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AnuPre FF : Beauty & The Beast | Anurag | Prerna | Kasautii Zindagii Kay FF

anu: Ever since Madhuri Sharma burned down the basu house as well as anurag’s family, anurag has felt nothing but anger and hatred towards the sharma’s. So imagine anurag saving an Sharma? It’s true, he did. Going into the woods, anurag saved prerna from her abusive boyfriend or so he thought. Because later on he learns that prerna is his mate and she was already scarred emotionally, mentally, and physically by her boyfriend.
pre: Ever since she came out of an abusive relationship, her father (shekar) knew that telling her about werewolves will cause her to go further into depression. Being the youngest child in the family and as well as being naive, prerna knew that someone, or something had saved her from her abusive boyfriend in that night. In the woods.
Now join anurag as he mends his broken beauty and prerna mends her broken beast
She was running. Was running, far away from him.
“Hey come back NOW!” She heard him yell in pure anger.
Prerna had tears falling down from her eyes as she cried silently while running. She was trying to find an exit or at least a place to hide. Anywhere to get away from that monster. She then started to look around the woods which was awfully scary to her, especially at night. The trees looked ominous like the ones shown in many horror movies. Prerna was frightened from even the slightest ‘snap’ of a twig or the drift of the wind petrified that her boyfriend, Navin was right behind her.
Navin was a cruel man. Prerna knew this even before she started to date him. Well, she was forced to date him. Navin terrified Prerna and threatened her that he’ll hurt Shivani. Prerna begged him not to hurt her older sister and ended up dating him. Navin was horribly abusive towards her. He always gave her bruises from slapping or beating her up which Prerna always had to cover up. She wanted to tell her parents about Navin, but he of course threatened her, which she was forced to oblige.
But now, she had enough.
At first Navin was acting weird towards her. Being nice, gentle towards her. Prerna thought Navin was trying to change. But she was wrong. Navin was pretending to be nice to her for an excuse to touch her. And just lately he tried to force himself on her and that’s why Prerna was running. Just then Prerna heard a few twigs snap making her gasp in surprise. She looked around before quickly running towards a tree and hiding behind it. She peeked to see Navin looking around before running the opposite direction.
Prerna sighed and turned back only to see Navin smirking at her. Her eyes widened as she tried to run but Navin held her by the waist and shoved her into the tree making her cry in pain. Navin tsked.
“Prerna, Prerna, Prerna. Do you really think you could get away from me?” Navin sarcastically asked.
Prerna started to cry.
“P-P-Please let me g-go” she pleaded, making Navin laugh before glaring at her and held her neck.
Prerna tried to struggle herself free but couldn’t as Navin took off her jacket. Prerna was full on crying at this point.
“Shut up you little b****, otherwise I will do far worse. Do you understand?” Navin glared.
Prerna furiously nodded in fear of him. Prerna began to quiet down before starting to scream due to the pain Jay was giving her.
“HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!” Prerna yelled.
Navin slapped her across the face as she cried.
“There’s no point crying for help. Because no one is going to save you now” Navin smirks as he evilly laughed.
And Navin was right. Prerna laid there, silently weeping as Navin took full advantage of her. The next thing you know Navin was pushed off of Prerna as Prerna swore she saw blue eyes. Blue eyes that resemble much like a beast. The beast disappeared along with Navin when Prerna heard voices.
“PRERNA!” The voice shouted as she soon recognized to be her dad’s.
“Dad!” Prerna cried, too weak to shout.
Prerna soon felt a jacket surrounding her petite body as she slowly looked up to see her dad looking at her with tears in his eyes.
“Dad” Prerna cried as she hugged her dad.
And that was the last thing she saw before her vision became black.
~Dream Over~
“DAD!” Prerna yells. Shekar Sharma comes rushing out the front door along with his wife Divya and oldest daughter Shivani Sharma.
Shekar ran towards the car where he saw his youngest daughter crying. Shekar hugs her as Prerna was lying her head on her father’s chest and cries.
“Dad, t-the b-bad dream” Prerna stutters out as Shekar understood what she was talking about.
After the horrible incident a few months ago, Shekar decided to move his family back to London. Shekar spent months trying to find Navin, but it was like he vanished into thin air. Shekar was going to continue searching when some sightings of what might possibly be a werewolf on the lose, possibly an alpha appeared. Shekar decided to move his family to London, thinking that it will be a change of scenery for Prerna. While driving he noticed his daughter was asleep and didn’t want to wake her up. His oldest daughter Shivani, his wife, and him carried all the boxes towards their new house, leading up to the situation now.
