erection against her. Pooja lost it at that moment. She screamed and burst into tears. Kabir was shocked and moved off of her and jumped up.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kabir snapped.
"I I ...Never ...I never been with a man." Pooja stuttered out turning bright red. She sat there bawling like a baby.
"Oh shit this is just great. Just what I need a hysterical virgin." Kabir snapped.
Pooja turned on her stomach and buried her face in the pillow crying.
"Stop that damn crying." Kabir said turning around toward the bed. What he saw caused him to curse even louder.
"Fuck." Kabir cursed.
From the top of her back to her ankles were covered with bruises and belt marks. Kabir sat down on the bed.
"Pooja set up now." Kabir said.
Pooja did as she was told. She wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands attempting to stop her tears.
"He forced you to marry me didn't he?" Kabir said.
Pooja looked down afraid to answer.
Kabir forced her chin up.
"Answer me." Kabir said harshly.
"Yes." Pooja said in a trembling voice.
"Shit." Kabir said letting go of her chin.
Kabir stood up pissed as hell. That bastard lied to him. The last thing he needed was some hysterical little girl that was forced into this.
He picked up his cell phone and called Karan.
"Get your ass back to my house now!" Kabir yelled and hung up.
Pooja jumped at his yelling.
"Get dressed." Kabir snapped at her.
"What are you going to do?" Pooja asked in fear.
"The deal is off. I sending you back to your father. We will have the marriage annulled." Kabir said in agitation.
Pooja was scared as she had ever been. Her father would kill her. The tears started rolling down her face again. Kabir slid his pants on. He looked at Pooja and seen she was crying again.
"Stop that damn crying." Kabir snapped.
Pooja tried to stop but she couldn't.
"Please don't send me back." Pooja whispered.
Kabir sat down on the bed and looked at her.
"Come here." Kabir ordered.
Pooja scooted over to set in front of him.
"Look at me." Kabir said.
Pooja looked up at him.
"Why?" He asked.
"He'll kill me." Pooja said.
"I need to think. Stay here I'll be back in a few minutes." Kabir said and left the room.
Pooja sat on the bed not moving. She just couldn't go back to her father. She would do whatever Kabir said if he just didn't make her go back.

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