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Arshi OS | Online Love | Arnav | Khushi | IPKKND | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon

"You have lost your mind for sure! What's wrong with you Khushi? How in the world do you believe in such things?"Payal screamed at Khushi while walking up and down their bedroom. "But Jiji, he was so romantic and caring and all. I didn't expect him to look like that."Khushi started to sob.
Suddenly Khushi phone started to ring. Khushi answered the call without taking note of the number. "Hello jaan. how r u? I am so glad that you accepted me the way I look with all the scars on my face. We shall meet again tomorrow, 4pm at the coffee café alright? Muacks, love you. Bye honey!” and the guy hang the phone up even before Khushi could open her mouth to answer back.
Khushi started hitting her forehead with her hands and started to cry. Payal quickly ran to Khushi’s side. “Khushi, Khushi. All okay? What did that guy tell you? Khushi, let me give you this advice, it is okay dear that he doesn’t meet up to your expectations for looks. The most important thing that you have to look out for is the character. And yes his depth of love for you. I am not saying whatever you did is right. Whatever mess you are in right now is entirely your fault. But what you have to do now is to sort out your idea and make a decision. Its either you want it or don’t. Whatever decision you take, I will be by your side supporting you.” Payal told.
Khushi wiped her tears and looked into her sister’s eyes and gave her a tight hug. Khushi knew that no one was in the position to sort the mess she was in right. Khushi broke the hug and smiled slightly to her sister and whispered “Thank you Jiji. Let’s get to bed now. Good night.” Saying that Khushi lay on her bed looking up to the celling. Without her realization tears started scrolling down as she started recalling all her conversations with the man whom she had claimed as her Mr Right.
It all started on one fine night when she could not get any sleep and she decided to explore an online chat room, Zumba. She began chatting with several people but none of them were the type she wanted to chat with. All of them wanted to speak of sexual issues and she certainly didn’t like it. Just when she was about to log out, thinking that she is was wasting her time, a user with the name dude 123 started to chat with her.
Dude123 was someone different in the chatroom. He didn’t want to talk about sexual issues and instead was like Khushi herself, just bored and wanted to chat with someone. That night was the night that changed Khushi’s life. Khushi and dude123 got along very well and they grew fond of one another that they started chatting on a daily basis for the next 3 months. Once three months were over, Khushi realized that slowly she was falling for this guy. 
From the conversations they had, Khushi learnt that dude123 was a good looking guy. He also seemed like he was caring and respectful. All these points were the reasons for Khushi to fall for him. On the fourth month, dude123 suddenly proposed to Khushi and he stated his interest in her and though they have not met, he said that he felt that Khushi was the one for him.
Khushi was on cloud nine. She didn’t expect that dude123 would also feel the same way as her. Khushi immediately confessed her feelings to him. And they decided to exchange their phone number. Every night without fail, they will talk over the phone. Khushi liked it and she felt special with the way dude123 treated her. And one day when both of them felt they were ready, they decided to meet up and get to know one another even better and to also at last know their real names.
Khushi went to the venue as they had decided and she saw dude123. He was standing right in front of her. He was dressed in a white polo tee and jeans. He did look good but the moment Khushi saw his face. Khushi almost puked out. Dude123 face had several stitches on his left side of his forehead. “Hi prettylady245, I am your dude123. Thank you so much for coming down. Please come let’s sit at the bench there and talk.” Khushi was in total shock. The person she have imagined all her life looked way better that this guy standing in front of her. 
Khushi felt lost, she didn’t know what to do. She just followed him and sat at the bench. The next 30 mins that they spent together was like a daze to Khushi. She could not focus on what he was saying. Her heart was fully immersed in the disappointment. The only thing that she could ever remember was his name was Shyam. She didn’t even had the guts to speak up.
With that bench scene running through Khushi’s mind, Khushi sat up on her bed. She hugged her knees and started to think carefully. Some part of her wanted Shyam still because he was such a sweet gentleman but another part of her didn’t want him as he wasn’t good looking at all. Khushi tried to reason out with herself and after an hour or so of battling with herself within, she came to a conclusion. She concluded that she did want Shyam because she could never find some as sweet as him in ages to come. With a new light, Khushi went to sleep.
The next day, Khushi waited for Shyam at the venue he had told her. She had been waiting for 20 minutes and she saw no sight of Shyam. She panicked and she was about to take her phone out when she felt some one tap her shoulder. She turned around and she stared straight into the person’s eyes.
Khushi was mesmerized by the guy who stood in front of her. He was dressed up in his formal attire and he was looking dashing and hot. Khushi only came back to her senses when she heard him speak up. “Hi Miss Khushi. I am the actual Dude123 from online chat zumba.” He smiled and raised his hands forward for a hand shake. Khushi shook his hands and stood there surprised. “No way this guy is mine. He is way too good for me.. He is soooo hot!” Khushi thought to herself. 

“I can see that you are rather surprised but let me introduce myself. I am Arnav. How about you?” Arnav said as he sat opposite Khushi. “I am Khushi. But how can you be dude123? I just met him yesterday. His name is Shyam. What is happening here? Have I been cheated or played around with?” Khushi stated with anger. Only Khushi knew how scared she was within. She was scared that she was in some danger.
“Khushi relax. Yesterday the guy Shyam you met is my friend. I sent him to see to check and see if you loved me for who I am or for who I look. You passed the test. I can see that your love for me is majorly based for who I am. And I am happy about that Khushi. And I am sorry for all the trouble I have put you through. I am real dude123 and I love you my baby Khus!” Arnav said.

 Khushi finally felt relieved. She knew Arnav was not lying. Only he calls her Khus. No one else did know of that nick name. Khushi smiled and she blushed. Arnav took his hand and placed it on top of Khushi’s hand and gave it a light squeeze.
And slowly Arnav took out a box from his pocket. Arnav got up from his seat and went down on his knees in front of Khushi and opened his box. “Will you do the honors of being my wife? Will you marry me Khus jaan?” Arnav pleaded. Khushi didn’t know this was coming. She was shocked and happy all at the same time that she shed tears of joy and nodded her head yes.
Arnav was extremely happy and put the ring on her finger and he gave a peck on her cheek. Khushi was out of her mind and she just did what she felt like doing at that moment. She got up and threw herself at Arnav for a hug. She hugged him very tightly and said, “I love you too baby. And I know you are and always be my Mr Right.” And with that she kissed him on his forehead. 

Arnav was pleased with Khushi’s reaction. He took her face in his hands and said, “Baby you are also my Miss Right and I love you very much. I know we will pull through all obstacles in life together and our love will never die.” With that he placed a kiss on her lips sensuously.

Writer: Shangari

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