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MehrYa SS | The Love Note | Zindagi Ki Mehak | Mehak | Shaurya |

It was a rainy day. It felt like the storm would engulf everything. The high tides were very scary but they could not scare HER. She was standing there afraid of the shrieking waves. "Why?Why god?why did you do this to me?What sin have I done that you took away my father from me? She blamed the god crying aloud while her face raised upwards to the sky and water droplets fell on her face. Her sister Nehal was about to get married but her fianc got killed in an accident while reaching the wedding venue due to which his father got a heart attack and died. She had decided that she too did not want to live in this world where she did not have her family beside her. She had nobody in this world except her sister Nehal her mother had died when she was very small.
"I am coming to you mama and papa. She cried and took a step forward towards the water which warned her to stay away. She had just took a step but she stumbled upon something and fell down. She looked behind to find out what the thing was.   

It was a old weary notebook. She stood up and picked it up and moved her hands around the cover of the book in order to recognise the letters on it. "MEHEK SHARMA!!she read it out. She was shocked to see her name on it. She opened the book to find out what was there inside it. When she was about to open it a light appeared up in the sky. Nothing was visible. She looked up and figure appeared from the light. 

"How are you my child?the figure asked. Mehek freaked out on seeing the figure flying over her head. She started heading back "who are you? She asked nervously while her legs shaking. "Mehek dear I am here for you. Don't be afraid the figure said. Mehek was very scared "How do you know my name she asked. "God has sent me to you.the angel quickly replied. "But who are you. Are you any alien?Mehek asked for justification. "No! I am not an alien. My name is Ishtar I am the goddess of love. I am here to guide you about the book you are holding right now.the figure explained. "What about this book ? Mehek looked forward to her. "You see this book... Mehek looked down at the book upon which she had stumbled and looked back at her as she continued. 

"Well..this is the TRUTH NOTEBOOK. Said the goddess. "You are the owner of this book now.   "But how can I be the owner of this book mehek asked. "Well for that you can say that you are a lucky girl because the book chooses its owner on its own. It has chosen you among the billions of people around the world. That is why your name was written on it.    

"But what is its use to me..she asked.    "Well I am here to explain that. Only truth can be written in this notebook. If untruth or mistake is written in this notebook the book will change past/present/future to make it true. Now it is up to you if you want to keep it or not.     

"Yes, yes I want to keep it.

    "But be careful it has some rules if you want the change to be deleted you just have to erase what you wrote and second you have to keep writing if you do not write anything for a month the book will automatically change its owner.   

"Okmehek replied in hurry.     

After the disappearance of the goddess. She hurried to her home in PWG. She banged the door. Nehal opened the door "Di you are all wet. Where have you been in this weather?Nehal questioned. Mehek did not pay any attention to her and hurried to her room and locked the door. She sat on the study table and looked for a pen or pencil. As soon as she found a pen she sat down taking a deep breath she wrote down on the notebook:


Writer: ZKM_Aly
     Hoping for everything to get fine she goes to sleep holding the notebook in her arms.     

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