Feeling his daughter calming down, Shekar decides to get her mind off as he asks “do you want to see our new house?” As he wipes his daughter’s tears.
Prerna looks at the huge house before looking back at her dad. She nods before hopping down the car and coming face to face with her older adoptive sister, Shivani.
“Come on Prerna, I’ll show you your room” Shivani smiles as she gently holds her sister’s arms, being careful not to apply pressure as her arms was still covered with bruises and scars which the Sharma’s thought that Navin created. Navin may have created the bruises, but Prerna was the one cutting her arms and leaving scars, making sure her family never get to know of it.
Getting back on track, Shivani leads Prerna into their new home and brought her upstairs towards the last room on the right.
“And this is your new room!” Shivani says. Prerna couldn’t help but gasp in surprise.
To her, the room was very big. The walls were cream and the floor was fluffy and white. Prerna further walks into the room and looks to see she had a bathroom in the corner of her room and had a double bed in the centre of the room.
“Do you like it?” Prerna hears a voice as she gasps in fright but calms down to see her dad.
“Thank you dad” Prerna says.
Shekar sighs and smiles.
“No problem.” Prerna slowly looks towards her dad and slightly smiles.
“Now me and your mom are going to make some food. Just try to eat some ok?” Shekar asks his daughter.
Ever since that night, Prerna has been having problems eating. She always ended up throwing up her food. Prerna bit her lower lip.
“ok dad, I will try” Prerna says making Shekar smile.
Shekar hugs  Prerna before he leaves and her and Shivani started to unpack.
“Dad, I’m full” Prerna whispers as her father sighs.
Prerna only ate 8 bites of her food (which was a few more bits that usual) before she claimed to be full.
“Ok, why don’t you go upstairs and get yourself ready for bed” Shekar says.
Prerna nods as she hugs her sister and her mom saying goodnight before walking upstairs. Shekar looks at his wife as they both sigh.
“At least she ate 8 bites of her food” Shivani says, trying to think of the positive side.
“But it’s still not enough for her” Divya says.
With that the rest of the family finishes eating before Shekar went upstairs to check up on Prerna. Going upstairs Shekar sees his daughter unpacking.
“Prerna, I thought I told you to go to bed” Shekar slightly scolds as Prerna jumps up in surprise before looking at her dad.
“Sorry dad” Prerna whispers.
Shekar looks at his daughter before walking up to her and hugging her. Prerna hugs him back as Shekar says “no need to apologize Prerna, I was simply just telling you.” Prerna nods as she breaks the hug, grabs her teddy bear and than jumps into bed and goes under the covers.
Shekar walks over to her and kisses her forehead.
“Go to sleep sweetheart tomorrow you and shivani will start your new school” Shekar says.
Prerna begins to grow nervous. Every time she went to school all she worried that Navin would be there and will hurt her. Ever since that night no one had seen Navin. It was like he vanished into thin air. Prerna never told anyone about the blue eye beast she saw, just in case no one believed her. Shekar seems to sense her panicking.
“You don’t have to worry, shivani will be there with you at all times, I promise” Shekar says.
Prerna nods.
“Ok dad. Goodnight” she says as Shekar smiles. Saying goodnight to his daughter he was about to leave when he suddenly remembers.
“Prerna, you forgot to take your pills” making Prerna sigh in disappointment.
She was hoping her dad would forget. She sits up as her dad comes back with her pills and a glass of water. Shekar hands her the pill as Prerna stares at it. She sighs before quickly swallowing the pills and drinking the glass of water.
“That’s great sweetheart” Shekar says and tucks his daughter in one last time before leaving.
Prerna watches her father leave before closing her eyes unaware that someone with brown eyes and black hair is watching her.


“Prerna get up! We’re going to be late for school” She hears a voice say as she woke up terrified of who it might be. She slowly opens her eyes to reveal her older sister Shivani, making her sigh in relief. Shivani looks at her worried.
“did I scare you?” Shivani whispers.
Prerna was about to say no when shivani added “and be honest” making Prerna nod yes.
Shivani hugs her sister making Prerna tense.
“i’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to” shivani says as she breaks the hug.
“it’s okay” Prerna whispers as she bit her lip.
