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Poke. Poke. "Mahir!", in a soft voice.
Pinch. "Mahir"
He wakes up startled! 
"What? What happened!?", face resembling an emoji of disgust, irritated, confusion and anger...all in one.
"I am not able to sleep! He's moving alot!!", Bela said pointing to her belly.
Mahir made a puppy face realizing that his wife and baby will make this night worth remembering.
"Bela! She must be trying to find a comfortable place to sleep like you.", he said joking, taking her in his embrace and rubbing his hand on her belly. 
"Calm down baby! It's your dadda here!", and after few seconds, the movement in her stomach sooth down. And then soon, Bela falls asleep in his lap.
"These two together can push me to the edge!"


"Mahirr!!!", He hugged her tight as she cried her heart out.
"Bela! Baby what happened!?", but she was just crying crying and crying.
He was in the kitchen, making pan cakes for her. And she was watching a Spain vs Brazil football match. Actually both were watching but he was thrown away from the couch because she was hungry for the nth time that day. It was when she heard her crying his name.
"MAAHIRRR!!", she cried as he was rubbing her back..
"Baby's alright!?", he tried feeling the baby through her belly.
He was in tension. She was alright few seconds before.
"What happened Bela! Tell me love!?", He said as he felt she was getting better.
"Mahir! The remote's battery died!", and crying again like anything.
And this left Mahir in a 'what the hell was that?' expression.
Mahir looked around in exasperation with his sobbing wife in his arms, rubbing her back.
"Brazil won Bela!", and it was his turn to cry as she squealed, happily jumping up on him, giving him a bone crushing hug, watching the TV as the team celebrated. 
"Told you Mahir! My team is the best!!!", she said in the most cheerful voice.
Who could tell she was crying vigorously just few seconds ago! Phew!


"Pink will look good on her!"
"No blue will look good on him!"
"Pink!", Mahir said as she burst crying!
"You are so bad Mahir! I hate you! You are the worst husband!", Bela said in between her sobs.
"Okay okay! Baby blue for her!"
Bela glared at him...
"Okay Blue for HIM!", Mahir said defeated.


Mahir was getting impatient, as he looked at his watch. 2:30. He was tapping his fingers for quite a fifteen minutes now.
"Mahir! Let's go home!", said Bela thinking they could come tomorrow to get the reports.
"NO!", was all he said.
The doctor turned up after eternity, which in her language was just few minutes.
"Daddy and Mumma, don't need to worry! The baby's doing fine!", as she shows him some ultrasound images taken from her monitor. She hands over the picture to Mahir, and he smilingly receives it.
The six months old baby curled up in itself, with it's thumb in it's mouth as if sucking it. 
Both smiled seeing the picture. Bela could swear she saw a tear run from his eyes. She squeezed his hand to comfort him.


"Bela! Baby please open the door! I'll explain!", He was knocking the door from the last ten minutes holding a pillow and blanket in his hands.
"I am sorry love! Please open the door!!!", He pleaded.
Sumitra and Andy came out of their room, followed by Yuvi and Vish.
"What happened Bhai!?", Said Yuvi.
"Haan Mahir! See it's 1 right now..", Andy says rubbing his eyes.
Sumitra goes to the door, "Bela beta! Open the door!!"
Bela opened the door with red eyes, puffed as if she was crying, holding her belly bump, and hairs messed up.
Sumitra went in to hug her.
"Calm down Bela! Tell me what happened!?",
"Yes! Yes dear...what happened!?", Mahir approached her to hold her but she sways his hand away.
"Ma! He says I am getting fat!"
Listening to her, Andy, Yuvi and Vish controlled their laughter with great difficulty, trying to kill it inside their mouths while Sumitra glared at Mahir. Mahir made a puppy face. 
"Beta! You are getting beautiful day by day! See yourself. This belly bump makes you so cute! Am I right!?"
"Yes Sumi! Bela looks wonderful!", Andy said still trying hard to control himself.
"Yes!", Yuvi and Vish said in unison.
"Bela...let him sleep inside because you need someone by your side but don't let him sleep on the bed!", said Sumitra, as both glared at him in anger. 
Mahir ended sleeping on the sofa, as FAT Bela, slept in the middle of bed, making sure he is left with no ways to sneak beside her.


