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MayRa OS: The Love Trap | Beyhadh 2 OS | Maya | Rudra

MayRa OS: The Love Trap

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You make the trap. But the fun begins when you find yourself trapped in the same.
A text message appeared on her phone and she needn’t guess who it might be. She could imagine Rajiv smirking on the other side of the phone.
I am working. She typed back and before he could make any calls, she put the phone in flight mode. She could pretend all she want but she was doing anything but ‘work’.
Her eyes constantly going back to the burgundy colour envelope lying on her desk. And she needn’t guess what it might be. An invitation to the great Roy’s mansion for attending and engagement party. Rudra and Ananya's engagement party.
She knew this was coming her way. After what happened that night. After she saw denial in his eyes right after he touched her with his heart. Right after she broke down because she was in denial too. She knew she’s not made for love. She was once, and she knew what it did to her. She cant be that her  again.
Feelings. Emotions. And mostly, getting involved with Rudra Roy to the point towards falling in love with him was uncalled for. And Maya Jaisingh finally found a hole in her full proof plan.
She can’t fall for Rudra Roy.
She was never supposed to.
But now, she is.
A knock over the door finally broke her from her trance as she saw Ananya and Rudra made their way inside. She maintained her grim face but the bright glow of happiness wasn’t amiss from Ananya's face. And Maya was sure, Ananya wouldn’t leave any chance to rub it on her face about the engagement. Maya ignored Ananya as her eyes desperately wanted to see Rudra, but she didn’t.
“Well Maya, I hope you found the news of our engagement as I’ve already sent the invitation, but I wanted to invite you personally.” Ananya said cheerfully. She remained silent as she focused on her laptop and silently handed another printed spiral towards Ananya. “The next chapters. . .”. Her words ended right there. Ananya, as ever so excited to read the next chapters she made her exit almost immediately leaving behind Rudra with Maya.
“You know what’s worse about a book Rudra?” she asked still not looking from her laptop. She felt him inch closer to her as she could feel his nervous breaths.
“Half baked conclusions. They never give you the satisfaction regarding the end.” She finally looked at him. His eyes were red, probably with rage or he was crying, she was unsure.
“What happened to you?” His rattled voice surprised her as she soulfully felt the underlying concern in his words. But it’s too late. Too damn late Rudra. Her fist tightened as she smiled at him.
“causalities”, was all she managed to say. He knew she was playing with words. But he cannot ignore the bandage over her head and the red marks over her hands. Impatiently moving forward he pulled the chair she was sitting over and made her face him. 
“Ahh"! She yelped as his feet made contact with her injured leg. Rudra stiffened wondering what might have hurt her. 
“What happened Maya?” he asked again while trapping her over the chair. Then his fingers slowly inched closer to touch the bandage over her forehead. A touch was what she wanted to avoid and that’s what Rudra Roy can’t avoid? In an unspringing move she threw his hands away.
“I realised I am a dead end for you too Rudra. I saw it in your eyes. And I can’t give you something you don’t want. Emotions, apparently aren’t free for me. They cost me my feelings.” she whispered and got up. She stumbled across the floor as she took a few steps and he didn’t miss the change in her attire. She didn’t wear heels. That was replaced with black flats. He could notice a bandage wrapped around her left foot too.
That was the last straw for him. He can’t anymore with his concerns for her and so he stopped her. Not by words but by literally dragging her away from the exit door and pressing her over the wall behind her. The sudden change in his mood baffled her too. She was unprepared for this. She was unprepared for many things Rudra Roy did to her. Like being comfortable with his touch. Revealing more of her when she should be masking herself. And most importantly letting her self control shatter in that single kiss. And as she looked into the depth of his eyes, she couldn’t think of anything other than the moment they shared under a pink sky.
Rudra couldn’t take his eyes off her. She showed no sign of struggle as he trapped her against the wall. It was the first time after that night he saw her. And now that he’s seeing her realized how of he missed. She didn’t call him. And after two days she showed up at the office today, injured. He couldn’t just wrap his head around the reasons. What exactly had happened to her?
“Why didn’t you tell me Maya, that you were hurt? I hoped you will at least talk to me!”
“we should tell things only when the other one is ready to listen Rudra. And you didn’t hope. You just assumed and made your conclusions. You don’t have to care about what happened to me!” regret washed over him as he finally realized how she must have been hurt. He did remember the crackling of a glass and he did remember how he ran out of her place. She must have stepped on those glass pieces while trying to go after him. That’s all he could assume for now. And all that mattered to him right now was the hurt he saw in her eyes for which he was responsible. 
“I .. I am sorry May. . .”
“Congratulations Rudra, for your engagement.” She said as she finally made her way out of the office leaving behind a devastated Rudra. Was that hurt in her voice? Was that sadness in her smile as she congratulated him? He doesn’t doubt that she feels otherwise but what will he do now? How will he ever going to make up for that? How will he face Ananya afterwards? His one rushed decision is going to mess with three lives entirely and all he could do is watch it happen helplessly. He has given his words to Ananya and now he can’t back off. Frustrated with himself he punched the wall. 
Maya Jaisingh thought she could handle it. It would have been easier if he’d have accepted whatever happened that night to be a mistake. But he doesn’t and all of his worried voice and painful eyes are making her way more vulnerable. So she just ran away from him. . . 
“The hell are you doing here Rajiv?” she asked irritated as soon as she spotted her best friend and the co-conspirator, happily munching over a paratha made by her mother. 
“Taking care of mom.” He said, as he took another bite and earned another glare from the mother and daughter duo. 
“Okay okay! Let me finish.” He said and kept giving her sloppy smiles. Looking at their antics Nandini made her way inside leaving behind Maya and Rajiv.
“Stop playing with my mind Rajiv. And this is the last time I am telling you.” Maya warned Rajiv to which he just smiled.
“I am not playing anything M. You are playing with your mind.
What is it I saw?
Desperation? Or despair? Come on M. Just admit it you love him.” He kept on saying.
“I can’t love him Rajiv, you know it better.”
“Its only when you learn to love again you can let yourself with the chance of healing. Enough is enough M. I want you to heal.”
“a heart that has healed can’t finish  what I have started. I can’t heal, I can’t give myself that chance yet.” She told Rajiv with a tone of finality in her voice. “And you are saying all this because you are worried for your brother.”
“You can’t imagine how much I am worried about you than I am about him M. You deserve happiness and I believe Rudra is the one who is capable of everything you deserve.” 
“I know what I deserve Rajiv. Now leave me alone.” She said and she made her way upstairs.
Rajiv took the sofa, flipping through the tabs on his ipad and smiled as he stared at a particular footage of this house. 
An hour later as she got down the stairs in a deep black bodycon dress and stone studded flats, he couldn’t say anything else but stare at her agape.
“So the revenge queen of MJ empire is back to action? I don’t understand what you’re planning M. And when you dress like that, I hear sirens from all over the world.” Rajiv said being in the same attire as before, showing no interest in whatever the event she’s going to attend. 
“I need to get him out of my system. I need to see him get engaged right in front of my eyes. I need to see that the story he started in my heart to be finished entirely.”
“You think you can handle that?”
“you know what I have survived.” A long silence prevailed in the room. Rajiv was silent and finally he shrugged as if he’s done convincing her. She left afterwards missing the smirk that played on his face.