Shivani nods.
“well than get your lazy butt up and let’s get ready for school” shivani says before leaving.
Prerna sighs as she grabs her teddy bear and hugs it seeking comfort and calmness.
“i hope he doesn’t show up” prerna says as she then gets up and walks straight into the bathroom, making sure she locks the door.
She comes face to face with her bathroom mirror. She cringes at the sight of herself.
“i’m so ugly and unattractive. Nobody will like me” she thought as she gets her razor and rolls up her sleeve.
She than places the razor onto her arm before dragging it along her arms as blood comes out. Prerna sighs in relief. It had been two days since she hadn’t cut herself and she needed to feel some relief. Cutting a few more times she than went to get showered and dressed.
She decides to wear something loose but comfortable as she wears a knee length dress with tennis shoes and a jean jacket before walking downstairs to see her parents in the kitchen. Hearing footsteps divya and shekar looks up to see their daughter walking downstairs. Shivani comes over as she went to say goodbye to her parents.
“see you mom. Bye dad” shivani says.
“bye shivani, take care of yourself and prerna” divya says.
“and make sure she eats” shekar adds.
Shivani nods as prerna comes over and hugs her parents.
“bye mom, bye dad” prerna whispers.
“bye sweetheart, have a good day” shekar says.
Prerna nods as shivani gives her the bag. And with that shivani drives to school.
Shivani and prerna arrive to school as they wait outside for the principal. Prerna is constantly taking deep breaths. She was scared. Scared to see new people, afraid of what they might say about her. Scared that navin would be in this school and waiting for the perfect moment to grab her and take her away. Prerna was so deep in thought that she jumps up in surprise when shivani places her hand on her shoulder.
“it’s okay. I’m here. Everything will be okay” shivani says. Prerna nods as than shivani’s phone starts to ring. Shivani rolls her eyes.
“it’s mom again” shivani says while taking an exaggerated sigh.
Prerna giggles making shivani smile before answering her phone.
“mom, three calls for my first day is little over-doing” shivani says.
“everything is fine…prerna’s fine. Everything, except a pen, oh my god actually forgot a pen! Okay, okay, I got to go, love you…” shivani says as she disconnects her phone and looks at prerna.
“do you have a spare pen I could borrow?” Shivani asks.
Prerna checks her bag and sighs.
“no. I don’t have any pens” prerna says.
Shivani was about to say something but the principal came over. Prerna quickly sees him and slightly hides behind shivani.
“the Sharma’s correct?” The principal asks.
Shivani nods as prerna looks at the ground as she plays with the end of her jean jacket. The principal looks at shivani.
“my sister’s just really shy” shivani says to the principal and he nods as he understands.
He than leads the girls into the school and into the English room. Prerna’s heart begins to quicken as the principal looks towards the class.
“class, these are our new students, shivani and prerna Sharma. Please do the best to make them feel welcome” the principal says before leaving.
“why don’t you girls take a seat” the teacher says.
Shivani and prerna nod as they walk down the class to see two empty seats beside each other. Prerna sits down and is biting her lip while looking at Allison to see a boy with black hair and light skin turn around and give her a pen. Shivani looks at him surprised before whispering “thanks…”
Prerna turns towards the teacher when a boy with buzz cut hair hands her a pen. Prerna looks at him before slowly getting the pen.
“t-t-thank you” she nervously stutters out.
“no problem” the boy whispers before turning back around. She than carries on listening to the teacher.
Shivani and prerna were walking down the corridor trying to find their lockers as prerna hides behind shivani so that she wouldn’t grab attention from being the new girl.
“ah, here’s my locker. And your locker is over there” shivani says as she points towards the opposite direction where the boy who gave shivani a pen looks at them. Shivani blushes before looking back at prerna. Prerna looks at the boy before looking at shivani.
“do you like him?” Prerna asks.
Shivani blushes, confirming prerna’s assumption.
“kind of, but I don’t even know him” shivani says.
Prerna was about to speak when she notices a girl with dark brown hair coming their way making her quickly hide behind shivani. Shivani looks at prerna confused before turning around.
“this shirt is totally killer. Where did you get it?” The girl asks.
“my mom was a buyer from a boutique back in mumbai” shivani answers back.
The girl smirks.
“and you’re my new best friend.” Making shivani smile.
“my name is shivani” shivani says.