"Mahir! A butterscotch ice cream, with chocolate sprinkles, and a milkshake with coffee syrup!", she said as he was going out at the midnight, to fetch his wife's favourite ice-cream, because suddenly she feels like she can't live without it.
After driving for at least one hour and going to all nearby shops, he buys the ice cream and milkshake.
He comes back and straight away goes to his room, finding Bela sitting on the bed, waiting for him. 
As he comes, she jumps to him, to snatch the packet from his hand. 
She takes out the milkshake, adored with the coffee syrup. She drinks it all in once!
"I love you Mahir! You are too good!", Mahir smiles seeing her like this and comes to sit near her. He looks at the wall clock. 1:30 am. He was now habitual of waking up with her, at this hour. And then sleeping till mid afternoon again with her. 
As she finishes her milkshake, she takes out her awaiting ice-cream, asking her to eat it.
"Butterscotch ice cream with chocolate sprinkles!", she looks at the ice-cream and her smile turns into a frown.
Mahir notices the change of expression and looks at the ice-cream confusingly.
Mahir starts stammering, "Bela..Bela...woh... actually...I... forgot!", as he noticed that he missed the details she told and just bought the butterscotch flavour.
"What do you think I am?? I had to bear all your tortures!!! You don't know how sick I am feeling??? You are a ridiculous husband! I hate you Mahir!", she goes away before passing an angry glare at him, eating her remaining tasteless ice-cream.
Mahir wondered how swift his pregnant wife is in changing her 'I love you Mahir' to 'I hate you Mahir'.


Bela was angry today! Because Mahir refused to take her on a long drive. 
Mahir was right, because it was the month of December, freezing cold. She may fall sick affecting her own health, as well as the babies. Bela would have cried and made him do what she wants, but before that Mahir shouted on her saying that it's his responsibility to take care of both, Bela and the baby. And he won't comprise even if she doesn't like.
Bela was furious on him and took a place on the bed, picking up a book of baby names and reading it, mid ways passing angry glares to him.
After finishing his work, he came and sat near her, now to persuade her.
"Bela...!", as he held her hand and she sways it away.
He smiles seeing her cute antiques. No one can say, she's going to be a mother in next two months.
He kept his hand on her baby bump, "Hey! Kiddo! Wake up! Dadda's here!", and not to his surprise the baby kicked, making Bela chuckle at the tickling sensation the baby's kicking caused. It was none but Mahir, who could make the baby response to his voice. Whenever he kept hands on Bela's belly and called out to the baby, it always responded hearing it's father's voice. Not even Bela could do this. And this has continued from the fifth month of pregnancy.
"Your mumma is angry! Ask her to pardon me! Please!", and a series of kicks followed. 
"My baby will be a footballer!", Mahir laughed as he sensed the baby kicking. Bela was too laughing at the antiques of the baby. It kicked again hearing Mahir!
"Okay Mahir! Now stop! Otherwise he won't let me sleep!", Bela said caressing her belly as the baby seemed to calm down now.
"Dadda loves you!", He said again and Bela again earned a kick. 
She hits Mahir to push him away. This dadda with her kiddo, torture her alot!


"Mahir! Please hold me!", as she stamps her foot on the floor, getting irritated. She just came out of shower dressed in her night wear belly protruding large. It was her eighth month. But since Mahir's baby was fast, he grew up rather faster as compared to normal babies in womb. 
"Coming baby! Just a second!", Mahir goes to her and hugs her. Obviously a gap was left because of her huge belly. Mahir smiled seeing her hugging him back. But just after few seconds, she backed off with a frown!
"Why are you not hugging me properly?? Am I fat?? Am I no more attractive to you?? I don't look good??", Bela shouts at him
"Bela! It was not my mistake. Your belly bump is...!"
"Oh! So now you'll blame my baby! Get lost! You are such a cheapo!", She storms off to the bed, throwing away a blanket and a pillow as Mahir picks them up saying, "Another night on couch!Phew!"


"Bela! Just push a little!"
"Mahir I can't! Aaahhh!", she screamed in pain as doctors worked upon her and she held Mahir tightly. Her pain was evident seeing how hard she pierced her nails in his hands, unknowingly causing them to bleed. 
"Bela! Just one time!!", And she pushes with all her might.
Finally giving birth to a baby boy.
The baby cries in the highest pitch, giving his mumma, a fierce competition. Both Bela and Mahir hug each other as they hear the first cry of the symbol of their love.
"Congratulations! Mr. Mahir and Mrs. Bela! You are now parents to a baby boy!", as the doctor hands over the baby to Mahir, as Bela smiles at him, in her half consious state. 
The family outside the ward, beemed with joy. Yuvi almost shouted forgetting at what place he is!
Leaving Bela, to take some rest, Mahir goes to the family with his boy in his hands. He opened his shirt and held the baby close so as to give him his heat. Sumi cried seeing the little Mahir.
"Sumi! He looks like Mahir! So identical!", Andy beemed up.
"Hey Dad! See that mole on his neck, same like bhai's", Yuvi says smilingly.
"Give the baby to his choti ma!", Vish said taking the baby from Mahir's hand, caressing his head.
"Our MAHI!", as they forwarded to the room where Bela was to click the first ever picture of the MINI SEHGAL!

Writer: VK1nonly

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