At Roy Mansion

Ananya was getting ready for her engagement. It was like a dream coming into reality in the most bizarre way. She had never expected Rudra to run towards her, seeking comfort in her and finally telling her that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She wanted nothing more than that. 
“Anu are you ready?” Diya walked in as she saw Ananya in front of the mirror. “a few more minutes and I am done.”  Ananya called out and told Diya not to wait for her. As she was about to leave a notification alerted her. She checked upon her phone. There was a media file from an unknown person. She touched the open button and the media played in front of him. What she saw shattered the floor beneath her feet. As soon as the video ended it was deleted without a trace. She shouldn’t have seen this. She shouldn’t have opened this. Her perfect moment cannot be spoiled by this. But as much she tried to convince herself she can’t pull herself to go downstairs and continue whatever that was planned for the evening.
Downstairs, Rudra Roy was unusually silent. MJ noticed this as he ever so happily interacted with some of his guests. He was unsure why Rudra took such a step. Rudra was unusually drinking shots after shots, and that's how Maya noticed him standing behind a corner. She flinched at the sight. She was hoping to see him smiling. She was hoping to see him cheerful with Ananya. She was hoping bear all the burdens of her broken heart all alone. But all his actions are clearly telling her that he’s hurt too. That he’s pretending too. She was here to loose all the shattered pieces of her heart so that they could never be mend again. But she didn’t expect to see him shatter the same way as hers.
The cheerfulness of the party hall died down and a silence washed over the place as all eyes turned to the woman coming downstairs. Ananya looked elegantly beautiful in a peach color lehnga wit matching accessories as she took slow steps down. Antara went to her side and brought her down from halfway towards the centre of the hall. Later she dragged Rudra in the middle of the hall too. 
MJ took the mic in his hand as he greeted everyone and thanked them for being a part his sons happiness. As soon as he introduced Ananya to crowd, her face fell. She struggled to react as if she was stunned with something. Rudra didn’t fail to notice this. He straight away asked her what is wrong with her. Ananya looked him in the eye and shook her head...
“I... I can’t do this Rudra.” She said with her lips trembling. Stunned with her reply Rudra tried to shook her as he touched her by her arms. “Listen Anu if you are doing some silly joke or taking revenge for all the time I’ve annoyed you, stop it.”
“I am not joking Rudra.” She repeated herself. Whatever she said finally started sinking in him and he froze. “Anu why. . .”! All he could manage is a question. 
“You should better ask yourself Rudra! Why? I am not getting engaged to you Rudra Roy.” She said loudly and hastily made her exit from the hall. Rudra was too shocked to react. 
But there was someone else who was shocked too. Maya wasn’t expecting to witness this as well. She too made her exit from the mansion before anyone could notice her. 
When she reached home, Rajiv was still there with his tab open. She could take a clear look at the party from the Roy mansion.
Rage filled her eyes as she stomped inside and pulled Rajiv by his collar. She pushed him against the wall, making him drop the tablet as she held him his throat. Even with struggle Rajiv smiled.
“How dare you?” His smile only and only infuriated her further as she kicked him in the knee. Rajiv gasped in pain. “from now on, you only do what I will be asking you to do. And if you disobey, you will know where I have kept all your secrets Rajiv. I won't hesitate . . .” She hissed in his ear.
“I . . . Don't care. . . what you do with my secrets M. I want you to be happy.” As soon as those words leaves his lips, Maya stopped and succumbed to the floor. Rajiv slides down too, resting his back on the wall and stared at his best friend.
“what made Ananya say no?” She asked in her sharp voice.
“Balcony isn’t the perfect place to kiss M. Not when you have CCTV cameras in every angle of your flat.” He smiled again, and patted her on the shoulder. 
“you two are just broke. You deserve each other. Accept it or deny it, you can’t deceive yourself for long.” Rajiv squeezed her arm before finally getting out of her house. And Maya was clueless about her next plan for the first ever time after eight years of this planning. . .


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