“anjali” the dark brown replies. Anjali than notices someone cowering behind shivani.
“and whose this?” Anjali asks. Prerna peeks over shivani’s shoulders.
“this is my younger sister Prerna” shivani says. Prerna loops her arms around shivani’s as she looks at her.
“h-h-hi” prerna stutters as she nervously looks at anjali. For some abnormal reason anjali felt a calm and peaceful aura radiating off from prerna as Anjali’s eyes soften.
“hi prerna” anjali says.
Just than anjali’s boyfriend Rahul comes over and kisses anjali.
“hey beautiful” Rahul says. Anjali giggles before looking back at shivani and prerna.
“so this weekend, there’s a party…” anjali starts out.
“a party?”
“yeah, Friday night, you should come” Rahul says.
Shivani felt prerna tense as she replies “oh we can’t, it’s family night on Friday…but thanks for asking.”
“we?” Rahul asks before he notices prerna hiding behind shivani. He shrugs it off as he looks back at shivani.
“you’re sure? Everyone’s going after the game.” 
“you mean like ball?” Shivani asks.
Rahul scoffs.
“ball is a joke here. The sport here is football. We won national championship last year” Rahul gloats.
“because of the team captain!” Anjali says and kisses Rahul.
Prerna stood behind shivani, feeling uncomfortable by the scene.
“we practice in a few minutes. If you don’t have anything else to do…” Rahul trails off.
“well, I was going to…” but anjali cuts shivani off.
“perfect. You’re coming!” So after a few minutes Rahul leaves to get ready for football and while shivani and anjali were talking prerna sneaks off to go to her locker.
She than sees the buzz cut guy who gave her his pen earlier and decides to give it back. She walks up to him and taps on his shoulder making him turn around.
“hey” the guy says. Prerna bit her lip as she hands him his pen.
“t-thank y-you” she whispers.
The guy shrugs.
“no problem, happy that I helped” he said.
Prerna nervously smiles as she notices the guy shivani has a crush on.
“y-you’re the g-guy my s-sister likes” prerna stutters out.
The guy looks at prerna surprised.
“she likes me?” He asks.
Prerna nods.
shivani’s crush shakes his hand with prerna.
“i’m Rohan” he says as he shoves his friend who is intensely staring at anjali.
“and, um, I’m Aditya” Aditya introduces but you can call me adi says the guy with buzz cut hair.
Prerna looks at the ground.
“prerna” she whispers. Rohan for some apparent reason is able to hear someone’s heart rapidly beating. More precisely prerna’s heart as he looks at her confused. Prerna notices Rohan’s intense staring.
“i-i have t-to go. Bye” prerna says before she runs back to shivani, who was unaware about prerna’s temporarily disappearance. Shivani turns back to prerna as she smiles.
“come on prerna, we’re going onto the fields” shivani says. Prerna nods and latches onto shivani’s arm as her, anjali, and shivani went to the football field.
The girls arrive onto the field as prerna watches the players get ready for training. Shivani and prerna sit on the bleachers with anjali. Rohan sees her, as they smile to each other.
“trivedi!” Prerna hears someone shout as she than notices a man who she assumes is the coach.
“yeah.” Rohan calls back.
“you’re in goal!” Rohan looks at coach confused.
“but i’ve never played…..”
“i know, score some shots will bring confidence. It’s a first day thing!” The coach states.
“what about me?” Rohan asks.
“try not to take any in the face” coach says before shouting towards the team.
“let’s go!! Come on!!” Rohan sighs as he grabs his helmet and went over towards the goal.
Prerna rests her head on top of shivani’s shoulder when shivani asks anjali “who is that?”
Anjali looks at Rohan.
“him? I’m not sure who he is…” anjali trails off.
“he’s in my English class” shivani answers.
“his name is rohan” prerna says as shivani and anjali glance at her.
“how do you know?” Shivani asks.
“i-i was going to my l-locker and he was t-talking to his friend and i wanted to g-give his friend his p-pen back because he gave it to me in English c-class” prerna stutters.
Shivani and anjali nod before noticing rohan take a ball to his head. Anjali rolls her eyes at him as prerna and shivani watch the scene unfold. Rohan than gets back up as he tries again. He stops a lot of spectacular shots. Everyone looks at him surprised and impressed.
“he seems pretty good” shivani says.
“yeah, he is!”
