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ZaBeer One Shot | Seducing Mullahji | Ishq Subhan Allah | Kabir | Zara

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You are Zara Siddiqui... no Zara Kabeer Ahmed I told myself repeated pacing the bathroom. I could totally pull this off, right?
I hesitantly looked at the bathroom door wondering should I step out?
"Zara, are you done? You've been in there for nearly half an hour?" Kabeer called out knocking the on the door.
"I... I'm coming" I respond but I'm not so sure I want to really leave now.
I move and stop in front of the mirror, my cheeks heat and I felt my heart pounding. I swear I could hear my blood pumping, I cannot believe I had agreed to Reema's suggestion. Note to self: Never listen to your idiotic filmy best friend.
I inhale and exhale for a while, Kabeer calls out knocking on the door again.
"I'm coming, Kabeer" I reply and pace the bathroom floor once more preparing myself mentally.

It had been a month since I'd gotten married into the Ahmed household, on our wedding night we both had agreed to know each other a little before we take the next step into our relationship. Our fathers were friends and they wanted us to be marry one another, Kabeer had no objections and neither did I.
Kabeer had recently returned from Madrasah having completed his Maulvi studies and now assisted my dad and his father in the Shariah board.
I had studied in the ladies Madrasah and recently completed my Islamic Theology and had started working in the local Madrasah as a teacher. Given our backgrounds, our fathers thought we'd be perfect.
It was only after we married that we realised how different we were. Our point of views were poles apart, though we agreed to disagree, we did have our say many a times which resulted in us arguing. But we both worked on not letting it affect our relationship as husband and wife. We both did believe and agree on one thing together, to never sleep angry with each other.

Despite our different views, we worked hard on our relationship. Kabeer always proved to be a wonderful husband, even when he was angry with me. He was always so overly protective, he respected me in front of everyone. His small gestures of admiration marked my heart and I have started falling for him.
No matter how much we disagreed, I never allowed my anger or disappointment show in front of our family members or outsiders. I feel I have gained his appreciation and admiration, but today I will know for sure whether I have made my mark. We've grown close but neither have taken the next step.
We both had hugged and I occasionally had taken the initiative to press a kiss to his cheek and he has held me from behind nuzzling me but other than we had not taken a step closer.

"Have you gone to sleep in there?" Kabeer knocked pulling me from my thoughts.
"Sorry, I'm coming now" I call and grabbed the silken lacy robe and slip into it.
Please don't let me embarrass myself, Allah. I shoot a quick prayer closing my eyes and unlock the door.
I crack open the door a little and notice Kabeer with his back to me, opening the door wider I slowly step out and he turns around. Kabeer looks in surprise, I feel my cheeks heating as I steel myself and meet his eyes.
I dip my eyes unable to hold his stare, my heart was pounding rapidly and my palms were sweating. Did he switch of the AC? Or is it just me?  
I didn't know if I should move from here, should I get into bed or just wait there?
I chew on my lower lip and dart my eyes around our bedroom, I tense when Kabeer clears his throat and moves forward.
I close my eyes as he brushes past me and into the bathroom.
What? My eyes snap open and I look over my shoulder. He didn't even... he could have said something? I huff. He should have been seduced right? I wore such a sexy night dress and primped myself up for an hour in the damn bathroom. I showered, readied myself, blow dried my hair and curled it to give it more volume, I even wore makeup so late into the night. And he just walked past me.
I unlocked my phone screen and was about to curse her stupid ideas when the door unlocked. I stood and stopped in front our dressing table, I picked up the brushing trying to seem like I'm busy and unaffected.
I tried very hard not to glance at him, but I failed and glanced over my shoulder, Kabeer stood near the door staring at me, he patted his face dry with his towel and his eyes perused me. I swallowed and almost dropped the brush from my hand.
I turn away swallowing the tightened lump, "Aise kya dekh rahe ho?" I mumble and curse myself for not asking or saying anything else.
My eyes drew back to him and he gives me a small smile and moves towards me.

This time, the brush drops along with the towel he held. I hold in my breath and stare in surprise. My heart leaps in anticipation and I curl my toes almost excitedly.
I shyly look down and bite down on my lip.
"Zara..." he softly murmurs. "Its late, why are you wearing makeup?"
His words crash over me like waves, and I want to drown.
I snap my head up and frown, how could he even ask that? Why would he even ask that?
Kabeer smiles and steps back crossing his arms, "Are you planning to go out somewhere? Do you need me to drop you off?" he questioned.
"Kabeer..." I look confused, I am confused.
"Waise, if you are planning to go out and need someone to drop you off ask Ashfaq, I'm tired" he stretches his arms yawning then works on the buttons of his sherwani and pulls the jacket off.
Huh? I watch as he moves to his wardrobe grabbing his kurta and goes into the bathroom, he walks out a few minutes later changed and I have yet not moved.
How could he assume I'll be going out dressed like this? How stupid could a man be though? Does he not see the dress?
He doesn't assume this is an abaya or something does he? I turn my eyes to the mirror and look at myself. Nope it's definitely a sexy night dress.
"Shabba Khair"
I turn around and notice Kabeer has climbed into bed and switched off his side night lamp and turned onto his side.
Shabba Khair? I scowl and climb onto our bed and pull on his arm until he's on his back. "Kabeer, I'm dressed up for you and you're thinking I'm going out" I rant angrily. "You're so clueless, here I was thinking to seduce my clueless Mullahji and thought... we'll..." I halt and my cheeks heat when he looks at me amused. Kabeer sits up and our faces are very close. I blush and turn to hurry out of bed when he grabs my wrist pulling me close and his other arm hauls me into his lap.
"Kabeer..." I whisper.
"You've already seduced me, you don't need to seduce me" he chuckled.
I look surprised and he laughs, Kabeer cradles my cheek and brings me forward.
I slip both my arms around his neck and kiss him, he smiles and deepens our kiss... Embarrassed

Writer: Sweet Indulgence 
Shared by (Chitra)

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