Prerna looks onto the field to see Rahul coming up against rohan. Rahul tries to scare rohan and shoots, but rohan stops the ball. Everyone applauds, even anjali, but Rahul shoots daggers at him.
“he’s my friend! He’s my friend!” Prerna hears someone shout as she than notices Aditya near the benches applauding.
She slightly smiles as she than felt a presence behind her and turns around to see nobody. She held shivani’s arm for dear life, afraid navin is right behind her. But the truth is, he wasn’t. It was a certain brown-eye werewolf.
Anurag was walking around the woods watching his beloved mate prerna. The fact that she’s an sharma completely shocked anurag. After the horrendous fire that killed his family, anurag taught himself to despise the Sharma’s. He swore to himself that he would never make the same mistake twice. But when he saw prerna for the first time all his hatred went down the drain. By that I mean, his hatred for the Sharma’s has not melted but for prerna, it is. even though he couldn’t even hate prerna even if he tried.
He remembered the first time he saw prerna in the woods with her abusive idiotic boyfriend. How dare he try to take advantage of an innocent young girl! Anurag remembered tackling him before taking him away to beat him up. But turns out that person was a werewolf as well. In fact an alpha and fought anurag before punching him unconscious. When anurag awoke the werewolf wasn’t around as he left. Anurag was outraged in anger.
Calming down he went to find that girl to see that she left. Using his werewolf senses, he was able to track down prerna to a hospital and overheard the doctor telling shekar sharma that prerna was raped. Anurag was shocked.
So ever since than he has been watching over her every spare chance he got and made sure that her ex-boyfriend was no where to be found. Anurag considered it luck that he found out that prerna was moving to London, but also a tragedy since his sister, nividita, was murdered by the alpha. And thats why anurag was here. To find out who the alpha is and get justice for his sister.
While anurag was thinking, he heard voices as he than walks towards a source. He walked to see two guys. One with light skin and the other with a buzz cut.
“once a month?” Rohan exclaims.
“huh-huh. On the night of the full moon” Aditya says as he imitates a wolf howling. Rohan, who was very serious, hits him.
They start to look for something on the ground.
“you’re the one who heard a wolf!”
Aditya laughs.
Anurag looks at them with his eyes widen.
“so he’s the beta” anurag thought as he watches more of the scene.
“it’s not funny, there’s seriously something wrong with me!”
“i know! You’re a werewolf! Okay, obviously I’m kidding. But if you see me trying to melt all the silver I can find it because Friday is full moon” Aditya says as he looks around for something, what anurag assumes was the inhaler he found last night.
“i could have sworn it was there. I saw the body, the stags running…i dropped my inhaler.”
“maybe the killer moved the body.”
“if he did it I hope he didn’t take my inhaler, this thing costs like eighty rupees…”
Thats when Aditya turns around and sees anurag who is looking at them while walking to them. Aditya warns rohan who stands up.
“what are you doing here? Huh? This is private property!” Anurag exclaims.
“hmm…sorry man, we didn’t know” Aditya says.
“yeah we were just…looking for something…hmmm forget it…” rohan says.
Anurag rolls his eyes as he takes the inhaler and throws it to rohan before walking away. Rohan and Aditya leave along with anurag but while walking back to the basu house, anurag once again stops as he hears someone whimper and their heart racing. Anurag was tracking this person down when a girl comes running who he recognized to be prerna sharma, his mate. Prerna sees anurag as she runs towards him and falls onto him making them both land on the ground with her on top of him. She hides herself in the crook of his neck while anurag just holds onto her in a cuddling position.
“p-p-please h-help me. The-the dog was ch-chasing me” prerna says completely terrified.
anurag’s eyes soften at the sight of her as he looks around to see a large German shepherd running their way. Prerna whimpers as she was so concentrated on the dog that anurag saw the opportunity and flashes his blue eyes and growls, making the dog stop and sit down. Prerna’s eyes were covered by her small hands inside the crook of his neck when anurag parts her away from his neck and looks at her face.
“the dog stopped” anurag gently says as prerna slowly uncovers her eyes to see the dog just sitting down.
He than whistles for the dog to come over as prerna’s eyes widen and hides herself in the crook of anurag’s neck again.
“hey-hey. He won’t hurt you” anurag soothes over as the dog comes and anurag pets his head. He than looks back at prerna to see her looking at the dog.
“do you want to pet him?” Anurag gently asks. Prerna furiously shakes her head.
“he won’t hurt you. I promise” anurag says and slowly holds prerna’s hand with one of his hands and unconsciously places the other hand on prerna’s waist. Prerna whimpers as he places her hand on the top of the dog’s head and slowly rubs its fur. Prerna watches fascinated as she starts to smile which made anurag smile.
He smiles as prerna was petting the dog’s head. Prerna felt the man’s intense stare as she looks up at him into his eyes. She couldn’t help but stare at him. One word to describe him was….handsome. with his spikes black hair and brown eyes, prerna sees that he recently just shaved and couldn’t help but wonder what he’ll look like with a beard. Probably even more handsome she thought. Once she realizes she was staring at him, she blushes and turns away. Thats when she notices he was holding her waist. She panics and anurag clearly sees why. He quickly removes his hand from her waist.
“i apologize. I didn’t mean to hold you like that” anurag says. Prerna bites her lip.
“its o-ok” she whispers as she watches the dog runs away.
He than looks up to see clouds forming as he knew it was going to rain soon.
“why don’t I drop you home. It’s going to rain” anurag says.
Prerna looks at him nervously. Should I trust him? What if he’s like navin? Those are questions that are running through prerna’s mind.
“i-i don’t even know you. Y-you’re a s-stranger” prerna whispers. Anurag thought for a moment.
“well, we don’t have to be strangers” anurag says as he walks up to her.
“my name is anurag” he says. Prerna looks at up at him with her big hazel eyes.
“prerna” she whispers.
Anurag smiles.
“a beautiful name for a beautiful girl” he says making prerna blush.
“why would he say that? I’m not beautiful” she thought as she awkwardly rubs her wrists.
“c-can I p-please go h-home now” prerna stutters out.
Anurag sighs but nods.
“of course, follow me” and with that anurag leads prerna towards his black camero. He opens the passenger seat for her.
“thank you” prerna says.
“no need to say thank you” anurag replies as she gets in.
Anurag than gets in himself and drives her back home. There was nothing but comfortable silence as prerna stares outside her window. Keeping an eye on the road, anurag sneaks a few peeks of prerna while she is staring out the window. At first anurag didn’t believe in love at first sight. But once he saw prerna, he was mistaken. She was kind, caring, beautiful, short but not too short. She is perfect to him and he couldn’t believe that she was his. Reaching to where prerna’s house was, anurag drops her a couple of houses away.
“i’m leaving you here so that your dad doesn’t know that you rode home with a complete stranger” anurag says. Prerna looks at him.
“we don’t have to be strangers” prerna says before running out of the car.
It took a few seconds to process to anurag what happened before he smiles and drives away.
“are you sure you don’t want to come?” Shivani asks prerna.
Yesterday the guy that shivani has a crush on (rohan) asks her out on a date to the party and now shivani was trying to persuade prerna into coming along.
“no thank you” prerna says while shaking her head.
Shivani sighs compiling to prerna’s wish.
“ok, I won’t force you” shivani says as both of them walk downstairs to see rohan and their mother talking. Rohan sees shivani and smiles at her.
“hey” shivani says.
“hey” rohan breathes out.
“hey prerna” rohan waves.
“hi” prerna whispers as she bites her lips.
“shall we go” shivani says.
Rohan nods.
Divya sharma looks at her daughter prerna.
“aren’t you going?” Divya asks.
Prerna shakes her head before walking back upstairs. Divya sighs, before looking back at shivani and rohan.
“well, you two have fun” she says.
Shivani and rohan nod before leaving. divya than walks upstairs and into prerna’s room to see her on her bed doing her homework.
“sweetheart” divya says as prerna looks up from her notebook.
“hi mom” prerna says. Divya smiles as she sits besides prerna.
“what are you doing?” Divya asks.
“homework” prerna replies.
“most teenagers your age would go to parties rather than doing their homework on a Friday night” divya says.
“am I not most teenagers?” Prerna thought as her eyes started to fill up with tears.
“i’m s-sorry” she says.
Divya looks at her daughter guiltily before hugging her.
“sweetie, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just saying that you should live your life freely. Let the bad things in your life fly away. Enjoy your life, because it’s so short” divya explains while wiping her daughter’s tears.
“i-i’m s-scared” prerna stutters.
“of what sweetie?”
“of n-navin.” Divya hugs her daughter once more.
“i promise you prerna. He won’t hurt you. Not anymore” and with that divya and prerna lay down in peaceful silence until divya hears the door open. She excuses herself as she leaves prerna to do her homework again. Then shivani barges in.
“i can’t believe him!” She exclaims.
“w-what’s wrong?” Prerna asks.
“rohan left me at the party alone so I had to drive home with his friend anurag” she says. Prerna froze.
“is she talking about the guy I met yesterday” prerna thought.
She than shakes her head before looking back at shivani.
“maybe he wasn’t feeling well” prerna innocently says.
Shivani thought for a moment.
“maybe. He did look pale at the party. But I’m still mad at him” shivani pouts.
Prerna slightly giggles when the doorbell rings.
“shivani! It’s for you” their mother shouts.
Shivani and prerna look at each other confused as they than appear on the top of the stairs to see aditya. 
“is it really so bad, rohan?” That you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope? You’ve been given what the most human would kill for. The bite is a gift” anurag says as he pants from his earlier escape from the hunters with rohan.
“i dont want it” rohan says.
“you will and you’re going to need me if you want to learn how to control it. So you and me rohan, we’re brothers now” anurag says before he disappears.
Running towards the Sharma’s house and using his enhance he was able to see prerna asleep. Anurag smiles.
“at least she’s okay” anurag says from outside.
After rohan found out that shivani’s father is a werewolf hunter, his freak out at football practice and the fact that he injured rahul, rohan was back home and was in his room when his mom joins him.
“hey, I’m working late tonight, but I’m taking a day off to see your first game Saturday” janki says.
“no, mom, you can’t!”
“i can and I will! Missing one shift is not going to break us. Not completely. Hey, what’s wrong with your eyes?” Janki asks.
Rohan panics afraid that she saw his werewolf eyes.
“you look like you haven’t slept for days” janki says as rohan sighs in relief.
“oh, er, It’s nothing. I’m just….stressed.”
“just stressed? Nothing else?” Janki asks.
“homework….” Rohan trails off.
“i mean, it’s not like you’re under drugs or anything, right?”
“right now?” Rohan asks confused.
Janki freaks out.
“right now??? i’m sorry, what do you mean right now? Have you ever taken drugs?” Janki says as she crosses her arms over her chest.
“have you?” Rohan asks.
Janki stares at him.
“get some sleep” she says exiting the room.
Rohan goes to his computer and went to his Skype account so he could talk to aditya.
“what did you find out?”
“oh, it’s bad, Rahul has a separated shoulder” adi says.
Rohan’s eyes widen.
“because of me?”
“because he is a jerk!” Adi states.
“is he gonna play?”
“they don’t know yet, now they’re just counting on you for Saturday.” Adi suddenly looks at his computer very carefully.
Adi writes “it looks like”
Since the computer is old and really slow, it’s taking a long time for the messages to receive.
“it looks like what?” Rohan exclaims.
The message finally came onto the screen. “someone’s behind you.” Rohan’s eyes widen as he turns around and sees anurag, who pins him against the wall.
“i saw you on the field!” Anurag states as rohan looks at him with slight fear.
“what are you talking about??”
“you shifted in front of them! If they find out what you are, they will find out about me, they will find out about all of us. And there wont be only the hunters after us, but everyone!” Anurag explains.
“they didn’t see anything, I swear!” Rohan says.
“and they won’t! Because if you even try to play on Saturday, I will kill you myself!” Anurag states as he disappears through the window.
Anurag than runs towards the Sharma’s and climbs up a tree so he was able to see prerna yet still be hidden in the shadows. Using his supernatural hearing and sightseeing he was able to see prerna and her sister shivani.
“do I have to?” Prerna naively asks.
Shivani nods.
“i know you don’t like them prerna, but you have to eat them if you want to feel better. You do, don’t you?” Shivani asks.
Prerna sighs and nods making Shivani smile and hands her the pills. Prerna grimaces but swallows them before drinking some water.
“come on, you have to sleep now” shivani says.
“c-can you s-sleep with me? i’m sc-scared” prerna whispers.
Shivani looks at her with concern.
“why are you scared?”
“t-t-the bad dreams keep c-coming” prerna stutters.
Anurag looks at her as he felt his heart break. Shivani hugs her sister.
“he won’t hurt you. You have me, mom, dad. We won’t let him get to you” shivani says as she got under the covers with prerna and slept.
“and you also have me” anurag thought before he disappears back to his house.

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